• 该市现任市长路易吉·布鲁格罗曾嘲笑联合国教科文组织管闲事同时继续支持雇佣了5000名尼斯居民的游轮行业

    The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents.


  • 北卡罗来杜克大学人口统计学家尼斯·曼顿说:“确实引发一个问题,即什么正常老龄化。”

    "It really raises the question of what should be considered normal ageing," says Kenneth Manton, a demographer from Duke University in North Carolina.


  • 莱托诸如此类的早期作品看起来描绘的确实是尼斯

    Such early Canalettos actually look like Venice.


  • 希拉里第一意大利我们爱上佛罗伦萨锡耶比萨吉米·亚诺和尼斯

    It was the first trip to Italy for Hillary and me, and we fell in love with Florence, Siena, Pisa, San Gimignano, and Venice.


  • 斯坦尼斯·德阿大脑中的阅读甚至没有进入那个初选单,然而可能2009年最喜欢科学读物

    Reading in the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene didn't make even that cut, though it was probably my favourite science read of 2009.


  • 时,布莱恩·罗布森马克·休斯埃里克坎通路德。范。尼斯特·鲁伊已经离开了。

    Since I came into the team, the likes of Bryan Robson, Mark Hughes, Eric Cantona and Ruud van Nistelrooy have all left the club.


  • 反动派掌控东部托布鲁克尼斯边境富撒山脉的瓦津,这保证了民兵组织无懈可击的供给线然而卡扎菲供给开始破裂

    Rebel control of the border at Tobruk in the east and Wazin in the Nafusa mountains bordering Tunisia gave the militia unbroken supply lines, while the colonel's lines began to fragment.


  • 西1995年初次导演长气球》即获得电影节摄影机奖。 2000年,执导的《生命的圆圈》获得尼斯电影节大奖金狮奖。

    Panahi won the Camera d'Or at the Cannes film festival in 1995 for his debut feature, The White Balloon, and the Golden Lion at Venice for his 2000 drama, The Circle.


  • 道菜灵感来自印度南部城市海德拉巴烹饪法,里面加入加”及其辣椒,“加椒”已尼斯世界纪录确认世界上辣的辣椒。

    The dish, inspired by cuisine from Hyderabad in southern India, includes the Naga and its seedsconfirmed by Guinness world Records as the hottest chilli pepper in the world.


  • 打印有一手写段落,尼斯·米尔写道:“这样的成功安排非常困难的,也我们感到痛苦。”

    In handwritten notes below a typed section of the letter, Dennis Milner wrote: "Arranging this so that it does not fail has been very difficult and traumatic for us."


  • 尼斯发言人杰米·帕斯说:“香奈尔长寿的吉尼斯世界纪录保持者。”

    "Chanel is the Guinness world record holder for the oldest living dog," said Jamie Panas, a spokeswoman for Guinness.


  • 美国地质调查局哈得特称,最初数据显示上周五的大地震使日本发生了约8英尺的位移。

    The initial data suggests Friday's earthquake moved Japan's main island about 8 feet, according to Kenneth Hudnut of the U.S. Geological Survey.


  • 斯特垆坶尼斯·布拉饰演,妻子莉尤达由格里塔•斯卡奇饰演,母亲安娜的饰演者珍妮特•舒兹曼。

    Shtrum is played by Kenneth Branagh, his wife Lyuda by Greta Scacchi and his mother Anna by Janet Suzman.


  • 希腊经济和产业研究基金会(IOBE)总干事尼斯•斯托拉斯是治理希腊经济的员猛将,他此次垄断业的震慑取得的成功无可厚非。

    Yannis Stournaras, director-general of IOBE, an economic think-tank in Athens, calls the shake-up of the monopolies a qualified success.


  • 比尔·盖茨——肯尼斯·布莱昂·迪卡普里奥杰克·达文波特、爱德华·诺顿贾斯汀•朗。

    Bill Gates — Kenneth Branagh, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Davenport, Ed Norton and Justin Long.


