• 西方时态的强调让巴尔蒂感到迷惑

    The Balti find westerners’ emphasis on time confusing.


  • 西方时态的强调让巴尔蒂感到迷惑

    The Balti find westerners' emphasis on time confusing.


  • 对于尔蒂人语言是个门外汉我能感觉到顿森在作这番表述时的语气

    I know nothing about the Balti language, but I recognize the tone of Mortenson's statement.


  • 许多路过此地西方游客都会这样感觉——认为巴尔蒂人的这种生活遥远发达国家更加简单美好

    Many Westerners passing through the place had the feeling that the 18 Balti lived a simpler, better life than they did back home in their developed countries.


  • 睡眠改善项目“睡眠创始艾莉森·加德纳如果通常每晚只睡4个小时大大低估了负面影响

    If Steel was routinely sleeping for four hours a night, she would be drastically underestimating the negative impact, says Alison Gardiner, founder of the sleep improvement programme Sleep station.


  • 博斯托克表示即使恰好属于一小部分认为每天工作20个小时对我们其他来说只是一个纪律问题也是相当不负责任

    Even if Steel does happen to be among that tiny minority, says Bostock, it's "pretty irresponsible" to suggest that 20-hour days are simply a question of discipline for the rest of us.


  • 此外最近针对梅克遗址发现工具研究表明梅克获得一些黑曜石起源于特奥瓦坎附近

    Moreover, recent research on obsidian tools found at Olmec sites has shown that some of the obsidian obtained by the Olmecs originated near Teotihuacán.


  • 也许加利福尼亚学院有一认为,学院的第一个罗兹奖学金获得者来自瓦茨是遗憾的事,却从未更加为此感到骄傲

    While a group in Whittier , Calif . , may regard it as unfortunate that its college’s first Rhodes Scholar comes from Watts, I , for my part , could not feel more pride about that than I do now .


  • 博物馆选址科罗拉多是有道理即使不是故乡所在因为他的画作强有力地使回想美国西部广阔景象。

    It makes sense for a Still museum to be located in Colorado, even though it was not his native state, because his paintings powerfully recall the vast landscapes of the American west.


  • 许多当地,要区别开来可是需要多年实践经验哦。

    Many locals claim that it takes several years of practice to distinguish between Sturm wine and vinegar.


  • 故事的叙说奥古斯特·布瑞是个有点年纪图书评论家女儿米兰孙女亚一起居住佛蒙特州打发那些失眠的日日夜夜

    The narrator is August Brill, an elderly book reviewer living out his days and sleepless nights in a house in Vermont that he shares with his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya.


  • 谷歌女发言丽·约德尔蒂拒绝谷歌、合作伙伴以及相关诉讼进行评论

    Google spokeswoman Shari Yoder Doherty declined to comment on Google and its partners or any complaints to the government.


  • 希腊神话中一种半半羊的生物,常自然潘和神狄俄尼索斯联系在一起

    In Greek mythology, satyrs are half-goat, half-man creatures associated with Pan, the nature god, and Dionysius, god of wine and pleasure.


  • ASBP发言、医学博士迈克·说:“我会西布,但每月检查他们血压次。”

    "I'll put patients on meridia-but I'll check their blood pressure once or twice a month," says Michael Steelman, M.D., a spokesperson for the ASBP.


  • 米歇申请合法监护那天,他们向法官递交了一克里斯亲戚来信,信中表达了他们对普林一家的真心拥护和诚挚谢意

    The day Michele and Al petitioned for legal custody hey handed the judge a stack of letters from Kristen’s relatives, expressing their heartfelt approval and gratitude to the Poulins.


  • 漫长职业生涯中伟大摄影创始佛雷德戈雷兹的画廊搭档

    During his long career, he was a gallery partner with the great photography promoter Alfred Stieglitz.


  • 影响超越每一个喜剧演员,娜·菲、艾米·波勒桑德拉·伯纳德、罗珊妮·芭以及克里斯汀·韦格还有任何一位好莱坞女制片

    Her influence reigns over every female comicfrom Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Sandra Bernhard, Roseanne Barr and Kristen Wiig - as well as any female Hollywood executive.


  • 格拉拉拍到照片是他们西好莱坞参加著名经纪史威夫拉扎的聚会,这个聚会西好莱坞著名,也是最重要的事件之一

    Galella caught this shot of them arriving at Spago in West Hollywood for talent agent Swifty Lazar's after-party, one of the most famous and exclusive events in town.


  • 马哈表示很高兴上海出席APEC领导非正式会议

    Mahathir expressed his gladness to attend the APEC meeting in Shanghai.


  • 古勒卜丁•希克马组织的领导一直希望可以回到阿富汗,而不必再隐藏巴基斯坦

    Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the movement’s leader, has long been known to want to return from hiding in Pakistan.


  • 虽然戴维行止较之查理斯更为公开采访过兄弟布莱恩·尔蒂没发现兄弟二产生过分歧

    Though David's manner is more cosmopolitan, and more genial, than that of Charles, Brian Doherty, who has interviewed both brothers, couldn't think of a single issue on which the brothers disagreed.


  • 俄州承认自己家乡也能逃过此次全国性的经济衰退最近电动机制造商MercuryMarine宣布计划关闭沃特市工厂,俄将因此损失450个工作岗位

    The state had not escaped the national downturn, they said; recently Mercury Marine, a motor manufacturer, had announced plans to close its plant in Stillwater with the loss of 450 jobs.


  • 舍格斯特(Segeratrale)先生本身芬兰,而游鱼一名创始塞巴斯安.阿勒代(SebastiendeHalleux来自比利时。

    Mr Segerstrale is Finnish; the other founder, Sebastien de Halleux, is Belgian.


  • 李·佩尔蒂埃(lePelletier):考虑堕落程度如果可以这样表达自己,我深信使重生创造一个全新必要的。

    Le PELLETIER: Considering the extent of human degradation, I am convinced that it is necessary to effect a total regeneration and, if I may so express myself, of creating a new people.


  • 李·佩尔蒂埃(lePelletier):考虑堕落程度如果可以这样表达自己,我深信使重生创造一个全新必要的。

    Le PELLETIER: Considering the extent of human degradation, I am convinced that it is necessary to effect a total regeneration and, if I may so express myself, of creating a new people.


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