• 因此小学教师教育体系研究具有十分重要实际意义

    Therefore, the study of education system of primary-school teachers is of great practical importance.


  • 课题是从以下几方面进行研究:第一部分:对国内外小学教师教育综合实践活动课程开设状况作了综述。

    More attention is paid on the problem of teacher training in the integrative practical activity curriculum, and many teachers training colleges are gathered to perform research on this project.


  • 这个体系框图是以小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》标准参照点,借鉴了两国先进实际经验提出的。

    The framework is based on《The standards for the education technology ability for elementary and middle school teachers》, and the framework use experience of UK and USA for reference.


  • 但是小学教师工资并不表示小学教育重要

    A low wage for elementary school teachers, however, doesn't mean elementary education isn't important.


  • 报告建议,像支付小学教师工资那样,给所有幼儿教育工作者支付薪酬。

    The report suggests paying all early childhood educators the way elementary school teachers are paid.


  • 影响福建省小学教师开展教育科研内在因素主要科研经验资料占有、科研方法掌握以及科研时间问题;

    The internal factors that affect the research are the experience of educational research, material, methods of educational research, and the time for the research.


  • 小学教师继续教育开发教师创造力目标

    The basic object of continuous education for primary and middle school teachers should be developing the teachers creativity.


  • 1980年,全国师范教育工作会议以后,恢复中师培养小学教师任务

    After the standard meeting of national teacher-training education in 1980, the task was restored for the secondary normal school to foster the primary school teachers.


  • 但是我国教育研究者小学教师专业专业化特征研究处于起步阶段。

    But primary school teachers of Chinese education researchers on the characteristics of professional and specialized research is still in its initial stage.


  • 基础教育质量优劣,与小学教师素质水平有很大关系。

    The comprehensive quality of the primary teachers will affect the quality of elementary education.


  • 文章七个方面对此做出探讨以期能小学教师开展教育科研提供一点参考

    And this paper explores this problem from seven aspects in the hope of providing some advice on how to do research work of education.


  • 小学教育专业本科课程处于小学教师专业化培养中心地位

    The undergraduate course of the specialty of primary education plays an essential role in the cultivation of teachers profession.


  • 小学教师职业理想知识水平、教学监控能力教育观念教学行为具体方面存在一定问题。

    The primary school teachers have more or less problems on some aspects, such as, professional ideal, knowledge level, supervision and control ability, education concept and teaching conduction.


  • 佛罗里达州立大学设置小学教育本科专业属于小学教师职前教育

    The Elementary Education Program of Florida State University(FSU) aims at producing elementary teachers of high quality.


  • 培养全科型小学教师改善农村小学教师队伍学科结构,提高基础教育尤其是农村基础教育质量具有深远意义

    To train the general - subject primary school teachers has profound significance on the improvement of the structure of primary school teachers and the quality of fundamental education in rural areas.


  • 小学教师教育评价能力初等教育师范生执教基本素养之一

    The educational assessment ability of primary school teachers is one of the basic qualities for the elementary educational normal students.


  • 团队提供一种先进在线小学教师培训方式,并 2014 年获得英国文化教育协会文化成就奖

    This is a cutting edge new approach to primary teacher training online. In 2014 the team won the British Council cultural achievement award.


  • 这些我国小学教师继续教育质量保障体系构建提供了启示

    These all provide enlightenment for the building of quality assurance system of teachers "continuing education in primary and middle schools in China."


  • 优化本科学历小学教育专业教育学科课程设置可以培养高素质小学教师

    The goal to train the hi-qualified primary school teachers can be achieved by optimizing the arrangement of the pedagogical curricula for the undergraduates specializing in primary education.


  • 在具体研究基础上,对小学教师多元文化音乐教育培训课程构建提供有益思路

    This part theoretically analyzed and the factors that presented some helpful thoughts on the construction of courses to train the middles school teachers' multicultural music education consciousness.


  • 2000,国家教育明确规定要把信息技术课程列入必修课,同时也作出了小学教师进行信息技术培训决定

    In order to enhance teachers' informational qualifications, the department of education in China decided to train teachers of primary and middle schools in the year of 2000.


  • 研究以737名正在攻读教育硕士专业学位的中小学教师研究对象,系统探讨小学教师攻读教育硕士专业学位的动机

    The subjects investigated are 737 primary school and middle school teachers who are studying for it. This thesis systematically discusses their learning motives.


  • 我校聘用有西方小学教师资格外教,他们有西方学校及国际学校的教学经验,有许多外教教育学硕士。

    Although some schools may use TEFL certified teachers, NSWE brings in only western trained K-12 credentialed teachers who are both schooled and experienced in modern teaching strategies and practices.


  • 论文首先阐述教育研究对中小学教师意义,然后苏州市中学的教育科研状况进行了调查和分析。

    Some suggestions are proposed by the writer in order to solve these problems. The thesis expounded the meanings to the teachers through the scientific research work on education.


  • 论文首先阐述教育研究对中小学教师意义,然后苏州市中学的教育科研状况进行了调查和分析。

    Some suggestions are proposed by the writer in order to solve these problems. The thesis expounded the meanings to the teachers through the scientific research work on education.


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