  • 摆在欧洲法官们面前案例涉及生活意大利尼斯辛·萨迪(Nassim Saadi)与其意大利伴侣以及他们8岁孩子

    Before Europe's judges was the case of Nassim Saadi, a Tunisian living in Italy with his Italian partner and their eight-year-old child.


  • 来自纽约萨拉克(Saranac法兰克.阿梅斯一双9.6厘米长的浓眉《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》上赢得了一席之地。

    Frank Ames of Saranac in New York earned his place in the Guinness Book of World Records with a pair of bushy brows measuring 9.6cm.


  • 尼斯委员会认定瓦伦汀于1896年7月9日出斯吉拉斯州Carangola城市这里度过一生

    Guinness verified that Valentim was born on July 9, 1896, in the city of Carangola in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, where she lived all her life.


  • 一点非常重要:伦敦国家画展举办了“威尼斯莱托与其对手”的特别展览,共展出六十多幅油画,而这些油画宣传性支持这个观点。

    That is the important thing. Some 60 examples of painted propaganda in support of this make up “Venice: Canaletto and his Rivals”, which just opened at London’s National Gallery.


  • 伦敦咨询机构Capital Economics.罗伊尼斯行长认为,那些长期争论不定的力量将会缓解通货膨胀,这似乎最终可以证实其本身的价值。

    The Governor will "be relieved that those forces that they have long argued will bring inflation back down appear finally to be asserting themselves," said Jonathan Loynes from Capital Economics.


  • 8月30日飞往哥伦比亚卡塔赫,同行的众议院议长尼斯·哈斯特尔特另外位众议员,参议院·另外参议员还有位内阁成员

    On August 30, I flew to Cartagena, Colombia, with Speaker Dennis Hastert and six other House members, Senator Joe Biden and three other senators, and several cabinet members.


  • 美国加利福尼亚州公路巡警部门警力调派员尼斯·基尔施说:“人们有时打来电话只是因为他们驾车穿过汽车餐厅排队的秩序。还有是因为他们迷路了。”

    "People have called because they went through the drive-thru and their order was wrong," said California Highway Patrol dispatcher Dennis Kirchner. "People call because they're lost."


  • 人类质变神秘途径就是神经元循环,这一术语神经学家斯坦尼斯拉斯·德阿(StanislasDehaene)首次提出,指利用大脑先天能力开发全新机能

    This mystery mechanism of human transformation is neuronal recycling, coined by neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene, wherein the brain's innate capabilities are harnessed for altogether novel functions.


  • 美国国家卫生研究院尼斯。德会上说道,持续口吃至少一部分原因基因问题

    Dennis Drayna of America's National Institutes of Health argued to the meeting that persistent stuttering is at least partly a matter of genes.


  • 多·萨奇尼,意大利尼斯大学建筑学院院长城市规划教授

    Bernardo Secchni, Dean and Professor of Urban Planning, University of Venice Institute of Architecture, Italy.


  • 尼斯世界纪录大全》记载,有记录以来最大雪花直径达到15英寸——1887年美国蒙大基奥下的鹅毛大雪发现的。

    According to Guinness World Records, the largest snowflake ever recorded was a 15-incher that besieged Fort Keogh, Montana, in 1887.


  • 大约在1820年,德国医生杰斯丁尼斯·肯用“腊肠毒素来描绘杆菌毒素由于这种致命的肉毒梭常常肉制品中被发现

    Around 1820, the German doctor Justinus Kerner described botulin toxin as "sausage poison", because the deadly Clostridium botulinum bacterium is often found in meat products.


  • 大约在1820年,德国医生杰斯丁尼斯·肯用“腊肠毒素来描绘杆菌毒素由于这种致命的肉毒梭常常肉制品中被发现

    Around 1820, the German doctor Justinus Kerner described botulin toxin as "sausage poison", because the deadly Clostridium botulinum bacterium is often found in meat products.


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