• 计算机对于基因拼接成整体也没有限制

    Computers aren't limited to piecing genomes back together.


  • 可以基因看做细胞生长行使功能说明书

    Think of your genes as an instruction manual for cell growth and function.


  • 基因方法应用网格结点位置优化中。

    The application of genetic algorithms (GAs) in the optimization of mesh node location is discussed.


  • 为了基因遗传下一代大多数动物都需要配偶

    To pass their genes along to the next generation, most animals need to partner.


  • 我们真的知道如何物种概念基因测序中的差异等同起来,”

    "We really don't know how to equate differences in genome sequences with the species concept," he said.


  • Seymour博士早年人们误认为基因材料引入疾病细胞容易

    In the early days, says Dr Seymour, people wrongly thought that it would be easy to introduce genetic material into diseased cells.


  • 但是他们表示没有足够证据支持基因改造后生物体实验室释放自然界

    But, they say, there is not enough evidence to support the release of modified organisms from the laboratory into nature.


  • 但是这种更新技术需要利用病毒基因转入皮肤细胞增加发生肿瘤风险

    But the newer technique involves putting genes into the skin cells using viruses, which also raises a risk of cancer.


  • 生物技术公司基因——正是生命本原——申请了专利科学家们担心危及基础性研究的开展。

    Biotechnology companies patent genes, the very stuff of life, while scientists worry that this risks compromising basic research.


  • 最近植物育种利用生物技术基因导入玉米,能生产出含有更多高质量氨基酸玉米。

    Recently plant breeders have used several biotechnology tools to put genes into corn that result in more quality-boosting amino acids in the corn kernel.


  • 如果识别真核基因序列中的剪接位点,则可以将基因中的表达区域表达区域区分开。

    If we can distinguish the real splice sites of the eukaryotic DNA sequence, the expressed regions and non-expressed regions of the eukaryotic DNA sequences will be detected.


  • 他们使用一种方法基因分类,发现XOR基因目录顶端符合脂肪驱动因子描述。

    Using a novel method to rank genes, they found that XOR was at the top of the list of genes that fit the profile of a fat generator.


  • 通过未婚男性他们已婚双胞胎手足进行比较,能够基因问题排除,并且使可能揭示环境影响

    Comparing an unmarried man with his married identical twin takes genetics out of the equation and makes it more likely that you're uncovering environmental effects.


  • 而科学家必须确定他们基因拿掉只是暂时性的,否则细胞可能会无止境地不断生长,进而造成癌细胞的产生。

    Scientists still need to ensure that they can deactivate those genes only temporarily; otherwise he muscle cells may start to divide uncontrollably, leading to cancer.


  • 罗宾·邓巴教授,这项研究者之一说道:“这第一将基因进化时间深度应用脑部进化研究。”

    Prof Robin Dunbar, co-author of the study, said: ‘For the first time, it has been possible to provide a genuine evolutionary time depth to the study of brain evolution.


  • 这种物是2000年报道过的能够有效基因传递特殊细胞的载体的基础之上经过改造得到

    The polymers are improved versions of materials first described in 2000 that deliver genes efficiently to specific cells.


  • 年前提炼出一种技术,可以基因网络“毛团”——基因交互作用密集纠结描绘——转化成分层

    Several years ago, he refined a technique for turning gene-network "hairballs" - densely tangled depictions of gene interaction - into hierarchical maps.


  • 虽然基因治疗整体取得了很大的进展但人们仍然需要开发更好更安全基因注入细胞的注射方式

    Despite the overall progress, there is still a need to develop improved and safer approaches to deliver genes into cells.


  • 尽管通常注定某个细胞基因无法传给下一代,但使得联合形成生物体可以间接将基因成功遗传给下一代。

    Though this often doomed an individual cell's own genes, it gave rise to a co-operative organism that successfully passed those genes on indirectly.


  • 我们其他许多研究者一样选用病毒做为运送基因工具(载体),因为病毒擅长将基因夹带进入细胞

    Like many other researches, we selected a virus as our delivery vehicle, or vector, because viruses are skilled at smuggling genes into cells.


  • 方法基因翻译起始序列合成克隆到上游含有起始密码和无起始密码报告质粒中,研究表达水平差异。

    Methods:One of the three internal translation initiation region(TIR) was chemically synthesized and cloned into the report plasmid, and the expression of the report gene was studied.


  • 他们发现NRF2消失时,基因信息翻译变成蛋白质过程很大程度上氧化剂氧化剂之间平衡影响,仅限于癌细胞

    They found that when NRF2 was missing, the process of translating messages from the genes into proteins was highly affected by the oxidant and antioxidant balance, but only in the cancerous cells.


  • 这个解剖台上研究人员附上基因的活动信息——一个细胞基因翻译RNA(脱氧核糖核酸已经经常会伴随有的蛋白质分子的过程)。

    On this anatomical scaffold researchers will overlay information about gene activity-the genes a cell translates into RNA transcripts and then often protein molecules.


  • 巴尔·巴斯团队为了证实这一原理他们人体细胞植入了他们的ZFR能辨识基因然后利用重组酶将基因植入基因组细胞中。

    As proof of principle, Barbas's team has taken human cells and inserted a gene that their ZFR would recognise. They then used the recombinase to insert the gene into the cells' genome.


  • 合成生物学是指基因联合起来构建人工网络过程门学科具有广泛的应用前景包括探测毒性化学物质建立生物燃料以及制备新药

    Synthetic biology, the process of combining genes to create artificial networks, holds promise for numerous applications, including sensing toxic chemicals, creating biofuels and generating new drugs.


  • 科学家们基因特定疾病联系在一起的时候,往往知道这些基因什么作用——这些基因产生何种蛋白质控制哪个过程——还有什么因素会促使它们开或闭,激活或睡眠。

    When scientists connect a gene to a disease, they often don't know what that gene does-the protein it makes or the process it regulates-or what factors turn it on or off, up or down.


  • 看看乔纳森·罗斯博格(JonathanRothberg),是2011年一个技术先锋IonTorrentSystems公司47岁创办人公司致力于基因测序技术带到一个实验室诊所

    Take Jonathan Rothberg, the 47-year-old founder of ion Torrent Systems, another 2011 tech Pioneer, which promises to put gene sequencing technology within reach of any lab or clinic.


  • 看看乔纳森·罗斯博格(JonathanRothberg),是2011年一个技术先锋IonTorrentSystems公司47岁创办人公司致力于基因测序技术带到一个实验室诊所

    Take Jonathan Rothberg, the 47-year-old founder of ion Torrent Systems, another 2011 tech Pioneer, which promises to put gene sequencing technology within reach of any lab or clinic.


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