• 根据不同等级像素重要性不同特性,采用改进嵌入小波编码方法对预测结果进行多阈量化

    Considering pixels of different levels have different significance, we utilize improved embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW) to get multilevel thresholds quantization.


  • 文中嵌入式零树小波编码算法及其改进算法原理、方法性能进行了介绍和比较,指出了嵌入式图像编码研究方向

    The principles and performances of EZW and its improved algorithms are presented and explained, and the research tendency in the area of embedded image coding is pointed out.


  • 虽然当前变换系数值进行编码已有了比较高效算法,但是现行的小波编码算法对小波变换系数符号编码并非如同值的编码那么有效

    While efficient algorithms exist for coding the transform coefficient magnitudes, current wavelet image coding algorithms are not as efficient at coding the sign of the transform coefficients.


  • 建立了基于小波变换运动图像编码系统模型,实现了数据高效压缩得到了良好恢复图像。

    A system model of image sequence coding based on wavelet transform is established. Then a high data compression ratio is realized and satisfactorily reconstructed image can be obtained.


  • EBCOT采用并行运算动态内存控制(DMC)结构保证编码速度的前提下,最大限度减了片内小波系数缓存量和访问频率。

    The EBCOT design USES parallel processing and dynamic memory control (DMC) architecture, which greatly speeds up the coding process and achieves higher hardware utilization.


  • 结合图像压缩编码的具体应用,从硬件可实现性计算量两个方面对比提升框架变换小波变换。

    Combined with various applications in image coding and compression, lifting scheme transform is compared with wavelet transform in both hard realization and computation burden.


  • 分析了视差图像统计特性后,提出一个基于小波变换的视差补偿残差(WDCD)的编码方案

    After analyzed the statistical characteristics of disparity and residual image, a new coding scheme of disparity compensated difference based on wavelet transform (WDCD) is presented.


  • 小波变换技术良好空间—频率局部特性与人眼视觉特性相符的变换机制图像编码领域得到了广泛的应用研究

    The technique of wavelet transform has been applied and studied in the image coding field extensively because of its good feature of time-frequency and human visual system.


  • 研究了基于整数到整数形状自适应离散小波变换任意形状感兴趣区域有损无损编码技术

    Arbitrary shape region of interest lossily and losslessly coding technology based on integer-to-integer shape adaptive discrete wavelet transform has also been studied.


  • 并指出基于小波变换的SPIHT编码算法具有水下图像比特编码性能、可以与纠错技术结合使用等特点

    Our research has showed that SPIHT performs better than JPEG while the underwater images are coded in low bit rate. SPIHT also has a good progressive transmission characteristic.


  • 首先确定初始值,构造小波系数关系矩阵,然后结合关系矩阵对高频带系数进行逐次逼近量化编码

    Finally, the initial threshold is identified and relation matrix is constructed, and the wavelet coefficients of the high frequency subbands are encoded progressively by using relation matrix.


  • 结合过完备小波变换投影集(POCS)算法提出一种对信道差错鲁棒描述编码算法。

    An error robust multiple description coding algorithm was proposed, which combines the overcomplete wavelet transform and projection onto convex sets (POCS).


  • 目前小波变换矢量量化以及嵌入式编码已经成为图像压缩主要技术研究热点越来越受到重视。

    Nowadays, wavelet transform, vector quantization and embedded encoding has been the primary technique and study focus for image compression, to which people attach their more importance.


  • 针对图像小波系数带内显著分布聚簇特征提出了在SPIHT算法输出环节引入游程编码

    After the clustering characteristics of image wavelet coefficients' significance distribution in each sub-band was analyzed, run-length coding (RLC) was introduced into SPIHT's output stage.


  • 本文主要研究如何利用图像变换后系数相关性实现小波系数的分级编码传输,从而实现图像的渐近传输技术。

    This paper mainly study how to realize wavelet coefficient layered coding and transmission and image data progressive transmission using the correlation of the transformed image.


