• 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰·克拉夫, 德·沃克戴夫沃森,艾伦·塔布特雷弗·蒂文格雷厄姆·

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 沃本野生动物园市场拓展部经理谢丽·威廉姆12日对媒体表示:"罗特希长颈鹿长颈鹿中非常珍稀亚种

    They are a very rare sub-species of giraffe.


  • 的内容是关于通过想象大自然,治愈“精神错乱症”。奥姆斯特德一个男孩那样阅读齐默曼的书,奉之为宝贝

    Olmsted read Zimmermann’s book as a boy and treasured it.


  • 伊薇特·库珀看似站在丈夫埃德·鲍尔斯一旁一个更为令人印象深刻候选人马上施压她重新考虑

    It looks like Yvette Cooper is standing aside for her husband, Ed Balls - but she is a far more impressive candidate, and should be urgently pressed to reconsider.


  • 年前,特·基什内突发心脏病过世,这对于克里蒂娜·南德来说,失去貌似只是丈夫(也是她的政坛伙伴),还有权力掌控兴趣

    A YEAR ago, when Nestor Kirchner died suddenly of a heart attack, Cristina fernandez seemed to have lost not just her husband and political partner but also her grip on power and appetite for it.


  • 多特·女士东盟替代网络权益组织发言人。她认为,缅甸脆弱经济状况可能迫使很多人别的地方去寻找工作

    Debbie Stothardt, the spokeswoman for rights group the Alternative ASEAN Network, says Burma's economy is so fragile that it could force many in the country to migrate looking for work.


  • 如果信用状况糟糕那么申请信用卡变得困难了,”奥德·帕帕·迪米特说:“但是能够申请到。”

    "Getting a credit card if you have bad credit is harder than it used to be," says Odysseas Papadimitrou. "But they are still available."


  • 年前特·基什内突发心脏病过世,这对于克里蒂娜·南德来说,失去貌似只是丈夫(也是她的政坛伙伴),还有权力掌控兴趣

    YEAR ago, when Nestor Kirchner died suddenly of a heart attack, Cristina fernandez seemed to have lost not just her husband and political partner but also her grip on power and appetite for it.


  • 曾强烈质疑货币危机可能会完全由于自我实现预言而产生的看法——这一看法首先莫瑞·奥博特·弗伯克利强力推出。

    I was highly skeptical of the argument that currency crises could arise out of sheer self-fulfilling prophecy-an argument first pushed forcefully by Maury Obstfeld at Berkeley.


  • 欧米茄奥运部门经理克里托夫·贝特霍德称,比赛结果决定过程中,没有任何人为干预因此菲胜利绝对毫无疑问的”。

    Christophe Berthaud, Omega's Olympic manager, said that there was no human intervention in the determining of race results and that there was "absolutely no doubt" that Phelps won.


  • 是的送给玛丽·亨德森迪特·巴康的结婚礼物

    Yes. It was a wedding present for Mary Henderson and DieterBascombe.


  • 昨天以色列官员们暗自思忖·德是否这种态度报告中做词,或者代表团其他成员工作者将这种态度逐步泯灭

    Israeli officials wondered privately yesterday whether he had set the tone of the report, or was swept along by other mission members and staffers.


  • 这本手册欧洲议会秘书长德-罗默颁发,适用于布鲁塞特拉工作785名议员

    It has been circulated by Harold Romer, the parliament's secretary general, to the 785 MEPs working in Brussels and Strasbourg.


  • 在唐纳德·特罗克所著德·达传记里,描绘令人同情的达的画面,同时注意许多缺点

    A new biography by Donald Sturrock paints a sympathetic picture of the author that is also attentive to his many flaws.


  • 有人会听到福兰西 加布瑞演唱的浪漫民谣不渝》;有的则听到的是由文森特 德莱姆带来的“中性歌曲”《饮茶时间》。

    They heard either a romantic ballad – Je L'aime a Mourir (I Love Her to Death) by Francis Cabrel, or L'heure du The (Time For Tea) by Vincent Delerm which was classed as neutral.


  • 最终卡本特泰德他们的健康损害变得大了。

    Eventually Carpenter and Olmsted say the toll on their health became too much.


  • 汉尼·法理德教授新罕布什达特学院计算机科学家他的博士研究生埃里克·基对修片进行了调查。

    Professor Hany Farid, a computer scientist at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, and his PhD student Eric Kee, have been investigating photo retouching.


  • 自然界控制着鹿群大小,”马特·希兄弟·皮德说。

    "Nature controls the size of the herd," says Mathis's brother, Nils Peder.


  • 坦福警官瑞奇·康克林上尉,现年55纳什朋友,现年70岁的桑德拉埃罗家里,这个名叫特拉维黑猩猩跳到她身上,并且开始她、捶击她。

    Nash, 55, had just arrived at the home of her friend, Sandra Herold, 70, when the chimp, named Travis, jumped on her and began biting and mauling her, said Stamford Police Capt. Rich Conklin.


  • 报道特海姆发现的艺术新闻,最近采访了维也纳贝蒂博物馆馆长克劳·亚伯雷西·施罗德。

    ARTnews, which has reported on Wertheim’s findings, recently interviewed Klaus Albrecht Schr?der, the director of the Albertina Museum, in Vienna.


  • 阿莫·特学院认知科学家马修·苏坎德提出音乐旋律我们的大脑记忆里有着独特位置

    Music and melody seem to have a unique place in memory, Amherst College cognitive scientist Matthew Schulkind suggests.


  • 那个古董投影展台里,·弗雷多阿德·菲奥神(莱奥波多·特里亚·特饰)批准下放映着电影,这正是20年来每个电影院的人看不到任何一个哪怕是简单原因

    In the antique projection booth, Alfredo screens the films for the approval of Father Adelfio (Leopoldo Trieste), the reason no one has seen a single kiss in 20 years of going to the cinema.


  • 霍顿·考菲德特拉·比考可算得上是20世纪美国文化值得纪念反英雄人物。

    Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.


  • 作家尔斯·西伯特摄影师麦克·尼克尔斯本月探索达芙妮孤儿康复中心——大卫。歇德瑞野生动物基金会罗比托儿所

    This month, writer Charles Siebert and photographer Michael Nichols explore Daphne's orphan elephant rehabilitation center, the Nairobi nursery of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.


  • 另外一些已知深入收藏基作品的收藏家们还有洛杉矶埃里•布劳德、华盛顿的米歇·瑞尔斯巴黎的伯纳德·阿诺特。

    Other collectors said to own Gursky in depth are Eli Broad in Los Angeles, Mitchell Rales in Washington, DC, and Bernard Arnault in Paris.


  • 周二皇家马德里将就爱马努埃阿德约的交易曼城进行协商。

    Real Madrid will make a fresh approach to Manchester City for Emmanuel Adebayor on Tuesday.


  • 其他的竞争者—埃德·(右边那位),安迪·纳姆(照片中无),博特女士,争夺第三

    The other contenders-ed Balls (right), Andy Burnham (not pictured) and Ms abbott-are vying for third place.


  • 亚拉巴马州理查德·谢比、华盛顿州的德·戈顿、阿拉加州特德·史蒂文田纳西州弗雷德·汤普森弗吉尼亚州的约翰·了作伪证罪的反对票。

    Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.


  • 亚拉巴马州理查德·谢比、华盛顿州的德·戈顿、阿拉加州特德·史蒂文田纳西州弗雷德·汤普森弗吉尼亚州的约翰·了作伪证罪的反对票。

    Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.


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