• 近日,比利时开始审理一起母亲子女案。去年2月42比利时妇女米特亲手杀害5名亲生子女,他们的年龄3至14岁。

    The trial of Genevieve Lhermitte, a 42-year-old Belgian mother accused of killing her 5 children aged between 3 and 14 in February last year, has opened in Belgium Monday.


  • 黄昏时分,索太太听到塞斯庄园发生一切

    It was in these twilight hours that Mrs. Sowerby heard of all that happened at Misselthwaite Manor.


  • 但是米特说,燃料值得等待

    But Mittleman says hydrogen cars are worth the wait.


  • 《纽约》杂志美国时尚》杂志撰稿人,乔纳森·范·新新的审美观归咎于充斥着青年人图片时尚名流杂志。

    Jonathan Van Meter, a writer at New York magazine and US Vogue, blames fashion and celebrity glossies filled with images of teenagers for the New New aesthetic.


  • 希拉里坐车罗恩探望妻子玛和他的孩子蕾西迈克以及迈克妻子

    Hillary and I drove to Ron's house to see his wife, Alma, and his children, Tracey and Michael, and Michael's wife, Tammy.


  • 我们已经买下一些高质量球员,()阿、(西)贝纳扬两个充满创造力中场他们好的球感,而且球队里的优秀的新成员。

    We have brought in some quality players, [Mikel] Arteta and [Yossi] Benayoun are two creative midfielders who are really comfortable on the ball and they will be great additions to the squad.


  • 如果信用状况糟糕那么申请信用卡变得困难了,”奥德修斯·帕帕·迪米特说:“但是能够申请到。”

    "Getting a credit card if you have bad credit is harder than it used to be," says Odysseas Papadimitrou. "But they are still available."


  • 主持检查工作奥列格·米特·弗曾经负责调查荷兰皇家壳牌公司萨哈林二号项目2006年污染环境事件。

    Leading the inspection will be Oleg Mitvol, who also investigated Royal Dutch Shell for its environmental violations in 2006 on the site of its Sakhalin-2 project.


  • 不过米特·沃否认秋明BP事件有任何类似联系

    However, he denies any such link in the case of TNK-BP.


  • 乌塞恩·昨晚载入奥林匹克史册成为第一届奥运会上获得100、200短跑双料冠军并打破世界纪录的运动员。

    Usain Bolt blazed into the Olympic history books last night, becoming the first man to break world records while winning both 100m and 200m RACES at a single Games.


  • 这话格斯•布瑞一位上了年纪的职业书评女儿莉亚以及孙女一起佛蒙,他在这里度过一个个白天与失眠夜。

    The narrator is August Brill, an elderly book reviewer living out his days and sleepless nights in a house in Vermont that he shares with his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya.


  • 弗莱·下半场抽筋下场时,迪米特·巴托夫取代了的位置,这完全就是一个现代版的贝肯鲍

    Fryers is normally a left-back. When he suffered cramp late in the second half, Dimitar Berbatov took over, like a modern-day Beckenbauer.


  • 当弗莱·下半场抽筋下场时,迪米特·巴托夫取代了他的位置,这完全就是一个现代版的贝肯鲍

    Fryers is normally a left-back.When he suffered cramp late in the second half, Dimitar Berbatov took over, like a modern-day Beckenbauer.


  • 那天夜里,·坎、布鲁斯·林赛、詹姆斯·卡维保罗。贝加拉乔治斯迪法诺普洛斯、还有希拉里曼彻斯天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 位于斯拉努夫苏塔拉之间卡扎菲老家,现在没有任何反对的声音。

    Colonel Qaddafi's hometown of Sirte, which lies between Ras Lanuf and Misrata, has not risen up against him.


  • 我们得到一些非常意外的发现,”来自英国南极调查局(BAS)的合著皮埃··里奥,他的是400高的海

    "We found something very unexpected," said co-author Pierre Dutrieux, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), referring to the 400m-high ridge.


  • 最近的罗马城叫做本斯——维鲁拉——街道上一个繁忙市场拥有自己的角斗士剧院

    The nearest Roman town was st Albans - or Verulamium - a busy market on Watling Street with its own gladiator theatre.


  • 英国布里斯大学营养师诺斯顿保利娜·米特博士发现,幼儿日常饮食可能会影响智商

    Drs Kate Northstone and Pauline Emmett, nutritionists at Bristol University, have found that diet before the age of three may affect IQ later.


  • 其他25名来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏家马友友慈善家雷沙·海因茨,建筑家索姆·以及芭蕾舞蹈家恩·沃策

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


  • 弗雷德里克·出生附近一生献给了文学普罗旺斯

    Frederic Mistral, born not far from Arles, devoted his life to literature and Provence.


  • 现在梵高名气声势逆转,梵高作品博物馆的出现使参观人数激增。

    Now that fate has reversed the reputations of the two men, the presence of a Van Gogh in the Museon Arlaten would send visitor numbers shooting up.


  • 心理学家普拉巴·谢多·斯斯为进一步统一以前各有关研究文献观点,多伦多大学开展了一项后续性实验。

    To tighten the focus on those early findings, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss conducted a follow-up study at the University of Toronto.


  • ·佩里,约翰·多伊奇·坎鲍勃·赖克,黑兹·奥利里,劳拉·泰森亨利·西斯内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 上周,爱斯·娃的同事奥莱格·洛夫表示,已经确切无疑地知道了杀害的凶手。

    Last week, Estemirova's colleague Oleg Orlov certainly felt in no doubt as to who killed her.


  • 西英里电力分站,距离大道2015皮卡堆在一块,重机枪炸成碎片的还剩点灰烬。

    Some two miles west of Sirte, 15 pick-up trucks mounted with heavy machine guns lay burnt out, smashed and smouldering next to an electricity sub station some 20 metres from the main road.


  • 古代美索不达粗野的闪米特袭击最终战胜富有先进的苏美

    In ancient Mesopotamia the rough Semites attacked and eventually overcame the wealthier, more sophisticated Sumerians.


  • 墨西哥射手来到曼彻斯时候,迪米特·巴托夫已经在曼联度过了一段非常愉快时光不过南德斯刻苦让人们看到比赛渴望

    Dimitar Berbatov was going through a great moment when the Mexican got to Manchester, but hernandez worked hard and showed how much he wanted to play.


  • 墨西哥射手来到曼彻斯时候,迪米特·巴托夫已经在曼联度过了一段非常愉快时光不过南德斯刻苦让人们看到比赛渴望

    Dimitar Berbatov was going through a great moment when the Mexican got to Manchester, but hernandez worked hard and showed how much he wanted to play.


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