  • 实验结果表明,对富含直线边缘的图像来说,图像编码算法相比,该算法获得较高的边缘重建质量

    Experimental results show that for the straight line-rich images this algorithm can get better edge reconstruction quality compared with the traditional wavelet-based image coding.


  • 针对遥感图像数据特点,提出了结合正交变换SPIHT算法遥感图像小波零树编码方案

    A new remote sensing image coding scheme based on the biorthogonal wavelet transform and SPIHT algorithm is proposed according to the statistical characteristic of remote sensing image data.


  • 变换为基础提出能量阈值结合适应算术编码方法扰动数据进行压缩获得了好的压缩效果

    This paper proposes an energy threshold method based on wavelet transform and has achieved fairly good compression performance by referring to adaptive arithmetic encoding.


  • 与传统的JPEG标准相比JPEG2000标准采用了离散变换内嵌编码技术从而具有了渐进传输、感兴趣区域压缩、抗误码等新特性。

    Compared with the JPEG standard, JPEG2000 standard adopts some different compress technique, such as the Discrete Wavelet Transform, Embedded Coding and so on.


  • 本文图像视频编码进行了深入研究提出新的图像和视频编码算法针对提出算法进行了实验验证

    The image and video coding based on wavelet, transform is studied in this thesis. The new algorithm of wavelet-based image and video compressing is proposed and tested.


  • 本文对基于对象视频粒度可分级编码中的两个关键问题视频对象编码运动估计技术进行深入研究。

    This paper makes a deep insight into two problems of object-based fine granular scalable video coding in the wavelet domain, namely video object coding and motion estimation techniques.


  • 通过分析分解作为分图像编码预分解有效性小波仿变换特性提出一种基于分类小波域内的分形图像编码方法。

    With analyzing the availability of fractal image coding and the characters of affine transform in wavelet domain, a fractal image coding approach based on classifications is presented in this paper.


  • 编码参考编码高维变换(小波)编码三类I BR压缩系统照片集图像数据进行压缩

    The image data of the photo set was compressed with IBR compression algorithms such as the block coder, the reference coder and multidimensional wavelet transform.


  • 实验证明基于3小波变换的3维SPIHT编码算法超光谱图像压缩时,表现出优良的率失真性能。 并且算法复杂度适中,具有嵌入式特性。

    The test results show that the 3D SPIHT algorithm based on 3D DWT for hyperspectral images compression is very efficient, the algorithm is embedded and has modest complexity.


  • 提出种在图像小波域中嵌入文字的新型鲁棒水印算法嵌入文字进行混沌加密BCH纠错编码

    This paper brings forward a text embedding digital watermarking method based on image's DWT domain, meanwhile, using the chaotic sequences to encrypt the text data and BCH code to correct them.


  • 深入研究视频图像冗余离散变换特征基础上,提出一种用于视频编码运动补偿技术小波不规则三角形网格构造方法

    This paper discusses the feature of redundant discrete wavelet transform and proposes an irregular triangular mesh design method in wavelet domain for motion compensation in wavelet video codec.


  • 采用特殊矢量量化编码叫作小波矢量量化(WTVQ)编码每个数据进行压缩获得较高压缩性能

    Then a special Vector Quantization, called Wavelet Tree Vector Quantization (WTVQ), is designed to compress the every spectral image data, and a higher compression performance is obtained.


  • 并且基于小波变换视频编码的框架,提出一种描述视频编码方法方法以牺牲少量编码效率为代价,提高编码系统传输鲁棒性

    Furthermore, based on the redundant wavelet video coding system, a new multiple description coding scheme is proposed, which can enhance the transmission robustness with low redundancy.


  • 并且基于小波变换视频编码的框架,提出一种描述视频编码方法方法以牺牲少量编码效率为代价,提高编码系统传输鲁棒性

    Furthermore, based on the redundant wavelet video coding system, a new multiple description coding scheme is proposed, which can enhance the transmission robustness with low redundancy.


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