• 设想将来建立直接外交关系可能

    He envisages the possibility of establishing direct diplomatic relations in the future.


  • 学会批判思维现在孩子们将来需要一项重要技能

    Learning to think critically is an important skill today's children will need for the future.


  • 通过模式影响限制涉及与其直接相关方面提高其他现有的将来出现的模式的可组合

    By limiting the effect of a pattern to only those aspects to which it is directly related, it is more likely to be composable with other existing and future patterns.


  • 实现这些规则时,必须考虑规则在将来进行更新修改可能

    Such rules must be implemented keeping in mind that they might be updated or modified in the future.


  • 将来这种研究可能也会具有法律决策我们深入了解自己决策所要承担的责任。

    In the future, this kind of research could also bear on legal decisions, lending insight into how much responsibility we can claim for the quality of our decisions.


  • 因此如果这种假设将来版本无效,也不用感到惊奇;不过认为这种可能非常

    So, do not be surprised if this assumption is invalidated in future releases, though I think the probability of that is low.


  • 可能找到专业其他行业联系,而这种联系可能将来就是创造合作关系建立基础

    Or you might well find new linkages between your own industry and the new one, linkages that might well be the basis of innovative partnerships in the future.


  • 异议不是针对这样想法——网页将会将来一些方面变得相对较小重要

    My objection is not to the idea that the web could become of relatively lesser importance at some point in the future.


  • 可以为模型报表实现更好可维护这个测量名称将来需要修改

    This give better maintainability of the model and any reports should the measure name need to change in the future.


  • 此外站点没有特别说明是否将来增加其它课程那样可能非常大。

    Also, the website does not specify if other courses will be added in the future, but that's highly probable.


  • 赞扬使的主观能动得到充分发挥因此将来得更好贡献得更多

    Praise may bring his initiative into full play, so he can do better and contribute more in the future.


  • 将来有一讨论消息相关文章

    Message correlation will also be covered in a future article.


  • 冬季临,这些山丘周围村庄具有毁灭威胁因为大雨不仅冲走土壤而且还会引起严重的水灾

    Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well.


  • 转换方法成本开销最大需要谨慎评估确保解决方案将来需求一致

    This transformation approach is the most costly, and requires careful assessment to ensure the solution aligns with future requirements.


  • 不仅考虑帆船类型尺寸还有价格购买流程以及将来用它可能

    You should think about not only the type and size of boat but also cost considerations, the buying process, and your future possibilities.


  • 坚持认为这样开发出来代码更具可维护,也为将来代码增长打下了基础,将来需要破坏一切重新开始

    I do contend that the code developed this way is more maintainable and possible of future growth without ripping everything apart and starting over.


  • 示例中的页面表示紧密配合业务逻辑阻碍将来应用程序可伸缩

    For this example, the page presentation is tightly coupled to the business logic, which will hinder the future scalability of the application.


  • 不要欠债。俭朴的生活放弃一些娱乐购物要买将来东西时间精力投入到你的家人邻居和社区里

    Be debt free. Live with less. Give up recreational shopping. Don't buy into the next best thing. Put your time and energy into your family, neighborhood and community.


  • 最初设计人员没有意识到将来变化可能

    The original designers did not realize the possibility of future change.


  • 年前年前相比软件开发中的复杂大幅度增加而且将来进一步提高。

    The complexities in software development have grown substantially, compared to five or ten years ago, and are only going to increase.


  • 然而积极的方式收尾,就可以将来更好学习建设态度奠定基础,团队成员也好,对未来项目也好,都会有很好的帮助。

    However, closing it in a positive way paves the way for better learning and constructive attitude. This helps the team members as well as the future projects.


  • 表示观测站预警标识马城到处都有,这些标识会显示喷发风险等级绿色代表危险红色代表喷发临。

    Warning flags at stations throughout town, he said, announce the risk level of an eruption, from green, indicating low danger, to red, meaning an eruption is imminent.


  • 一次新闻发布会议波士顿医疗中心托马斯博士说:将来是有这种可能的。

    I think that's a possibility down the road, "said co-author Dr." Thomas Perls of Boston Medical Center, in a press conference.


  • 他们发现人作为物种,有一种系统心理崩溃缺陷我们将来的出现成本有着非常认识

    They see a systematic psychological breakdown - as a species we're just really bad at understanding costs that come later on.


  • 想象无限的,当下将来有关,和可能,和任何现在没有将来有的远景有关。

    Imagination is infinite; it deals with the present and the future, with potentiality, with vision and mission and goals with anything that is not now but can be.


  • 可伸缩需要足够分区使用最初将来运行服务器数量

    Scalability: you need to have enough partitions to make use of the number of servers you might be running initially and in the future.


  • 如果能够支持EXSLT 就更好但是没有日程虽然曾经讨论主题一种将来可能

    It would be nice to at least have support for EXSLT extensions, but this is not on the roadmap -- although it has been a topic of discussion and might be a future possibility.


  • 如果能够支持EXSLT 就更好但是没有日程虽然曾经讨论主题一种将来可能

    It would be nice to at least have support for EXSLT extensions, but this is not on the roadmap -- although it has been a topic of discussion and might be a future possibility.


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