• 弗吉尼亚医学院皮肤病学助理教授莎尔克称,显微镜下受损皮肤与因时间日晒而损伤的皮肤组织十分相似

    Salkey, an assistant dermatology professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School, said that under the microscope, the affected skin resembles skin damaged by long-term sun exposure.


  • 现在Richmond弗吉尼亚医学院精神病医师KennethKendler同事发现使恐惧遗传因素随着人的长大而发生变化

    Now, psychiatrist Kenneth Kendler of the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond and his colleagues have found that the genetic factors that leave a person prone to fear also shift during development.


  • 周一,位于美国弗吉尼亚福克市维吉尼亚医学院发布了这份研究。对1000名受试者的研究显示累计睡眠时间体重指数刚好反比,体重指数是身高基准来衡量体重的方法。

    Monday's study from Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk covered 1, 000 people and found that total sleep time decreased as body mass indexa measure of weight based on height — increased.


  • 周一,位于美国弗吉尼亚福克市维吉尼亚医学院发布了这份研究。对1000名受试者的研究显示累计睡眠时间体重指数刚好反比,体重指数是身高基准来衡量体重的方法。

    Monday's study from Eastern Virginia medical School in Norfolk covered 1,000 people and found that total sleep time decreased as body mass indexa measure of weight based on height — increased.


  • 美国东弗吉尼亚医学院的研究小组就此展开了研究,他们世界各地(包括美国英国)2万8千零4爸妈进行了43项调查和学习,发现爸爸普遍来说会孩子诞生最早几个星期感到无比开心但3-6个月之后就会出现不同程度的抑郁情绪。

    They found new fathers were generally happiest in the early weeks after the birth of their baby, with depression kicking in after three to six months.


  • 离开医院时,亚当斯决定成为名医生所以美国弗吉尼亚医学院当他那里时,他一种不同方式做事

    When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to Medical School in Virginia, USA , but when he was there he did things in a different way.


  • 科罗拉多大学医学院研究人员为巴塔哥尼亚酵母基因组排序发现近乎完美地与用于酿造啤酒成份相匹配

    Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine sequenced the genome of the Patagonian yeast and found it was a near-perfect match to the element used to brew lager.


  • 疗法源于美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院分子遗传学家让·贝内特20年来对老鼠遗传性失明研究

    The therapy stems from nearly 20 years of research on hereditary blindness in mice and dogs by Jean Bennett, a molecular geneticist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.


  • 宾夕法尼亚雷尔曼医学院睡眠时间生物学主任大卫·丁格,起得很早人和时间夜猫子很难突然改变

    Very early risers and longtime night owls have a hard time ever changing, says David F. Dinges, chief of sleep and chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine.


  • 这件事由斯坦福大学位于加利福尼亚医学院睡眠研究员William Dement一份1965年的报告中有描述,这位研究员曾gardner最后一起保持不的状态。

    It was described in a 1965 paper by sleep researcher William Dement of the Stanford University School of Medicine in California, who stayed awake with Gardner for the final three days.


  • 如果父母们孩子最好外科医生他们前往博洛尼亚医学院

    If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons, they traveled to Bologna's medical school.


  • 其中一个由宾夕法尼亚宾州医学院完成研究提示失眠症危害阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症相当

    One study, conducted at Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania, suggests that insomnia may be as hazardous as obstructive sleep apnea.


  • 这项研究领导者宾尼亚大学医学院CarlJune博士说:“1期实验目的在于安全性可行性并且结果都要在此基础上建立。”

    "The goal of this Phase-1 trial was safety and feasibility and the results established that," said Dr Carl June of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, who led the study.


  • 加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校医学院网站

    This is the website for School of Medicine, University of California at San Diego.


  • 哈佛医学院宾夕法尼亚大学一项共同研究发现睡觉可以提高回想最近过的知识的能力

    A joint study conducted by Harvard Medical School and the University of Pennsylvania found that shut-eye enhances your ability to recall recently learned memories.


  • 美国宾夕法尼亚医学院一个有2.9百万美元企业,它致力于医学教育、生物医学研究高质量医疗服务

    PENN Medicine is a $2.9 billion enterprise dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and high-quality patient care.


  • 莱思莉宾夕法尼亚大学医学院获得了硕士学位他们两个1983年蒙特州一个乡村酒店结了婚。

    Leslie earned her MD from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, and the two were married in 1983 at a Vermont country inn.


  • 科罗拉多大学医学院毕业,他完成了研究生教育慈善医院加利福尼亚圣迭戈

    He is a graduate of the University of Colorado Medical School, and he finished his post graduate education at Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California.


  • HilaryTindle来自宾夕法尼亚匹兹堡医学院报告首席作者

    Hilary Tindle from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania was the lead author of the report.


  • 美国西弗吉尼亚大学West Virginia University)医学院教授达卡特曼(AlanDucatman如果井下积水的,饮用加快人体脱水,引发肾衰竭其他问题。

    If the water in a mine is salty, drinking it can cause quicker dehydration, kidney failure and other damage, said Alan Ducatman, a professor at the West Virginia University School of Medicine.


  • 现在宾夕法尼亚大学雷尔曼医学院研究人员首次人为地实现心肌细胞直接转化心肌细胞。

    Now, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania are the first to demonstrate the direct conversion of a non-heart cell type into a heart cell by RNA transfer.


  • 蜂蜜首次证实一种治疗方法”,首席研究作者、美国宾夕法尼亚州立医学院IanPaul博士

    "This is the first time honey has been actually proven as a treatment," says lead study author Dr. Ian Paul, a researcher at Penn State College of Medicine.


  • 选择了医学院毕业后成为医生加利福尼亚建立了繁荣诊所

    She attended medical school, graduated as a physician and established a thriving medical practice in California.


  • 另外,宾夕凡尼亚大学医学院项研究显示,间中一次长时间睡眠对于睡眠不足人有好处

    They found those volunteers usually take a long time to react and find it hard to concentrate, but after a night of long-term sleep, their situations improved greatly.


  • 另外,宾夕凡尼亚大学医学院项研究显示,间中一次长时间睡眠对于睡眠不足人有好处

    They found those volunteers usually take a long time to react and find it hard to concentrate, but after a night of long-term sleep, their situations improved greatly.


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