• 长大后孩子就仿佛他们亲生父母接受了自己敌人

    Kids who might have grown up thinking like their parents would now grow up thinking like their parents' enemies.


  • 就仿佛他们支付角色设计者工钱来完成主角的设计而没有关注其他角色样子

    Like they only the character designer to work for a day, not having to pay him for designing so many different characters, then it was a simple action of copy and paiste.


  • 如果情况不允许,那我们一封信他们仿佛他们收到一样,然后保存封信,时刻提醒自己我们十分感谢这些曾经帮助过我们人。

    In this case we write a letter to them as if they were going to receive it and keep it as a reminder of the gratitude we have for them.


  • 他们完全忽略了这些事实仿佛它们从来不存在似的

    They completely ignore these facts as if they never existed.


  • 事实上仿佛两位门徒成为主教他们任命其他人,担任教会牧师

    In fact he's also doing something; like almost acting like they're going to become bishops; they are also supposed to be appointing other people as pastors of churches.


  • 为了能够实现一点,URL必需注重实用性的,几乎仿佛它们数学方程序一样——许多简单规则组合一种策略性的方式,以此获得他们想要页面

    In order to achieve this, your URLs will need to be pragmatic. Almost like they were a math equation - many simple rules combined in a strategic fashion to get to the page they want.


  • 总是用简短破碎句子单词听起来好像从口中啐出来似的,仿佛自从你学到他们的时候,已经鄙视痛恨它们了,算是简单的词语也一样

    You used those short, broken sentences that sounded as if you were spitting out the words, as if you had just learned them but already despised them, even the simplest ones.


  • 两个一言不发的观看的人,身体躬到了地上仿佛正在祈祷,他们那样躬着,过了好久好久,一动也不动。继续不声不响地在风中飘着。

    The two speechless gazers bent themselves down to the earth, as if in prayer, and remained thus a long time, absolutely motionless: the flag continued to wave silently.


  • 听众对于来说仿佛眼前总是这样史蒂文森“孩子们朋友”在他们那些战争游戏当中扮演敌人的角色。

    That hearer is as present to me, always has been, as Stevenson's ``friend of the children'' who takes the part of the enemy in their solitary games of war.


  • 要么他们女人惊慌兔子要么他们嘴唇紧紧裹住牙齿就仿佛它们并非雪白如珍珠,而是的。

    Either they leer at a woman like a deranged rabbit, or they're lip-wrapping their teeth like those pearly whites are purple and green.


  • 这个位置听证会的确发明一个相对公平的言论氛围,仿佛政客妻子他们丈夫选战中助威一样。

    Putting her in this position does create a space for fair comment on her role and behavior at the hearings, much like political wives who campaign for their husbands.


  • 一会儿然后陷入仿佛陌生观察之中不过他们感觉倒是相一致的。

    He thought a while, and then went off into a seemingly alien observation which, however, accorded with their feelings.


  • 甲板人群很快稀疏起来,多数乘客回到了船舱,去享受有点惶恐又有点新奇海上一夜他们很安宁,仿佛是睡上帝手心里

    The groups on deck are thinning out fast, as the passengers go below to enjoy the fearsome novelty of the first night at sea, and to compose themselves to sleep as it were in the hollow of God's hand.


  • 他们完全忽略了这些事实就仿佛存在似的。

    They completely ignore these facts as if (as though) they never existed.


  • 他们如此地活世上仿佛专门证明人们看:生命到底怎样坚韧

    They live such a life, as if they want to prove to others how tenacious the life can be.


  • 有些教会仿佛三十多岁青年人度身定制的,他们崇拜时间通常都要晚一些,原因这些年轻人习惯星期六晚上很晚,所以星期天没有办法早起了

    There are churches specifically catering to the 30's generation. Worship time will be later because they cannot get up too early on Sunday mornings because of late Saturday night social functions.


  • 有些教会仿佛三十多岁青年人度身定制的,他们崇拜时间通常都要晚一些,原因这些年轻人习惯星期六晚上很晚,所以星期天没有办法早起了

    There are churches specifically catering to the 30's generation. Worship time will be later because they cannot get up too early on Sunday mornings because of late Saturday night social functions.


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