• 他们找到少量食物淡水

    They have found a small supply of food and water.


  • 不管如何刷洗牙齿总会少量食物细菌牙龈底下。

    No matter how hard you try to clean your teeth, there will always be small amounts of food and bacteria under the gums.


  • 老妇只好坐在炉子的小角落中的非常少量食物

    The old woman had to sit in the corner behind the stove and they gave her just a little food in a pottery bowl.


  • 少量的食物能让动物活得更加长久的说法现在已被人们广泛地接受。

    IT IS now generally accepted that eating less makes animals live longer.


  • 低下头他们看见了他们从那个垃圾筐里一点一点收寻那些少量食物

    He looked over their heads and saw — a little mouse, which was running about among the pieces of pager in the basket and looking for bits of food.


  • 清洁工濑鱼认为是暗礁真空吸尘器吸入少量的食物寄生虫暗礁

    Cleaner wrasses, known as the reef's vacuum cleaners, suck morsels of food, parasites, and dead skin from reef fish.


  • 手术过程中,将束带放置上部这样将产生一个只能容纳少量食物

    During the surgery, a band is placed around the upper part of the stomach, and this creates a small pouch that holds only a small amount of food.


  • 我们饮食饱和脂肪含量血液胆固醇发挥影响相对少量食物胆固醇的影响好几

    The amount of saturated fat in our diet exerts an effect on blood cholesterol that is several times greater than the relatively small amounts of dietary cholesterol.


  • 通过研究者测试分子情况目前只有少量食物达到要求,因而不得不它们以保持所谓好处

    Also, researchers may test molecules that are present in only small amounts in food, so you would have to eat an unmanageable amount of the original food to get the supposed benefits...


  • 很多食物孩子们不能他们只能少量高脂肪甜食

    There are many foods that children aren't allowed to eat and they're only allowed to eat small amounts of fatty or sweet food.


  • 咨询了内科医生,聘请了一个健身教练,并开始每餐吃少量且健康的食物

    I consulted with a physician, I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and healthy meals.


  • 如果真要的话,取少量这些食物作为调料绝不主料

    Use a small amount of these foods as flavoring, but not as main ingredients.


  • 选择少量负担得起最好食物,你不仅会享受很多,更重要的不用很多就能得到满足。

    By choosing smaller amounts of the best food you can afford, you will not only enjoy it more, you're far more likely to be satisfied without having to over eat.


  • 牛奶并不是一个食物尤其是巴氏杀菌奶其他乳制品应该避免少量鲜奶脱脂奶制品另当别论。

    Milk cannot be considered a good food, particularly pasteurized, and together with other dairy products should be avoided, except perhaps for small quantities of raw milk and non-fat milk products.


  • 窍门就是饭菜加进少量此种食物

    The trick is to add that food into your meals in very small amounts.


  • 过一两次可以礼貌拒绝简单的做法是剩下少量未食用的食物以表示吃饱。

    After a helping or two it is acceptable to refuse politely or, more simply, just leave a little uneaten food.


  • 关于这种情况能否导致少量成分(通常微克/公斤范围进入食物,继而对人类健康产生影响可能还需要进一步评估

    Whether this has a potential for carry over into food at low concentrations (usually in the range of microgram per kilogram) and could further impact human health may need further evaluation.


  • 在地下生长的农产品吸收少量的辐射,标准洗涤法这些食物足够有效。

    Undergroundcrops absorb little radiation. Standardwashing is sufficient for these foods.


  • 原因之一是,大多数公司使用鱼类降低食物鳕鱼沙丁鱼它们积累及少量

    For one thing, most companies use species of fish that are lower on the food chain, like cod and sardines, which accumulate less mercury.


  • 日本少量不正式西方菜肴中,很多健康食物了个尝试,也开始喜欢当地食物了。

    With fewer familiar western-style dishes in Japan, I experimented with a variety of healthier foods and came to love the local cuisine.


  • 就算少量农药允许用在院子里面,但大量流入河流小溪、向食物挺进的农药允许的。

    And if a little pesticide in the backyard is acceptable, tons of pesticides, running into rivers and streams, moving up the food chain, are not.


  • 家禽饲养简陋夜间遮蔽处,管理措施防病投入非常有限,仅剩余食物少量粮食进行补饲。

    Poultry are kept in simple night shelters with very limited management and disease prevention inputs, and minimal supplementary feeding using household scraps and small amounts of grain.


  • 过去20多年研究已经指出微量营养素的重要性食物发现的极少量物质起着很大作用

    Research over the past 20 years have pointed to the importance of micronutrients - substances found in small amounts in foods that make a big difference.


  • 这项研究表明少量甜的食品菜肴可以改变知觉甜味食物的影响多么的强大

    This research shows how little sweet food stuffs are required to actually change your taste perceptions, and how powerful sweet-tasting products are.


  • 霍基表示健康饮食方法食用少量缓慢释放碳水化合物食物

    Hawkey said the healthiest option is for people to eat small portions of foods that release carbohydrates slowly.


  • 要求我们经常食用坚果低脂食物白奶酪、酸奶橄榄油; 另外,还应少量地食用一些蒸煮禽肉

    It also includes frequent to medium consumption of nuts, low-fat products, like white-cheese and yogurt, olive oil and fish while for less frequent consumption recommends white meat.


  • 消灭了食物顶端,在低端小一些的鱼就会暴增,吞食比与它们总重量相同的少量大鱼更多食物

    Kill the fish at the top and you may get an explosion of smaller ones below, gobbling up much more food than would be eaten by a few big fish of the same total weight.


  • 消灭了食物顶端,在低端小一些的鱼就会暴增,吞食比与它们总重量相同的少量大鱼更多食物

    Kill the fish at the top and you may get an explosion of smaller ones below, gobbling up much more food than would be eaten by a few big fish of the same total weight.


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