• 进来块尺寸不同地毯放到家具下面

    A different area rug was brought in and placed under the furniture.


  • 展示结束饲养员他们展示如何松鼠奶瓶

    After the presentation, a keeper showed them how to hold the bottle of milk for baby squirrels.


  • 非常画笔铅笔一种接近于浅色

    Take a very small paintbrush or pencil and a light, nearly white colour.


  • 当时,在这样的杂货店里需要什么东西柜台后面售货员声,会帮你

    A grocery store was a place where you told the clerk behind the counter what you wanted and he fetched it for you.


  • 坚持尺寸想像蛋酒摩卡这样甜点,而不是饮料

    Stick to small sizes. Think of treats such as eggnog lattes and mochas as desserts, not drinks.


  • 就在上到半山腰的时候,看到了迎面走过来大象,大象背上背着树叶,旁边看一根铁棒拨弄耳朵

    Halfway up the hill, he saw an elephant coming down, with a small bundle of leaves on its back and a mahout poking its ear with an iron rod.


  • 但是矮人们听说发生的事情,他们:“那个筐子的女人不是别人,就是邪恶继母。”

    But when the dwarfs heard what had happened, they said: "That old market-woman was no other than your wicked stepmother."


  • 外面那些牌子在干嘛

    Jun: What are those people outside carrying signs about?


  • 写!表格,把属于一个类别下面广泛至少分配到一张表格中。

    Take several sheets of paper and assign at least one sheet for each of the following broad categories.


  • 除了那些蔬菜,他们面包,一把折刀,有时还带上阿尔卑斯山俱乐部旅游指南还有一轴紧急时用的维修线

    Besides the vegetables, they held a piece of bread, a pocketknife, sometimes the Alpine Club guidebook, and always a spool of wire for emergency repairs.


  • 他们然后一口。

    They get little cups, and they sip it.


  • 也许3岁大孩子已经跳棋了,但是棋子要人帮才能,所以必须要再长大点才能玩。

    Maybe your 3-year-old is ready to play checkers, but toys with small parts should be kept out of reach and little kids should only play with a grownup.


  • 这些书籍多少

    You can take as many books as you can.


  • 问题在于亚瑟·索兹·伯格会一点点时间来些什么

    The question is what does Arthur Sulzberger Jr do with it?


  • 我最近的家伙手持猎刀家伙,就是搏击机修工。

    The closest one has a hunting knife. The one with the knife is the fight club mechanic.


  • 儿子米奇搅拌糖稀,女儿凯拉男友弗兰克甜饼往烤炉里

    Son Mickey stirred up a batch of candy. Daughter JaKeilla and her boyfriend, Frank, popped cookies in and out of the oven.


  • 吃完四个煎饼熏肉牛奶喝得只剩杯后,在嚷饿于是做了三个家里面包做了条吐司

    After four hot-cakes, eight strips of bacon, and all but two small glassfuls of the pitcher of milk, I complained of hunger, so she made me three eggs and a half loaf of toast from home-baked bread.


  • 吧,来点牛奶,稍放一点波尔图葡萄酒——给我镜子来,弄几个枕头垫在我身边,起来做菜

    You may bring me a little soup now, and some milk with a little port in it and — no; bring me a hand-mirror first, and then pack some pillows about me, and I will sit up and watch you cook.


  • 一支铅笔刀。,这是铅笔。

    If I take a pencil and I take my pocket knife... So here is a pencil.


  • 达尔文乘坐猎犬号勘察船,另一个遥远火山-圣赫勒途中造访了阿森岛,当时并没有多大期望能发现什么

    Aboard HMS Beagle, he called in at Ascension. En route from another remote volcanic island, St Helena, Darwin wasn't expecting much.


  • 肥皂一块柔软彻底擦拭表面物件上的灰尘

    Fill a tub with warm soapy water and use a soft cloth to wipe down surfaces and nick-nacks to remove any of the dust.


  • 除了吃以外年轻人去拜会家里老人家,而盆友大把压岁钱

    Besides eating, young people visit older family members and kids are blessed with a red pack of "lucky" money.And then, people gather and eat again !


  • ,6不是12点心而不是4巧克力块。

    Get the small latte, the 6-inch sub instead of the 12-inch, the small cookie instead of the 4-inch chocolate chip behemoth.


  • 于是裁缝把老虎钳子出来伸出爪子裁缝紧紧地把熊爪老虎钳子中以后,:“你一等,剪刀去!”

    So a vice was fetched, and the bear held out his PAWS, but the young tailor screwed them in tightly and said: "Now wait till I get the scissors."


  • 1916年ClarenceSaunders一家Piggly Wiggly开业,当时,在这样杂货店需要什么东西柜台后面售货员声,

    When Clarence Saunders opened his first Piggly Wiggly in 1916, a grocery store was a place where you told the clerk behind the counter what you wanted and he fetched it.


  • 如果一个半径1厘米卵石,从高楼上下去速度因为空气阻力不过超过75英里

    If you take a pebble with a radius of about one centimeter and you throw it off a high building, it will reach a speed which will not exceed 75 miles per hour because of the air drag.


  • 如果一个半径1厘米卵石,从高楼上下去速度因为空气阻力不过超过75英里

    If you take a pebble with a radius of about one centimeter and you throw it off a high building, it will reach a speed which will not exceed 75 miles per hour because of the air drag.


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