• 我们不能认为夏天睡到8个小时睡眠不足

    "We can't say that just because we are not getting eight hours in the summer we are sleep-deprived."


  • 据说年龄大了睡眠了,可不是什么征兆,莫非真的是老了?

    It is said that the elder spent little time on sleep, which isn't a good forecast.


  • 与人们的普遍观念恰恰相反睡眠所做最新研究发现每晚6 -7个小时要比睡8个小时更长时间的寿命长。

    Contrary to popular belief, people who sleep six to seven hours a night live longer, and those who sleep eight hours or more die younger, according to the latest study ever conducted on the subject.


  • 要是睡眠不足动不动发脾气

    He gets ratty if he doesn't get enough sleep.


  • 如果我们询问孩子睡眠情况,不努力改善孩子刻苦学习时的睡眠模式那么我们没有尽好自己职责

    If we don't ask about sleep and try to improve sleep patterns in kids' struggling academically, then we aren't doing our job.


  • 如果我们询问孩子睡眠情况,不努力改善孩子刻苦学习时的睡眠模式那么我们没有做好自己工作。”F说道

    "If we don't ask about sleep and try to improve sleep patterns in kids' struggling academically, then we aren't doing our job," F said.


  • 如果早上运动的话,大脑大白天接到睡眠信号,从而大大减缓你的节奏。

    If you work out in the morning, your brain gets that sleep signal midday and throws off your rhythm.


  • 如果前面九种情况使重新审视自己睡眠曾经有过的积极态度请再考虑考虑。

    If the previous nine conditions are making you rethink your once-positive stance on sleep, think again.


  • 记忆而言,相较于睡眠体育锻炼是个灰色地带似乎大量的有力的证据证明匀称的体态良好认识能力有联系的。

    Physical exercise is a somewhat grayer area than sleep when it comes to memory, but there seems to be a reasonable body of evidence suggesting that physical fitness and cognitive fitness are linked.


  • 我们阻碍了果蝇神经系统中类似ABCC9同种基因发挥作用时,果蝇的夜间睡眠时间缩短了

    When we blocked the function of the ABCC9 homolog in the fly nervous system, the duration of nocturnal sleep was shortened.


  • 目前来看对于多相睡眠实验成功最起码我已经可以多相睡眠的状态下可以正常的作息了。

    At this point I'm thinking the experiment is succeeding, at least in terms of being able to reach the point of basic functionality on a polyphasic sleep cycle.


  • 从此之后丧失睡眠功能

    Then,he lost his sleep function.


  • 他们一些方面也是一样--所知多相睡眠的特征方面。

    They're the same in a few ways, too -- the ways that characterize polyphasic sleep, as I know it.


  • 大约40左右,男子睡眠质量开始下降

    By the age of 40, men's quality of sleep also begins to diminish.


  • 更年期伴随着过山车一样上下波动激素到来时,整个乐队乱了结果造成频繁睡眠障碍。

    When perimenopause arrives with its roller-coaster ride of hormonal ups and downs, the entire orchestra gets out of sync, says Dr. Yan-Go, and disrupted sleep is frequently the result.


  • 自从开始在家工作控制自己时间表之后决定尝试多相睡眠

    Since I work from home and have control over my schedule, I've decided to test polyphasic sleep to see what it's like.


  • 可以网络找到更加详细多相睡眠日记。

    To my knowledge these are the most detailed polyphasic sleep logs you'll be able to find anywhere on the web.


  • 发现一旦绿茶,我办法快速进入眼动睡眠了,其实我是根本睡不着了。

    I found that when I drank a cup of green tea, I wasn't able to hit REM sleep during the next nap - I couldn't fall asleep at all.


  • 危害健康所知,目前并没有任何研究证明多相睡眠危害健康。

    Health risks: If there are health risks related to polyphasic sleep, it's my understanding that they aren't yet known or documented.


  • Kripke可能是由于得多容易遭受睡眠中的呼吸暂停,这是一种减弱呼吸心脏大脑带来压力的状况

    But Kripke said it was possible that people who slept longer tended to suffer from sleep apnea, a condition where impaired breathing puts stress on the heart and brain.


  • 记住只要3个晚上睡眠不足免疫系统平均降低60%功效。

    Consider that your immune system drops by an average of 60% after just three nights of poor sleep.


  • 慢性剥夺老鼠睡眠足以使老鼠脑中淀粉样蛋白斑(amyloidplaque)的含量加速累积。

    Three weeks of chronic sleep deprivation was enough to accelerate the deposition of amyloid plaque in the brains of the mice.


  • 大家在过去30天内反复纠结的一个问题为什么我会看起来那么容易的适应了多相睡眠

    Perhaps the #1 question people have asked me about polyphasic sleep during the past 30 days was: Why me?


  • 于是加班加点,减少睡眠时间。等到你意识到的时候,你已经得很重了。

    You work hours of overtime, lose out on sleep, and before you know it, you're sick as a dog.


  • 如果长期没好,一碰到枕头睡着了(或者坐在桌旁睡着了),表明你缺乏睡眠

    If you're falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow (or while sitting at your desk), that's a symptom of sleep deprivation.


  • 并且我们引入干扰项a -C词组时,结果明显了,获得睡眠A -B搭配的记忆程度更坚实,更稳定。

    And when we introduced interfering A-C pairs, it was even more apparent that those who slept had a stronger, more stable memory for the A-B sets.


  • 如果试了以上15提示还是解决不了问题咨询专家联系专门从事睡眠治疗的医生或者心理学专家

    If you are doing all 15 Suggestions above and still have sleep problems, it's time to call a professional. Contact a physician or psychotherapist who specializes in sleep.


  • 如果试了以上15提示还是解决不了问题咨询专家联系专门从事睡眠治疗的医生或者心理学专家

    If you are doing all 15 Suggestions above and still have sleep problems, it's time to call a professional. Contact a physician or psychotherapist who specializes in sleep.


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