• 对于石油安全定义理论界尚未统一

    In the Theoretical circles, petroleum security has not yet come to a unified definition.


  • 人们授权行为独立性问题认识至今尚未统一

    Up to now, there is still not a unified conclusion on the independence of authorization in agency.


  • 祖国尚未统一没有心情复习!把昨晚得没有瞌睡了都

    It late at night I can't sleep I can't breathe think of your smile.


  • 桩基处理液化地基的常用方法,但抗震设计方法上尚未统一

    Pile foundation is an important measurement for improving liquefiable subsoils. Rainily the design methods in this field, published in seismic regulation and codes, are various.


  • 问题美联储官员尚未统一它们最佳通胀率或者它们达成一共识。

    One problem is that Fed officials have not agreed on what their optimal inflation rate is or how quickly they would like to reach it.


  • 行政合同司法救济程序适用行政诉讼程序抑或民事诉讼程序,司法实践尚未统一

    Whether administrative litigation procedure or civil process will be applied to administrative contract judicial remedy procedure has not been unified in judicial practice.


  • 才子佳人小说产生明末清初一个重要小说流派学界概念的界定尚未统一

    The romantic novels about the talented scholars and the beautiful ladies is an important school of fiction, which occurs in the last period of Ming and the early period of Qing Dynasties.


  • 肝硬化的病机复杂辨证者的思路出发点不尽相同,辨证标准证型尚未统一,所分参差不齐。

    Hepatocirrhosis has complex mechanism; doctors have different thought and starting points, the differentiation standard is not unified.


  • 然而目前家庭智能化网络标准尚未统一许多技术问题有待于进一步解决,因此家庭网络化目标实现仍然需要长期不断的努力。

    However, it would take long time to realize this objective because at present the criterion of home intelligent network has not been unified and many technology problems still exist.


  • 最终他们希望能够完成爱因斯坦尚未实现目标——将广义相对论量子理论统一起来。

    Eventually they're aiming to fulfill Einstein's unrealized goal of unifying general relativity with quantum theory.


  • 统一桌面尚未成熟时候,人们可能大量实验之后发现不得不抛弃Dashboard

    In the immature genre of unified desktops, Dashboard might well turn out to be the one you make to throw away after a sufficient amount of experimentation has been achieved.


  • 今天梦想尚未完全消失统一市场一次处于威胁之中

    Today that dream has not vanished altogether, but the single market is under threat once more.


  • 项目持续开发工作表明尽管尚未达到与最初配套发行稳定程度,将来可能提供广泛的功能。

    The ongoing development of this project suggests that, while it's not quite as stable as the originally shipped system yet, it probably will be, and it will certainly have a broader range of features.


  • 然而迄今为止,在全世界范围内关于生态旅游概念界定规范认证尚未达到统一,生态旅游的滥用泛化问题相当严重

    However, so far throughout the world, the concept, norms and certification of eco-tourism, have not yet reached uniform, eco-tourism abuse and generalization is also quite serious.


  • 由于无法确定统一谈判能否成功,所以成员国尚未语言请求进行投票

    There is no assurance that the unity talks will succeed, so no vote has been held yet by member governments on the language request.


  • 迄今为止无论是中央银行立法还是在中央银行具体操作上各国对于最后贷款人制度尚未形成统一做法

    There has not been a consensus with respect to lender of last resort (LOLR) across countries, whether in central banking legislation or in central banks practices.


  • 目前处延上测度方法繁多,尚未找到内涵上的统一测度单位

    Of the moment there are many extensive methods, but it is not found a connotative unified measuring unit yet.


  • 由于发病机制尚未完全阐明,因此临床实践缺乏统一有效预防治疗方法

    There are lack of unified and effective approaches for the prevention and treatment in clinical practice, because its mechanism of disease has not been elucidated completely.


  • 建国以来我国尚未一部国家最高权力机关制定统一完整图书馆

    There has been no a set of united and complete library law made by the highest organ of state power since the founding of our People's Republic of China.


  • 国际立法层面主权财富基金国际统一立法处于起步阶段,大部分立法努力尚未形成正式法律文件

    In the international legislative level, the international legislation of sovereign wealth funds is still in its infancy, most legislative efforts have not form a formal legal document.


  • 关于法兰C主轴花盘等机床附件的联接定位问题,目前尚未统一解释确切结论

    There is no unified explanation and exact conclusion on connecting state between short conical flange type C- form spindle end and face plate.


  • 对于商标商品平行进口问题理论界一直存在较大争议,各国地区的立法司法实践也大相径庭至今尚未形成全球统一观点

    There are divergent theories on this issue, and the legislative and judicial practices in different countries vary significantly. To date, there is lack of a uniform worldwide viewpoint.


  • 目前对缺乏深入统一认识临床诊疗尚未形成标准”,治疗手段有待于规范化。

    But their lack of in-depth understanding of reunification, clinical diagnosis has not been formed. "Gold standard" treatment means to be standardized.


  • 关于作品商品化权定义性质我国学界尚未形成统一认识立法没有相关规定

    The definition and nature on merchandizing right of works have not yet formed a unified understanding in our scholars, and there are no relevant legislation requirements either.


  • 关于作品商品化权定义性质我国学界尚未形成统一认识立法没有相关规定

    The definition and nature on merchandizing right of works have not yet formed a unified understanding in our scholars, and there are no relevant legislation requirements either.


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