• 了看不管现在鬼还是无条件地支持你。

    He looked at me and said: Whether you are or Ghoul, I unconditionally support you.


  • 然而古鲁姆却背叛霍比特,将他们引到了巢穴

    However, Gollum betrays the hobbits, and leads them into the cave of Shelob.


  • 经典移植供体来自肝,然而特定而言某些健康可以捐献他们部分活体肝脏进行移植。

    Typically livers in transplantation surgery come from a donor who has died, although in some cases healthy people donate a portion of their liver for a designated patient.


  • 也许我们需要注意的,借助死亡相当长一段时间控制对方。

    It is a possible concern that between Chains of Ice, death Grip, and the ghoul stun that a death knight can lock someone down for a long time.


  • 1997年,河南省商丘市农民走失,警察发现一位无头,便逮捕了犯罪嫌疑赵左海。

    In 1997, a farmer went missing in a village in Shanqiu city, Henan Province. The police found a headless body and arrested a suspect named Zhao Zuohai.


  • 每个月都有数询问谷歌自己是否怀孕了猪会流汗吗以及往哪儿

    Thousands of people ask Google if they are pregnant, whether pigs sweat and where to hide a dead body, every month.


  • 猎手科学身体打烂,眼前外科医生能用科学又把这些重组,还有什么景象古怪的呢?

    Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners USING science to shatter men's bodies while, close at hand, surgeons USE it to restore them.


  • 另有一些热门提问挺让担忧其中包括如何”——480次搜索,“要是喝了会怎样”——一个月内880次搜索。

    Other popular but worrying questions people ask Google every month, include 'how do I hide the dead body? - with 480 queries and' what happens if I drink blood? 'with 880 queries a month.


  • 这种爬行异族科技像食鬼一样,被迫为奴生命能量动力。 西鲁重创巴库舰队

    Reptilian aliens with a ghoulish form of technology powered by the life energies of unwilling slaves, the Ssi-ruuk had crippled the Bakuran fleet.


  • 禽流感死亡病例标本包括等组织标本研磨处理后,进行荧光定量pcr检测,并根据标准曲线推算H5N1禽流感病毒病毒载量

    The autopsy samples, including heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney and brain, were ground and detected by Real-time PCR. According to the standard curve, virus load of H5N1 AIV was calculated.


  • 方法:应用深低温保存160健康角膜真菌性角膜炎10、10眼病毒性角膜炎4例、4穿透性角膜移植术。

    Method:10 cases(10 eyes)of fungal keratitis and 4 cases(4 eyes) of viral keratitis were performed penetrating keratoplasty with health human cadaver corneas cryopreserved 1 to 60 months.


  • 医生,医生从一道大门走了出去发现伤者马利亚手臂上,而撒马利亚坐在他们杀死堆上。

    Being besought to go to him and dress the wound, the Doctor had passed out at the same gate, and had found him in the arms of a company of Samaritans, who were seated on the bodies of their victims.


  • 结果移植血管造血管112血管78例,同种异体静脉19例,自体大隐静脉11例。

    Of the 220 patients, 112 accepted ePTFE grafts, 78 accepted human cadaver's vascular grafts, 19 accepted homologous saphenous veins grafts and 11 accepted autogeneic saphenous veins grafts.


  • 结果移植血管造血管112血管78例,同种异体静脉19例,自体大隐静脉11例。

    Of the 220 patients, 112 accepted ePTFE grafts, 78 accepted human cadaver's vascular grafts, 19 accepted homologous saphenous veins grafts and 11 accepted autogeneic saphenous veins grafts.


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