• 就业不足微弱的复苏很多国家出现

    True, there will be patches of perkiness in the emerging world.


  • 衰退时期繁荣时期劳动力资本设备方面出现更多失业就业不足现象。

    There is more unemployment or underemployment of Labour and capital equipment in the slump than in the boom.


  • 加上希望增加工时已经放弃工作,全国所谓就业不足的比例就达15.9%。

    Factoring in those wishing to work more hours and those who have given up looking for work - the so-called underemployment rate is 15.9 percent.


  • 加上希望增加工时已经放弃工作,全国所谓就业不足的比例就达15.9%。

    Factoring in those wishing to work more hours and those who have given up looking for work-the so-called underemployment rate is 15.9 percent.


  • 一部分阐述研究大学生就业不足重要意义介绍国内外研究结果,并提出本文的研究思路研究策略

    In the first part, it analyzes the importance of the research of the graduate employment, introduces some related domestic and international research results, the thoughts and methods of the research.


  • 第一章绪论,首先学术界对大学生就业不足研究近况进展进行简单的整理,指出已有研究成果的成就和不足基础上找出了本文研究理论依据和研究策略

    The first chapter simply arranged the current situation and development in the study of students' employment, on that basis, find out the theory basic and research ways of this problem.


  • 由于城市地区人口过多就业机会不足犯罪率也是我们面临一个巨大问题

    Owing to the over population in urban areas and the lack of employment opportunity, the crime rate is also a huge problem we are faced with.


  • 19世纪美国农民占总就业人数的比例超过60%,此后比例一路下滑,到今天已经不足2%。

    Well over 60% of U.S. jobs were in agriculture in the 19th century, and the proportion has been declining ever since. Today it's less than 2%.


  • 埃及去年经济增长了大约5%,不足创造出足够就业机会

    In Egypt, the economy grew about five percent last year — too little growth to create enough jobs.


  • 欧洲新希望美国焦虑形成了鲜明对比,在那儿经济停滞就业增长不足

    The renewed hope in Europe contrasts with anxiety in America, where the economy is faltering and jobs growth is scarce.


  • 更多更好就业机会不断提高生活水平可能不足消除教派间的不合,但是如果没有这些,教派间的分歧可能再次扩大

    More and better jobs, and rising living standards, may not be enough to banish the sectarian divide, but their absence could well widen it again.


  • 所谓就业不足-寻求全职工作的兼职劳动力那些要谋求工作放弃寻找-保持17%。

    The so-called underemployment rate -- which includes part- time workers who'd prefer a full-time position and people who want work but have given up looking -- held at 17 percent.


  • 失业就业不足仍是让人头疼问题,它们是阻碍消费者信心支出回升主要因素,因此解决就业问题也就成了当务之急

    Unemployment and underemployment remain vexing issues and a major damper on recovery in consumer confidence and spending, so fixing these problems is a top priority.


  • 做兼职,打零工情况掩盖全职就业不足传统的失业计量方法无法检测的。

    The availability of part-time work may disguise an underlying lack of full-time jobs, which goes undetected with unemployment measures.


  • 小企业一般定义工人人数不足100人企业,而现在的小企业雇佣将近全部劳动力的60%,并预期现在起到2000年将提供所有就业机会中一半的工作岗位。

    Small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 100 workers, now employ nearly 60 percent of the work force and are expected to generate half of all new jobs between now and the year 2000.


  • 盖洛普就业不足指数一国的人均GDP有着密切相关。

    Gallup's Underemployment Index also has a strong negative relationship with GDP per capita.


  • 盖洛普就业不足指数统计包括了传统意义上的失业人口还有那些到处找打零工的人口。

    Gallup's Underemployment Index captures traditional unemployment, as well as those who are employed part-time but seeking additional work.


  • 然而企业就业前景十分乐观——在企业当中,许多工人管理人员数量严重不足

    However, Chinese firms are extremely "top-light" — that is, they have many workers but very few managers.


  • 美国英国服务业为主导经济体,连同他们就业严重不足地产代理抵押经济人和银行家在收缩

    The service-led economies of America and Britain, with their underemployed estate agents, mortgage brokers and bankers, are shrinking.


  • 7月,剔除因人口普查增加临时性工作,该经济增加了1.2万个就业岗位——对于跟上人口增长降低失业率来说太微不足道了。

    In July the economy added just 12,000 jobs after adjusting for temporary census work-too few to keep up with population growth or to reduce the unemployment rate.


  • 自从1980以来几乎所有就业增长都由成立不足5企业创造在过去4年,这些新兴公司创造三分之二就业净增长。

    Since 1980 nearly all net job creation in the United States occurred in firms less than five years old; over the last four years, these young start-ups created two-thirds of all new jobs.


  • 股市动向尚不明朗,外界等待美国11月份非农就业人数报告公布分析师预计美国11月就业岗位增长速度有所改善,但是增速依然缓慢不足以降低目前居高不下的失业率。

    The muted moves came ahead of U.S. data on nonfarm payrolls for November. Analysts expect the pace of jobs growth to improve, but remain too slow to make a dent in unemployment levels.


  • 例如萨博重要汽车新款9 - 5生产,原计划德国russelsheim市建厂,或许迁至瑞典就业机会不足的Trollhattan市?

    Might, for example, production of Saab's biggest car, the new 9-5, scheduled to be built at russelsheim in Germany, be shifted to under-employed Trollhattan in Sweden?


  • 现阶段我国整体教育不足人力资源匮乏背景下,大学毕业生就业出现了局部过度教育现象。

    While at present, on the background of under-education and deficiency in the human capital, over-education occurred on graduates in our country.


  • 乔治城大学一份新的报告就业不足工资不高大幅减少特别是那些拥有大学学历的人来说。

    A new report from Georgetown University says under-employment, lacking a job that pays enough, has also been cut sharply, especially for people with college degrees.


  • 乔治城大学一份新的报告就业不足工资不高大幅减少特别是那些拥有大学学历的人来说。

    A new report from Georgetown University says under-employment, lacking a job that pays enough, has also been cut sharply, especially for people with college degrees.


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