• 法国戏剧家莫里埃的喜剧《恨世者》塑造了一个嘲笑讥讽优秀青年尔赛斯特。

    Molière's comedy Le Misanthrope created a derisive young character who, like Hamlet, was a brilliant young man in contrast with the ugly and hypercritic society of his time.


  • “你可以看上晚上电视数数自己一共听到多少背景音乐。” “蝶总裁里米·拉

    "Watch an evening's worth of TV and count how many times you hear music in the background," says Jeremy Lascelles, chief executive of Chrysalis.


  • 自埃文河畔特拉特福镇的一号和二号约翰逊·艾克巴士将乘客送到我们一英里长的车道尽头。

    The 1 and 2 Johnsons Excel-bus from Stratford-upon-Avon drops passengers at the end of our mile-long drive.


  • ·法兰西·,光听名字就让推倒午餐费来花。

    Charles Francis Xavier's name alone makes you want to push him down and steal his lunch money.


  • 国王建议隔天在城堡大厅哈姆雷特举行场击剑友谊

    He advised Laertes to have a friendly sword fight with Hamlet at the hall of the castle the next day.


  • 他们引诱将军那里,奎将军是晚上九点钟离家的,次日河里发现

    Why, they induced General Quesnel to go there, and General Quesnel, who quitted his own house at nine o'clock in the evening, was found the next day in the Seine.


  • 塞族人第五5-3领先的情形下浪费了三个,之后,正手上网时,才拿下了第六个点。

    The Serb then wasted three match points while leading 5-3 in the fifth set before converting his sixth match point after Isner netted a forehand.


  • 上一次对阵格·格失败告终上个月图加特21岁的阿扎伦卡下首盘之后不得不因为退

    Her last meeting with Gorges ended in disappointment in Stuttgart last month when the 21-year-old Azarenka had to retire hurt with a shoulder injury after winning the first set.


  • 博伊罗伯特畅销书雪人”的灵感来源,也是电影版的启发者。 博伊通过朋友安德鲁列为机密的公报出卖苏联

    Boyce, who was inspiration for Robert Lindsey's best seller The Falcon and the Snowman as well as the film adaptation, sold classified communiqués to the Soviets through his friend Andrew Dalton Lee.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维克,研究生赛斯·安德瑞恩•特瑞着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 周来辛吉都处在阴影中举步维艰,上周浦顿冠军中,威廉姐妹挤出,大满贯中库尼科娃又力拔头筹。

    It's been a difficult week in the shadows for Hingis, pushed aside by the all-Williams' final at the Lipton Championships last week and Kournikova's run through the Family Circle.


  • 最有亨利·普(1658- 1695),戏剧《珀埃涅阿是个经典

    The most famous is Henry Purcell (1658-1695), whose opera "Dido and Aeneas" is a classic.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁·、詹姆·卡维保罗。贝加拉乔治迪法诺普洛、还有希拉里曼彻天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 整个逃亡过程去年英国广播公司改编电影主演凯文特莱利爱玛阿列克谢约翰

    The entire escapade was made into a film last year by the BBC, starring Kevin Whately, Emma Pierson, Alexei Sayle and John Sessions.


  • 汤姆·汉克、摩根·弗里曼戴米恩·路易·杰克逊、汤姆·克鲁里维还有汤姆贝伦杰名单的前头。

    Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Damien Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Cruise, Ron Livingston, and Tom Berenger are at the top of my list.


  • 欧洲汉克森对在摩西·的埃卢顿从事生产的沃克发出了长期承诺的信号。

    In Europe, however, Henderson signalled ongoing commitment to Vauxhall cars, which are produced in Ellesmere Port on Merseyside, and in Luton.


  • 作为系列费城人夺冠功臣之一,哈默本场比表现不佳甚至第五就被换下

    Hamels, one of the Phillies' heroes in last year's World Series success, was struggling and was replaced in the fifth.


  • 表示:“期待着明年夏天和皮德曼。”

    Phelps said: "I look forward to racing Biedermann next summer."


  • 一直勒合作

    Self had been working with Whistler.


  • 支持卡根位共和党缅因州参议员苏珊·柯林奥林匹亚·卡罗莱纳州参议员林·格拉汉姆印第安纳州参议员理查德·路加以及来自新罕布什贾德·格雷格参议员。

    The five Republicans who supported Kagan were Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Richard Lugar of Indiana and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.


  • 1879年,罗切具名乔治·申请汽车专利权

    In 1879, George B. Selden, a resident of Rochester, had filed a patent application in which he claimed to have invented the automobile.


  • 节目主持人·是个重要问题是谁或是什么创造天地万物

    LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: It's the fundamental question: who or what created the universe?


  • 沃森运行着90台服务器,体积占据了整个房间一月份练习完胜了位前冠军·詹宁(Ken Jennings)布拉德·鲁特(BradRutter)。

    Watson runs on 90 servers and takes up an entire room, and in a practice match in January it finished ahead of two former champions, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter.


  • 韦恩·鲁尼哈维·埃南德将会因为伤病双双缺阵曼联主场迎战巴塞欧冠小组

    Wayne Rooney and Javier Hernández will both miss Manchester United's Champions League game with Basel through injury. Photograph: Jon Super/AP


  • 97报告庆祝三部重头作品获成功——·伟大的猩猩》、布莱恩·魔术师妻子安妮·迈克四处飘落碎片》。

    The following year's report celebrated three big titles. They were "Great Apes" by Will Self, "The Magician's Wife" by Brian Moore and "Fugitive Pieces" by Anne Michaels.


  • 1663年4月10日•佩皮(Samuel Pepys),日记作家伦敦社交场上花花公子,记录品尝了一种叫做奥布莱恩(HoBryan)的法国葡萄酒,有着从未体验过的美妙绝伦的口味”。

    On April 10th 1663, Samuel Pepys, diarist and man-about-London, noted that he had enjoyed “a sort of French wine called Ho Bryan that hath a good and most particular taste that I never met with”.


  • 称作柯利克里克(Curley Creek)地方欧文夫妇靠着位于山脉500英亩山坡地农场谋生。

    The Owenses live on a five-hundred-acre ranch on the slopes of the Purcell Mountains, in an area known as Curley Creek.


  • 亚特兰大娜塔莎个孩子的母亲她记得自己女儿西才刚大,开始玩丈夫iPhone

    Natasha Sykes, a mother of two in Atlanta, remembers the first time her daughter, Kelsey, then barely 2 years old, held her husband’s iPhone.


  • 亚特兰大娜塔莎个孩子的母亲她记得自己女儿西才刚大,开始玩丈夫iPhone

    Natasha Sykes, a mother of two in Atlanta, remembers the first time her daughter, Kelsey, then barely 2 years old, held her husband’s iPhone.


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