• “这件突然”,小军回忆

    "It was a very sudden thing," Jia recalled.


  • 第三五百江边

    On the third day from tomorrow, you may send 500 soldiers to the river side to convey the arrows.


  • 纽曼今年5辞职小军如今已“隐身”为副总经理。

    Newman quit in May and Lin is now the company's vice general-manager.


  • 小军痛苦不堪,妻子之间感情发生变化

    Gan Xiaojun the pain is unable to withstand, also occurred with wife's between sentiment has raised the wonderful change.


  • 同一地点同一方向前进30多长时间小军

    Two people goes ahead toward with a direction with a place, the small army runs 30 seconds first, how longtime small billows overtakes the small army?


  • 小军男子举重77公斤级比赛中获得银牌177公斤打破抓举世界纪录

    Lyu Xiaojun won silver medal in men's 77kg weightlifting. Lyu smashed the men's snatch world record with 177kg.


  • 不管是幸运还是巧合,总之,英国诺丁汉大学留学经历,让季小军终生受益

    Whether it be luck or coincidence, Ji Xiaojun's experience studying at Nottingham University brought him great benefits for the rest of his life.


  • 假设小军,是中文系名新生,请你就申请助学贷款一事学校有关部门封申请

    For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter of Application for School Loan. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.


  • 小军目前一位自由电视电影配音演员,对他来说这不仅仅份工作,更是儿时梦想实现

    His current work as a freelance television and movie dubber is more than just a job to Jia, it is the fruition of a childhood dream.


  • 为了赶点员工凌晨2就要起床先是批发市场采购然后整理清洗分类打包

    To drive a point, small army was about to get up at 2 o 'clock with employee before dawn, it is to go to terminal market to purchase first, it is to arrange next, clean, classification, bale.


  • 着香槟酒她们:“干一杯我们友谊。”俏皮的碰了眼睛里满是娇柔。

    Xiao Jun champagne said to them: "to drink to our friendship. " Xiao cute and he ran under the cup, big eyes full of .


  • 彷徨不该了断交往,思来想去,打算下班后去顺便说清楚然后就此分手

    Xiao Jun is also a loss, the exchanges should not have to settle this, thinking to want to go, he intends to pick up after work Xiaoyan, clear the way with her, and then split on this.


  • 小军,邢科义。无线传感器网络下基于粒子滤波的信道容错的目标跟踪方法。自动化学报,2011。

    Xiaojun Yang, Ruixin Niu, Engin Masazade, Pramod K. Varshney. Channel Aware Target Tracking in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks. Information Fusion, 2011.


  • 过去我们每月销售50汽车,现在一个只能10辆,”小军销售的是国产车,大多数是海马

    "In the past, we sold 50 cars a month. Now we can probably only sell 10," says Chen Xiaojun, who sells Chinese-made cars - mostly a minor brand called Haima.


  • 这份工作并不轻松”,小军坦言。“时候,我必须在一天之中奔波五个不同录音棚。”

    "I love it, but it's not an easy job, " Jia admitted. "On busy days, I have to go to as many as five different recording studios a day. "


  • 然而事情突然有了转机:小军同学告诉北京电影学院正在举办业余培训班,无论是否有专业背景,都可以那里学习。

    However, things began to change one day when Jia's classmate told him that the Beijing Film Academy was recruiting part-time students regardless of their background.


  • 国家宝藏》中的电脑高手莱利·普尔海绵宝宝》中邪恶搞怪反派角色老板,他们的中文配音来自一位土生土长的北京人——小军

    Beijing native Jia Xiaojun has been the Chinese voice of everyone, from computer whiz Riley Poole in National Treasure, to the mischievous villain Plankton in The Spongebob Squarepants Movie.


  • 很多困难日子里,斯金都-海高尔夫球场一局

    On many tough days Erskine and I would go out to Army-Navy golf course for a quick round.


  • 两位被告中的一位是个,另一位代表了爱尔兰共和,爱尔兰共和中的一被确认这次爆炸事件负责

    Two of the men were sued both personally and as representatives of the Real IRA, the splinter republican group that had admitted responsibility for the atrocity.


  • 奇迹般景象使双方暂时休战,英德两互相问候交换礼物圣诞

    This miraculous scene occasioned the declaration of a truce followed by English and German troops greeting one another, exchanging small gifts and singing songs of Christmas.


  • 事实上就像游骑兵占领一个半岛一样PKMzeta分子看起来可以他们自己自动放牧在那些激活脑细胞之间的指状连接

    In fact, the PKMzeta molecules appeared to herd themselves, like Army Rangers occupying a small peninsula, into precisely the fingerlike connections among brain cells that were strengthened.


  • 手枪马枪就在身边,阿里站在附近,手里握着把那种十字以来从未改变过式样的阿拉伯斧头

    He had within his reach his pistols and carbine, and Ali, standing near him, held one of the small Arabian hatchets, whose form has not varied since the Crusades.


  • 方面文章认为,“鲜肉永远可能真正士兵那样,娱乐业应该停止鼓励他们这样

    In this regard, the article argues, "little fresh meats" will never be able to act like real soldiers, and the entertainment industry should stop encouraging them to do so.


  • 排队面的时候蟑螂摊位缝隙出来,大有万马之势

    In line with rice noodles when the pitch from that which Qunxiao cockroaches out of the gap in the drill, great mighty force with force.


  • 把心思放在争夺总卷奖杯上,也是今夏美国队效力主要原因之一

    Stoudemire is only focused on winning a championship, which is probably one of the main reasons he won't be playing for Team USA this summer.


  • 把心思放在争夺总卷奖杯上,也是今夏美国队效力主要原因之一

    Stoudemire is only focused on winning a championship, which is probably one of the main reasons he won't be playing for Team USA this summer.


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