• 20年前深圳许多小山。学习小学小学一般过去时。

    There were many hills in Shenzhen 20 years ago.


  • 但是小学教师工资并不表示小学教育重要

    A low wage for elementary school teachers, however, doesn't mean elementary education isn't important.


  • 项调查显示,中国中小学生每天只花12分钟做家务,而美国的中小学生花72分钟,韩国42分钟,法国30分钟。

    According to a survey, primary and middle school students in China only spend 12 minutes a day on chores, compared with 72 minutes in the US, 42 minutes in South Korea and 30 minutes in France.


  • 生在学校使用手机已经成为一个问题,因此我国有一项规定是,小学生不能把手机带到学校。

    Mobile phone used among school kids has become a problem for the school years, so one of the rules in our country says that school kids are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school.


  • 家长们知道好的大学首先就要进好的小学进入一个好的小学不靠关系就靠

    Parents know that the road to the best universities begins with the best primary schools, and getting your child into one of those takes connections or money.


  • 16开始就石门小学教书,当时石门小学缺乏师资差点倒闭。

    She started at 16, when Shimen Primary School was on the verge of closing due to a lack of teachers.


  • “心里痒”的人是小学老师客店老板德纳第,小学老师和任何人都交情,对于辣秃柳儿也不惜结为朋友

    The most "puzzled" were the school-master and Thenardier, the proprietor of the tavern, who was everybody's friend, and had not disdained to ally himself with Boulatruelle.


  • 回到加纳首都阿克拉一切开始地方兰普邀请观察家体育月报》(Observer Sports)来到了创立小学年来欣欣向荣小学取得了极大成功

    Back home where it all started in Accra, the capital of Ghana, Lamptey invites Observer Sport to the thriving junior school that he has founded and which, in three years, has become hugely successful.


  • 宫城县女川的一所小学里,强烈余震袭来时,学校小学生躲在课桌下面

    2Elementary school children crouched under their desks at their school in Onagawa, Miyagi prefecture, on April 12, 2011, as a powerful aftershock hit northern Japan.


  • 五个小学中有一个小学毕业后还无法有效地阅读写作

    One in five pupils still leaves primary school unable to read and write effectively.


  • 美国医生美国医学会小学校长有全美小学校长协会

    Doctors have the American Medical Association, elementary school principals have the National Association of elementary school principals.


  • 城市里供他们上学的学校非常稀少有些小学辍学其他人虽然到了初中年龄,而又必须继续小学里。

    School places in urban areas are so scarce that some pupils will drop out and others, though old enough for secondary school, will have to stay in primary classes.


  • 据英国广播公司报道好莱坞影星约翰尼·德普日前突然造访了英国小学,只因他收到该校一名小学

    Hollywood star Johnny Depp made an unannounced visit to a London primary school after receiving a letter from one of its pupils, BBC reported.


  • 实施全国小学校舍安全工程,推进农村小学标准化建设。

    We will implement the national program to ensure the safety of primary and secondary school buildings and make progress in the standardization of rural primary and secondary schools.


  • 实施全国小学校舍安全工程,推进农村小学标准化建设

    Fifth, we will implement a program to ensure that all primary and secondary school buildings are safe and promote standardization in the construction of rural primary and secondary schools.


  • 小学教育的学制为67全国各地小学有着相同的课程设置。

    Primary schooling lasts six to seven years and the curriculum is similar across the nation.


  • 如今12安娜玛利亚即将Belisario Domínguez Palencia公立小学条件很好的教室完成她的小学学业。

    But now, 12 year old Ana María is about to finish elementary school in a well-built classroom.


  • 小学班长,在小学毕业考试取得了全段第一好成绩。

    I was the monitor of my class in primary school and I got the first place in graduate tests.


  • 满足附近小学读书需求,同时探索小学提升图书流通率推进阅读的有效方式

    Fulfill the reading needs of nearby elementary schools. Explore the best way to improve circulation and promote reading.


  • 赫尔曼尼日尔小学位于马萨卡-马巴拉路上,对于这里935名小学来说,这个身体瘦小,书生气十足,和声细气,并厚厚眼镜的曾是一名非常非常好的老师

    TO THE 935 pupils at St Herman Nkoni primary school, on the Masaka-Mbarara road, the slight, bookish-looking, soft-voiced man with the thick-lensed glasses was a pretty good head teacher.


  • 1998年1亿3954万小学,2009年时则降低30%,小学人数仅有1亿零72万。

    There were about 139.54 million primary school students in 1998, and the figure decreased by 30 percent to 100.72 million in 2009.


  • 2006年102日,星期一这天早晨名持枪男子走进pennsylvania洲nickelMinesAmish小学,这座小学只有一个班级。

    On Monday morning, October 2, 2006, a gunman entered a one-room Amish school in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania.


  • 坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆市的小学中,4小学在共阅一本教科书

    Four pupils share one textbook at Msingi Maji Matito primary school, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


  • 非常的重要因为在此之前140个小学共同使用厕所按照乌干达标准应该至多不超过40个小学生共同使用一个厕所。

    This intervention was very necessary as before there was one latrine for 140 pupils, whilst in Uganda the norm should be one latrine for 40 or less pupils.


  • 目的了解阜阳市农村地区小学艾滋病知识态度情况,探讨农村小学艾滋病健康教育方式

    Objective to understand AIDS knowledge and attitude of primary school students in Fuyang rural areas so as to explore the effective health education method.


  • 最后理论现状基础提出了小学语文生活化教学实践策略以期聋校小学语文生活化教学有所助益。

    Finally, in theory and the status quo, based on Proposed life of deaf primary school language teaching practice strategies with a view to living deaf primary school language teaching be helpful.


  • 学科小学老师都有教专门的科目,非常美国初中高中(美国小学老师需要教所有科目)。

    Subjects: Elementary teachers specialize in a specific content area much like middle and high school teachers in the US.


  • 加拿大一小学年级教室里发生着这样的一幕:天真的7岁小学生围绕一个名叫哈德森的4个月大的婴儿,为他担心和思考着。 因为教室这个新的环境对于一个婴儿来说崭新的,甚至是有点危险的,他们很想知道他感觉怎么样

    In a Canadian second-grade classroom, a group of bright-faced 7-year-olds ponder how Hudson, a 4-month-old baby, might be feeling in this new, possibly intimidating environment.


  • 小学初级作文阶段进行并且搞好教学对于小学生完好作文能力培养,有着十分重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to teach sentence groups to pupils who have just started composition writing for cultivation of pupils' good ability to write composition.


  • 小学初级作文阶段进行并且搞好教学对于小学生完好作文能力培养,有着十分重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to teach sentence groups to pupils who have just started composition writing for cultivation of pupils' good ability to write composition.


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