• 起来尸体身边推开,盯然后又困惑地环顾四周

    He sat up, pushing the body from him, and gazed at it, and then around him, confusedly.


  • 为了他们意识到能力产生恐惧感,我把只老鼠的头砍下来,无头尸体扔给他们

    Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body, in attempt to make them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to strike fear into their hearts.


  • 真的以为埃及国王一样,请客吃饭,他们尸体吗?

    Think you I am like the King of Egypt who gives no feast to his guests but that he shows them a corpse?


  • 其他的人几乎连都没上一眼,就拿起他们差不多都很热心寻找那个法国女人尸体尸体前,迫使我自己仔细

    The others barely glanced at it and went back to their shovels, almost enthusiastically, searching for the French Woman, but I went up to the body and forced myself to look at it closely.


  • 无论哪儿,到处都是死人尸体死人的

    Wherever you looked, there were dead bodies and more dead bodies, and heads and more heads.


  • 手里晃动着负鼠尸体,眼睛上下打量着雷利,从头戴棒球胡须巴扎一直至穿着登山的足尖。

    With the carcass dangling from his hand, the old man looked Raley over, from his baseball cap and bearded face to the toes of his hiking boots.


  • 可能会物理主义不会告诉我们那些的,因为尸体所有的,身体器官部分存在至少对于还未腐烂尸体而言是这样的。

    You might say, "Look, the physicalist can't tell us that, because all the physical parts are still there when you've got the corpse, at least if it's a fresh corpse before the decay has set in."


  • 身边一切,感觉自己正随著乱岗里尸体堆积渐渐远去直到说出一些话

    Along with the countless bodies that were piled into the mass graves, I felt my own spirit leaving this place, until the moment he spoke to me.


  • 心情紧张父亲赶到医院,得知噩耗非常伤心,儿子尸体妻子一眼,然后说了四个

    When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words.


  • 伤痕,武器可能儿子枪托,那枝枪草地上,离尸体不过几步远。

    The injuries were such as might very well have been inflicted by the butt-end of his son's gun, which was found lying on the grass within a few paces of the body.


  • 那些狮子正在撕扯着被它们动物尸体

    See those lions ripping into the bodies of the animals that they've killed.


  • 紧张父亲赶到医院得知噩耗非常伤心儿子尸体,望了妻子一眼然后四个

    The worried husband rushed to the hospital and was very sad to learn the bad news. After looking at the son's body, he looked at the wife and said four words.


  • 里面,他让他十分难受:一个大小女孩尸体棺材里一样躺着。

    He goes to look inside and is mortified at what he sees: the body of a three year old little girl, laid out as though in a coffin.


  • 当然了,喜剧片,还到了外星人尸体这样的桥段,不能当真零零发妻子之间的感情很多浪漫文艺片动人

    Sure, this is a comedy and with scenes like the alien autopsy, you just can't take anything seriously, but the scenes between Fat and his wife are more touching that most romance films.


  • 惊恐司机大祸便尸体搁置驾驶开车离去

    Scare of once the engine driver looked rush a big disaster and then put off a remains in copilot's bit, the driving leaves.


  • 惊恐司机大祸便尸体搁置驾驶开车离去

    Scare of once the engine driver looked rush a big disaster and then put off a remains in copilot's bit, the driving leaves.


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