• 小睡时间可以更改声音可设置突然惊醒。

    Snooze times can be changed and you can make the sound fade in so as not to be too abrupt.


  • 研究者发现宝宝小睡小睡时间

    Baby boys tended to nap more frequently than girls, but slept for shorter bursts, the researchers found.


  • 轻轻叫醒之前病人还有15分钟小睡时间

    Patients are given an extra 15 minutes to snooze before being woken gently.


  • 接着这些做了一遍所有测试允许选择上午下午两个30分钟小睡时间

    Then, , the men went through all the tests again, but were allowed to take two 30-minute naps in the morning and afternoon.


  • 每天睡眠时间包括小睡时间只有5个小时甚至更少妇女,会增加2.5以上心血管疾病的风险。

    Women who skimped on sleep, getting five hours or fewer a day, including naps, were more than two-and-a-half times as likely to develop cardiovascular disease.


  • 可以这么设置您的小睡时间开始 10分钟的间隔,然后下一次变成 5 分钟,再下一次就变成 2 分钟。

    So you can start off with a 10-minute snooze, have a 5-minute snooze next, and then a 2-minute snooze.


  • 建议小睡时间保持1530分钟之间避免进入深度睡眠,一旦进入深度睡眠,你发现很难过来,而且醒来之后时间脑袋昏昏沉沉

    I advise keeping the nap between 15 and 30 minutes as you want to avoid getting into deeper stages of sleep. If you do, you'll find it harder to wake and may experience the groggy feeling for a while.


  • 问题关键晚餐时间小睡

    The key to your problem is that long nap after dinner.


  • 询公司 UU Corporation 的做法很灵活:员工可以在下午1点到4点之间的任何时间小睡时间不超过30分钟。

    UU Corporation, a consulting company, has a flexible approach: employees can take a nap for thirty minutes at most any time between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.


  • 如果白天很强睡意小睡一会虽然有充足睡眠时间也许意味着睡眠障碍需要进一步评估

    If there is excessive daytime sleepiness and desire to nap, in spite of adequate sleep time, this might suggest a sleep disorder warranting further evaluation.


  • 如果我们希望自己度假时间持续的更长,那么我们应该海滩上小睡,把我们假期的每一时刻塞满新奇的,值得我们注意牢记东西

    If we want our time off to last longer, then we should skip the beach naps and instead cram our days full of new things, which we will notice and memorize.


  • 作为一个大学讲师很幸运不用每天上班,我一周只要工作但是三天我工作很长时间没有一点时间可以小睡一下。

    Fortunately, being a college lecturer, I don't have to go to work everyday. I only work three days a week, but during the three days I work really long hours and have no time for a wee little siesta.


  • 度过了多相睡眠第一,严格按照小时小睡20到30分钟时间

    I've completed my first day on the polyphasic sleep schedule, napping for 20-30 minutes every four hours.


  • 尽管午睡已经证实身体有益,但很多公司没有休息室里为员工设置这样休息的工具,有足够长的午餐时间时间偷偷溜回家小睡一会。

    Despite the proven benefits of a mid-afternoon nap, most corporate offices don't keep cots in the lobby or give you a long enough lunch hour to sneak home and snooze for a bit.


  • 研究发现时间睡觉能够导致睡眠负债”,这个问题不能简单时不时额外的小睡所解决

    A new study finds that going long periods without sleep can lead to a sort of "sleep debt" that cannot simply be undone with a little extra snoozing from time to time.


  • 多相睡眠仅仅意味着可以通过24小时多次小睡来获得一些额外的时间

    By definition polyphasic sleep means you'll be taking multiple naps during a 24-hour period and spending more time awake at night.


  • 现在能够快速进入睡眠状态(分钟时间),并且15 - 20分钟小睡经常做梦知道是不是说明我早就开始调节自己快速进入REM

    I'm already good at falling asleep fast (within a few minutes), and I often have dreams during 15-20 minute naps, so I wonder if I've partially conditioned myself to enter REM rapidly.


  • 现在小睡时,睡的比较沉,而且感觉上睡着的时间远远超过实际睡着的时间

    Now when I awaken from naps, it usually feels like much more time has passed.


  • 艾克瑟森对这个话题兴趣来自小女儿一个提问:时间小睡真的睡美人可爱吗

    Axelsson's interest in the subject was partly inspired by a question from his young daughter about whether it was the long nap that made Sleeping Beauty so lovely.


  • 经常宽慰自己说,先对于多出来的额外时间偶尔需要小睡20分钟真的不算什么。

    I remind myself that the extra hours each day are well worth the occasional inconvenience of taking an unwanted break to nap for 20 minutes.


  • 觉得可以遵循一个更宽松的作息时间在有必要小睡时候小睡

    I think I may want to relax the rigid napping schedule and try just napping when I feel the need to do so.


  • 一个小睡按钮、作为床头使用可变屏幕功能以及时间翻页音效

    Features include a snooze button, the ability to dim the screen for use on a bedside table and sound effects for when the time flips over.


  • 试验也证明,一杯咖啡过后的小睡能够让人坚持精神亢奋时间最长

    So in testing, the combination of a cup of coffee with an immediate nap chaser provided the most alertness for the longest period of time.


  • 夜间睡眠尽可能避免白天睡觉。白天小睡会把夜间熟睡时间偷走几个小时呢。把白天的睡觉时间限定20分钟,权当一个恢复体力的小

    Sleep only at night. Avoid daytime sleep if possible. Daytime naps steal hours from nighttime slumber. Limit daytime sleep to 20-minute, power naps.


  • 所以我会尝试身体告诉什么时间小睡一下或许这样效果会更好一些。

    So I think I'll try the same approach with polyphasic sleep and just allow my body to tell me when it needs to nap. I think that may produce better results than following a fixed nap schedule.


  • 多相睡眠仅仅意味着可以通过24小时多次小睡获得一些额外时间

    By definition polyphasic sleep means you'll be taking multiple naps during a 24-hour period and spending more time awake at night. But you'll also gain several extra productive hours per day.


  • 想可能时间保持一个姿势偶尔沙发不是床上小睡造成

    It could be a result of spending more time in certain positions than my body is used to. Or it could be that I sometimes nap on the couch and other times in the bed, which my body isn't used to.


  • 例如可以安排一个凌晨2点到5点的核心睡眠阶段然后其余的时间进行34小睡

    For example, you might have a core sleep period from 2-5am, and then three or four shorter naps spread throughout the day.


  • 白天小睡夜间熟睡时间偷走几个小时呢。

    Daytime naps steal hours from nighttime slumber.


  • 小睡时候,感觉上睡眠时间远远超过了20分钟。

    Now most of my naps feel like they're about 2 hours long, so it actually feels like I'm sleeping a lot more than I am.


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