• 一个星期

    Just for a week.


  • 一个星期前的昨天开始工作了。

    She started work a week yesterday.


  • 亨利是个不错选择,整整一个星期回来我们时间了。

    Henry's very good but he's taking a whole week's holiday and there won't be enough time when he returns.


  • 他们只用一个星期收集了足够冬衣

    They collected enough winter clothing in only one week.


  • 一个星期,它们开始慢慢出来了。

    Within a week they began to come out slowly.


  • 不到一个星期,镇上的负责人注意到了这只不寻常的猫。

    A week had not passed when the leader of the town noticed this quite unusual cat.


  • 十天没钓到一条鱼,男孩的父母告诉他,老人现在是“撒劳”了,这是最倒霉的倒霉事。于是男孩和另一条船一起去了,这条船在第一个星期钓到了三条好鱼。

    After forty days without a fish, the boy's parents had told him that the old man was now salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone with another boat which caught three good fish the first week.


  • 同行只有一个星期怀疑自己是否做到做的一切。

    After only a week as his travel companion, I doubted that I could do what he had done.


  • 她们一个星期关于抑郁症工作方面的问题回答提问。

    They responded to survey questions about their depression and work over a week's time.


  • 脸部大概花了一个星期——最难的,因为每个人都熟悉是什么样的,所以我们必须保证它与原作严格相符。

    "It took over a week to do her face - that was the hardest because everybody knows what it looks like so we had to make sure it was exactly right."


  • 任何一婚姻中,只要结婚超过星期已经开始有了离婚理由技巧如何发现并且持续去发现,结婚的理由。

    In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage.


  • 如果围着街区走,那样——一个星期发现自己做多一点点。

    If you can only walk round the block, do that - each week, you'll find yourself able to do a little bit more.


  • 妈妈不到星期回来了,刚进屋女儿就一个告诉他们有多么想念妈妈。

    So she came back only in a week. When mother entered her hut, all her daughters one after another started to express how they missed their mother.


  • 假如主管邮箱留下任务之后,离开该地一个星期,你联系不到又没有完全看懂这项任务,你会怎么做

    Say your supervisor left an assignment for you in your in-box, then left town for a week. You can't reach him and you don't fully understand the assignment, what do you do?


  • 短短的六个星期,经历一个亲朋好友病痛死亡之后,开始思考生命脆弱以及我们到底多少有限时间

    After the illness, then death, of a close family friend within a much too short six week period of time, I began to ponder the fragility of life and the limited time we have here on earth...


  • 真不待了一个星期离开那里。

    I hated to leave after just a weekend.


  • 约瑟夫付钱汽车旅馆的租期延长了一个星期来到迈阿密如果畅游一番了。

    Joseph paid for the motel room for another week because he claimed that no one should come to Miami and not see all that the city had to offer.


  • 一定要明白上司要求做的事情如果具体告诉你的工作职责索要工作目录,然后每天、每星期自己一个工作目标

    If he or she has not told you your job duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.


  • 展出画廊表示他们一个星期里面收到了3000封来自世界各地的电子邮件,而邮件的主题关于堕胎支持妇女堕胎权利的都有。

    The gallery said it received about 3,000 e-mails from around the world in just a week, split between anti-abortion and abortion rights opinions.


  • 一个星期早上七点钟起床了,便开始和了起来。

    She woke up at 7am on a Sunday morning to talk to me.


  • 妇女每天葡萄酒一个星期意味着喝了21个单位酒精,超过建议量的五分之一。

    Women who drink one large glass of wine a day, which means 21 units of alcohol a week compared with the recommended 15, increase this by a.


  • 如果一家俱乐部空闲星期下个星期没有

    If a club is empty for one week, no one will come back the next.


  • 回到健身房那个例子,不要开始制定星期锻炼5的标准而是每次进行一个小时锻炼的标准,或开始的周一周三次,每次30分钟的标准。

    Returning to the gym example, rather than trying to start out by going 5 times a week for an hour at a time, try to go three times a week for 30 minutes for the first few weeks.


  • 甚至星期提早完成了件事或者忽略了一个小细节

    Even if it's something you should have done earlier in the week or missed a detail on.


  • 那天正好我休假的第一个星期,因此其他人看是否代替去。最后没有找到,所以参加这个小组。

    I believe I actually tried to find someone else to attend since it was the Monday following my vacation, and couldn't, so I ended up attending.


  • 来到我们家的星期(7大的时候)已经学会自己名字,学会了怎么,还有怎么那个小盒子。

    He learned his name, how to sit and how to use the litter box all in the first week we had him (at 7 weeks old!).


  • 来到我们家的星期(7大的时候)已经学会自己名字,学会了怎么,还有怎么那个小盒子。

    He learned his name, how to sit and how to use the litter box all in the first week we had him (at 7 weeks old!).


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