• 比较构造索尔顿,它是从加利福尼亚延伸出片洼地

    The larger structure is the Salton Trough, a depression that stretches from the Gulf of California.


  • 科罗拉多起源于落矶山脉,朝西南流入加利福尼亚

    The Colorado river rises in the Rockies and flows southwest into the gulf of California.


  • 这些区域位于芬兰海岸沿线芬兰中部至波尼亚北部

    These areas are situated around the Finnish coast from Mid-part of Gulf of Finland up to the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia.


  • 微量盐度存在于卡特·加特海峡北波尼亚的广阔的水域

    A clear salinity gradient exists from the almost oceanic conditions in the northern Kattegat to...


  • 意大利西西里岛东部城市,濒临卡塔尼亚,是爱奥尼·亚一个海

    A city of eastern Sicily, Italy on the Gulf of Catania, an inlet of the Ionian Sea.


  • 入夏以来,随着墨西哥加利福尼亚潮湿空气抵达风向风暴大作

    The prevailing winds have shifted since the onset of Summer and rumbling storms herald the arrival of moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of California.


  • 卡塔尼亚意大利西西里岛东部城市,濒临卡塔尼亚,是爱奥尼·亚一个海

    A city of eastern Sicily, Italy on the Gulf of Catania, an inlet of the Ionian Sea.


  • 他们心满意足地证实了密西西比河没有加利福尼亚里去没有流到大西洋里去。

    They had proved to their satisfaction, that the Mississippi did not empty into the Gulf of California, or into the Atlantic.


  • 图片中显示一个鲨鱼胎儿是从加利福尼亚捕获怀孕鲨鱼的肚子出来的。

    A fetal shark cut from the belly of a pregnant shark caught in the Gulf of California....


  • 悲惨鲨鱼加利福尼亚流刺网捕获长尾据估计每年上亿头鲨鱼因为而被捕杀。

    Caught in a gill net in the Gulf of California, this thresher shark is among the estimated 100m sharks killed annually for their fins.


  • 由于加利福尼亚区(BayArea)之类地方印度人口增加美国传媒公司重新引进了针对外国人开发频道

    As the Indian population of places like California’s Bay Area has grown, American media firms have reimported channels developed for foreigners.


  • 这张照片名为水底悲哀”,拍摄加利福尼亚湾海底的一张网陷住的海龟。它获得了环境对话领域第三

    Titled "Underwater Sadness," a photograph of a sea turtle caught in a net in the sea of Cortez (see map) won third place in the "Environment and Conservation" category.


  • 这张照片名为水底悲哀”,拍摄加利福尼亚湾海底的一张网陷住的海龟。它获得了环境对话领域第三

    Titled "Underwater Sadness, " a photograph of a sea turtle caught in a net in the Sea of Cortez (see map) won third place in the "Environment and Conservation" category.


  • 比较构造索尔顿海,它是从加利福尼亚延伸出洼地穿过现代科罗拉多三角洲向西北进入加利福尼亚,直达索尔顿海。

    The larger structure is the Salton Trough, a depression that stretches from the Gulf of California, through the modern Colorado River Delta, and northwestward into California as far as the Salton Sea.


  • 芬兰属于欧洲东北部一个北欧国家西南面波罗的海(the BalticSea),南面是芬兰(theGulfof Finland),西面是波的尼亚湾(the Gulf ofBothnia)。

    Finland is a Nordic country in northeastern Europe, bounded by the Baltic Sea to the southwest, the Gulf of Finland to the south and the Gulf of Bothnia to the west.


  • 西弗吉尼亚煤矿爆炸英国石油公司在墨西哥钻井平台漏油事故听证会联邦调查就是国会议员们正在努力解决问题。

    That's the problem lawmakers are wrestling with amid hearings and federal investigations of the Upper Big Branch mine blast in West Virginia and the BP oil rig collapse in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 张照片显示了被渔民长尾,拍摄于加利福尼亚墨西哥

    This photo shows a thresher shark caught in a fisherman's net in Mexico's Gulf of California.


  • 加利福尼亚已经通过了所有严厉的规则防止货船国外动植物带入旧金山

    The state has passed the strictest rules in the country to prevent cargo ships from bringing foreign plants and animals to San Francisco Bay.


  • 加利福尼亚行动具有启发意义:2003年,加利福尼亚拒绝墨西哥生蚝进入市场,除了经过捕捞后加工的。

    The California actions are instructive: in 2003, California refused to allow Gulf Coast oysters from entering the state unless they had undergone post-harvest processing.


  • 几个小时车程,就可以看到几个古老民族新的体现,到蒙特内格洛或者到波斯尼亚历史名城莫斯塔尔。

    Within a few hours' drive are several new incarnations of old nations, such as Montenegro and its Bay of Kotor, or Bosnia and its historic city of Mostar.


  • 休伦湖乔治亚之间62英里手指状的土地安大略省布鲁斯半岛壮观海岸线尼亚加拉的悬崖岩层而闻名。

    A 62-mile finger of land between Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, Ontario's Bruce Peninsula is known for its spectacular shoreline and Niagara Escarpment rock formations.


  • 凶猛海鸥正在危及加利福尼亚旧金山自然修复工程

    The aggressive California gull is putting a San Francisco Bay restoration project at risk.


  • 地震发生北安纳托尼亚平移断层带,大约沿伊兹·米特东西向分布。

    The earthquake occurred along the North Anatolian strike-slip fault that extends roughly east-west beneath the Gulf of Izmit.


  • ICANN总部位于美国加利福尼亚的玛丽安德尔

    ICANN is headquartered in the United States in Marina del Rey, California.


  • 美国,应用最早天文台加利福尼亚州圣荷西市的利克天文台,威斯康辛州威廉斯的叶凯士天文台。

    In the U.S., observatories such as Lick in San Jose, Calif., and Yerkes in Williams Bay, Wisc., were among the first to show the uses of big observatories.


  • 它们一进入内,就被加利福尼亚海狮抓住,它们的被撕,被当做飞盘,来回扔来扔去

    The California sea lion takes the Molas as soon as they come into the bay, RIPS off their fins, fashions them into the ultimate frisbee, Mola style, and then tosses them back and forth.


  • 它们一进入内,就被加利福尼亚海狮抓住,它们的被撕,被当做飞盘,来回扔来扔去

    The California sea lion takes the Molas as soon as they come into the bay, RIPS off their fins, fashions them into the ultimate frisbee, Mola style, and then tosses them back and forth.


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