• 小型鱼纲做斗争光脚男孩古老战斗正在进行着。

    This was barefoot boy against bantamweight Pisces, and the age-old fight was on.


  • 属于许多种小型包括虹?主要栖居温暖地带淡水和咸水中。

    Any of numerous small fishes of the family Cyprinodontidae, including the guppy and mosquito fish, inhabiting chiefly fresh and brackish waters in warm regions.


  • 属于鳉科许多小型包括主要栖居在温暖地带淡水咸水中。

    Any of numerous small fishes of the family Cyprinodontidae, including the guppy and mosquito fish, inhabiting chiefly fresh and brackish waters in warm regions.


  • 结果表明坛子选择性能,在捕捞小型甲壳类时,会混小型经济幼稚大量副渔获。

    The results showed that the selectivity of TanZi net was poor and TanZi net caught a great number of small young fishes while catching small crustaceans.


  • 科学家本周五由于人类过度捕杀,海洋食肉大型越来越少,在过去一百年里只剩下小型成倍繁殖

    Fewer big, predatory fish are swimming in the world's oceans because of overfishing by humans, leaving smaller fish to thrive and double in force over the past 100 years, scientists said Friday.


  • 供应充足食物——玉筋(sandeel)其他小型——那些近几年来一直难以养育小鸟许多种海鸟的“鸟丁新旺”做出了“无私忘我的”贡献

    A 'plentiful supply' of food in the form of sand eels and other small fish seems to have contributed to successes for many species that have struggled to raise chicks in recent years.


  • 法院判决截断运河的抽水以便保护三角洲里的胡瓜一种小型濒危

    Judges have curtailed pumping in order to protect the delta smelt, a small, endangered fish.


  • 我们知道Lethocerinae(半翅负子科昆虫的一类)的大型昆虫捕食包括蛙类在内的小型脊椎动物

    Large bugs in the Lethocerinae family have been known to prey upon small vertebrates including fish and frogs.


  • 还有小型则需要通过游动通过它们的呼吸系统

    Some fish, such as smaller species of mackerel, have an olfactory system that requires them to swim in order to get water moving through their nares.


  • 他们选这些动物猞猁狐狸狼獾老鼠梭子(淡水),角(一种小型——有趣的名字,对吧?)

    These are the animals chosen for the mission: Lynx, Fox, Wolf, Wolverine, Mouse, Pike (a freshwater fish), and dogfish (a kind of small shark — dogfish is a funny name for a shark, isn't it?)


  • 不过认为危险的动物都那些小型动物,比如刚刚提到狮子,那名年轻人只是被刺了并不严重。

    But I think the most dangerous ones we have are quite small —things like the lion fish which I just mentioned, he just got stung, but it wasn't anythingterrible.


  • 澳大利亚兽医协会表示喂养奇异宠物变得“越来越流行”。居民拥有数百万只鸟小型哺乳动物爬行动物

    According to the Australian Veterinary Association, exotic pets are becoming "more and more popular", with residents owning millions of birds, fish, small mammals and reptiles.


  • 事实上水蟒会吃掉任何足够倒霉它逮猎物。包括其他蛇类鹿子甚至小型美洲虎

    Anacondas eat virtually anything unfortunate enough to get caught in their grip, including other snakes, fish, deer, and even small jaguars.


  • 澳大利亚兽医协会表示喂养奇异宠物变得得“越来越流行”。居民拥有数百万只鸟小型哺乳动物爬行动物

    According gto the Australian Veterinary Association, exotic pets are becoming "more and more popular", with residents owning millions of birds, fish, small mammals and reptiles.


  • 中一种小型通常色彩艳丽的海生具有细长身体扁平

    Any of various small, often brightly colored Marine fishes of the family Callionymidae, having a slender body and a flattened head.


  • 雀鲷雀鲷科中一小型热带海洋身体侧面扁平通常色彩艳丽。

    Any of various small tropical Marine fishes of the family Pomacentridae, having laterally compressed, usually brightly colored bodies.


  • 澳大利亚兽医协会表示喂养奇异宠物变得“越来越流行”。居民拥有数百万只鸟小型哺乳动物爬行动物

    According to the Australian Veterinary Association, exotic pets are becoming "more and more popular," with residents owning millions of birds, fish, small mammals and reptiles.


  • 每年怀俄明州河流小溪水库都有不计其数的鸟类小型哺乳动物线缠住

    Every year countless Numbers of birds and small mammals in Wyoming get tangled up in fishing line along rivers, creeks, and reservoirs.


  • 镜头成像立体视觉系统小型机器人视觉导航距离视场物体识别与定位中有着广泛应用

    In the application of mini-micro-robot visual perception, there is a need for fish-eye lenses for capturing wide field of view for navigation.


  • 一种小型亚欧淡水(鮈鲤科),与近缘,用作

    A small Eurasian freshwater fish(Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait.


  • 广布于我国江河湖泊种习见小型经济类,生活水流底层。其头骨共有126块;

    Pelteobagrus Fulvibraco is a species of small economic catfish dis- tributing all over the rivers and lakes of our country.


  • 珊瑚底部游过这种小型寿命很长,据说其中一到了149

    A fish swims at the base of coral. The small, deep-sea fish, live for an exceptionally long time. One was reported to live for 149 years.


  • 沙丁,沙瑙有亲缘关系小型海洋欧洲水域的一种重要商业食用种沙丁

    Any of various small marine fishes related to the herrings, especially a commercially important edible species, Sardina pilchardus, of European waters.


  • 本文报告了生石灰敌百虫共用治疗多种小型治疗和发病治疗试验

    Results of experiments in combined application of quicklime and dipterex for treatment of some ectoparasitic diseases and curing diseases broke out in ponds are reported.


  • 小型软鳍一个大淡水鳉科小; 花尾汤鲤; 剑尾; 古比

    Any of several small New World freshwater fishes of the genus Fundulus, related to the killifishes.


  • 小型软鳍一个大淡水鳉科小; 花尾汤鲤; 剑尾; 古比

    Any of several small New World freshwater fishes of the genus Fundulus, related to the killifishes.


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