• 喜爱各种运动尤其游泳

    She loves all sports, especially swimming.


  • 委员会担心运动表现尤其担心他们裁判争吵

    The committee is concerned about players' behaviour, especially arguing with referees.


  • 积极游戏行为可能大脑突触连接生长提供必要刺激尤其负责运动功能运动小脑

    Active play may provide necessary stimulation to the growth of synaptic connections in the brain, especially the cerebellum, which is responsible for motor functioning and movements.


  • 另一项实验表明体育运动——尤其剧烈运动——可以使呼吸频率增加一,但打哈欠频率没有影响

    Another experiment demonstrated that physical exercise, which was sufficiently vigorous to double the rate of breathing, had no effect on the frequency of yawning.


  • 运动尤其获胜者无论他们取得多大的进步应该保持谦虚

    The athletes, especially the winners, should remain modest whatever rapid progress they have made.


  • 酷酷运动火辣女友撞坏了爱车时,人们容易幸灾乐祸尤其看起来有点沾沾自喜的时候。

    It is easy for people to gloat when the cool jock with the hot girlfriend wrecks his sweet car, especially if he seems kind of smug.


  • 现在更多证据表明名人尤其职业运动儿童行为有多么强大的影响。

    Now there's a lot more evidence of how powerful a celebrity—especially a professional athlete—can be in influencing children's behavior.


  • 反映出田径运动命运如今为了记录缩短几毫秒,运动员们投入了过多的精力资源尤其非法使用类固醇医疗方面的资源。

    It would mirror the fate of athletics, in which disproportionate energies and resources—not least medical ones, like illegal steroids—are now invested to shave records by milliseconds.


  • 运动很感兴趣,尤其是跑步。

    He was very interested in sports, especially running.


  • 之后,如果你吃了很多食物,尤其是富含蛋白质的食物,你的体重还是会增加。

    After you exercise, if you take in lots of food, especially foods with a lot of protein, you will still put on weight.


  • 大多数时候喝水他们常常需要更多尤其运动的时候。

    Most people drink when they are thirsty, but they often need more water especially when they take exercises.


  • 各种运动中?尤其喜欢慢跑

    Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.


  • 要知道当时尤其没有望远镜的情况下,突然声称地球围绕太阳运动非相反多么巨大飞跃

    It was a giant leap suddenly to argue that the Earth orbits the sun, rather than the other way around, particularly without telescopes.


  • 与此同时我们高卡路里、缺乏运动生活方式似乎正在引导我们中的许多走向灾难——尤其我们这些与毛巾纷飞健身房无缘的人们。

    Meanwhile, our high-calorie, sedentary lifestyles seem to be leading many of us to disasterparticularly those of us who are strangers to the fluffy-towelled environment of the gym.


  • 建议每周进行次及以上的肌肉增强运动,可以预防骨密度降低更年期之后的女性来说尤其如此

    Also recommended: muscle-strengthening activities two or more days per week, which protects against a decline in bone mass, especially that experienced by post-menopausal women.


  • 这个简单,尤其感觉懒得运动的时候。

    This is easy exercise if you're feeling lazy.


  • 他们妻子尤其穆巴拉克的妻子Suzanne Mubarak热衷于女权运动

    Their wivesSuzanne Mubarak in particularwere keen to hop on the feminist bandwagon.


  • 奥赛中,澳洲经常奖牌排行榜中居高位尤其他们反映出投入体育运动任何其他活动人口规模即使喜好会演变

    In the Olympic games Australia usually ranks high in the medal tables, especially if they reflect size of population. Yet tastes evolve, in sport as in any other sphere.


  • 对于许多残疾人士尤其那些视力运动控制受损的人,这个假设有问题的。

    For many disabled persons, especially those who have impaired vision or motor control, this assumption is problematic.


  • 研究人员表示想要减低心脏病机率,并不像一般认为要做许多运动尤其针对危险中年男人而言

    Researchers say it may take far less exercise than people had thought to lower the risk of heart disease especially for the highest risk group, middle-aged men.


  • 许多修了又修老爷车尤其运动跑车,刹那间销声匿迹了,数量众让人称奇,就好像全都某种新型恶性传染病夺去了生命。

    All of a sudden, a lot of well-maintained old cars, especially sportier models, have begun to fail in surprising numbers-as if struck down by some virulent new disease.


  • 尤其他们应该迫切推进其高瞻远嘱的沿河岸沟壑重植本土树木运动在那些地方这块大陆哺育生命的表层土壤正在快速地流失。

    In particular, they should be forced to accelerate her visionary campaign to replant indigenous trees along river Banks and ravines where the continent's life-giving top soil is being swept away.


  • 这个组织并不期待被描述成为一个柏柏尔运动叛军成员们讲道,他们期望公平地分到国家财富一杯羹尤其国家的黄金原油——都是这些北部地区发现的。

    Keen not to depict themselves as a purely Tuareg movement, the rebels say they want a fairer slice of the country's wealth, especially from its gold, oil and uranium, all found in the north.


  • 英国研究发现秋天出生的孩子体育运动方面取得成功可能性大,尤其足球项目上。 澳大利亚的这项研究发现具有相关性。

    The studies correlates with findings in the UK, where the year starts in September, that autumn babies are more likely to succeed in sport, particularly football.


  • 一项耗时20多年完成的研究显示,总体而言运动尤其跑步有助于防止老年能力丧失,甚至可能延长寿命

    Exercise in general, and running in particular, helps to ward off disability in old age and may even extend life, according to a study that has taken more than 20 years to complete.


  • 一项耗时20多年完成的研究显示,总体而言运动尤其跑步有助于防止老年能力丧失,甚至可能延长寿命

    Exercise in general, and running in particular, helps to ward off disability in old age and may even extend life, according to a study that has taken more than 20 years to complete.


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