• 征求的许可,只要我能在下周一上午回来就

    I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right so long as I was back next Monday morning.


  • 不能明双方的热情就此消失而是渐渐减退。 因为我们越来越了解自己的伴侣知道爱好习性等等,那种新鲜感就会日益减少了。

    That doesn’t mean that “passionate love goes to zero, ” but it does decline once we’ve gotten to know our partner, what they like to do, what their routines are and so on.


  • 事业就此腾飞,”份山达基刊物

    My career immediately took off, ” he told a church publication.


  • 事业就此腾飞,”份山达基刊物

    "My career immediately took off," he told a church publication.


  • 沃斯增加纽约西部天然气开采反对者:“认为研究远不能就此停止。”

    "I don't think this is the end of the story," said Mr. Howarth, who is an opponent of growing gas development in western New York.


  • 没有卡夫不“适合吉百利,然后就此打住,因为是没有用的。

    What he has not done, because it would be useless, is to say Kraft would be a bad "fit" for Cadbury and leave it at that.


  • 没有卡夫不“适合吉百利,然后就此打住,因为是没有用的。

    What he has not done, because it would be useless, is to say Kraft would be a bad “fit” for Cadbury and leave it at that.


  • 补充就此而言这项任务当初就谢绝

    He added: "The assignment on those terms should have been declined."


  • 解释:“可能就此圣地上,所以能否得到主的护佑简直重要了。”

    "I was possibly about to die in these holy lands," he explains, "and it became very important to me to get that blessing."


  • 公司分别就此工作重点及空间提交了各自不同理念,”,“所以这项工作的主观性非常强。”

    All seven of the vendors came back with a different idea of where they thought things were, spatially,” he said. “So it’s very subjective.”


  • 就此而言,我们可以认为蝙蝠每天晚上都会进行鸡尾酒会,”JagmeetKanwal乔治城大学研究的。

    "Basically, we can think that the bats have a cocktail party every evening," says Jagmeet Kanwal, who studies mustached bats at Georgetown University.


  • 先知亚(Isaiah)曾:“……摆手不受贿赂……高处。” (《旧约·以赛亚书·33章》——译注),无疑并非就此作评第一人。

    He...that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes...he shall dwell on high,” said the prophet Isaiah, and he was doubtless not the first to comment on the matter.


  • 尽管如此就此妥协:“我会一直努力直到议案获得批准。”

    Even so, he says he would not deal: “I will just have to present the same bill many times to get it approved.”


  • 就此上了嘴,回去看报但是反驳的话刺痛了是从的口里出来一句尖刻的话。

    He shut up after this, and went in to his paper, but the retort rankled in his mind. It was the first cutting remark that had come from her.


  • 委员会就此达成结论这个问题上,还是需要更多资料

    He said his committee had still not reached a conclusion on the matter as a lot more information was needed.


  • 邀请宿舍一起作业我手头上很多作业没有做,于是中午那次见面就此取消

    He invited me to his quarters to go with the homework, but I said that I do not have a lot of work to do, so that to meet this afternoon has been canceled.


  • 报道国王体温过低,正在接受治疗一位大臣拒绝就此发表意见,:“这般猜测会引起恐慌,定当严加控制。”

    "This kind of speculation only causes panic and should be stopped," said a minister, who refused to comment on reports that the emperor was being treated for hypothermia.


  • 但是并未就此甘休,“直接了当地,‘我们不能穿那样上班。’”

    But he didn't stop there. 'I just told him,' We gotta get rid of those shoes.


  • 这样终于出了门,海狸先生上门。(“这会耽误一点时间。”。)就此出发了,大家都自己一份行李扛在肩上

    And so at last they all got outside and Mr Beaver locked the door (" it'll delay her a bit, "he said) and they set off, all carrying their loads over their shoulders.


  • 情侣双方就此达成的一致意见,有可能还会在以后发生改变早期定下调子件好事这样双方就可以自然讨论类问题。

    A couple's agreement on behavior in this area can, and most likely will, change down the line, he said, but it is good to set the tone early on so both partners are comfortable discussing it.


  • 郭斯克当然麦当劳忠实顾客金氏世界纪录早在3年前以及还差2000个麦克之前,就认证了壮举57岁的郭斯克无意就此打住。

    Surely McDonald's most loyal customer, Guinness World Records recognized Gorske's feat three years and 2,000 Big Macs ago, and the 57-year-old says he has no desire to stop.


  • 郭斯克当然麦当劳忠实顾客金氏世界纪录早在3年前以及还差2000个麦克之前,就认证了壮举57岁的郭斯克无意就此打住。

    Surely McDonald's most loyal customer, Guinness World Records recognized Gorske's feat three years and 2,000 Big Macs ago, and the 57-year-old says he has no desire to stop.


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