• 阿尔弗雷德导演担任角色

    Alfredo offered her a part in the play he was directing.


  • 尽管有很多流言有关这个角色推测,但对于我们来说只有个比尔博·巴金斯,”记者会上导演彼得·杰克逊这么说

    "Despite the various rumors and speculation surrounding this role, there has only ever been one Bilbo Baggins for us," director Peter Jackson said in a press release.


  • 应该描述出具体动作告诉演员导演那个角色当时什么

    You should write action that tells the actors and director exactly what a character is doing as he does it.


  • 我们约好讨论斯派德年来最新大银幕角色,他参演了导演罗伯特·罗德里格斯的《奇石》。

    And we are meeting to discuss Spader's first big-screen role in six years, in director Robert Rodriguez's Shorts.


  • 导演安德鲁亚当梅尔能够融入角色甚至在等待下场拍戏的时候都不改变。

    Director Andrew Adamson says that Meyers was able to step into his character and stay there, even between takes.


  • 想要更好角色更好的导演

    I want better parts and better directors.


  • 戴普下一个荧屏角色提姆·波导演改编电影《爱丽丝漫游仙境》饰演的“帽子”。电影将于本周五美国其他国家上映,将于四月中旬在日本上映。

    Depp's next screen role is as the Mad Hatter in director Tim Burton's adaptation of "Alice in Wonderland," which opens on Friday in the United States and other markets and in mid-April in Japan.


  • 事实上得到了机会重新思考决定当时导演一些重要角色不必穿高跟鞋”之类的话。

    I was, in fact, given a chance to rethink my decision, while the director said things like "an important part" and "You won't have to wear heels."


  • 饮酒过度致使渐渐肥胖起来引发肝脏问题。 他的电影每况愈下,于是他放弃了那些光鲜的主演角色尝试导演但这也不尽如人意,转而他演起别的来。

    The films got worse, and he gave up romantic leads to try directing, which went badly, and character roles.


  • 这次“试”若是失败了,实际的导演还可能你做另外角色,而是你全身片场

    And if you fail the audition, it's not as though the director can find you another part. You'll be kicked off the production altogether.


  • 但是,毋庸置疑波特曼成功演绎了这个角色,而阿伦诺夫斯基导演则赋予这部影片异样美丽,让波特曼得以发挥具有奥斯卡水准的表演

    What is incontestably real is Ms Portman’s triumph in rising to the demands of the role, and the weird beauty of the film Mr Aronofsky has created to display her Oscar-calibre performance.


  • 而在马楚成影片,这位中国导演或许有意强调木兰的个人心路历程,但他位统帅,一名代表国家出征的战士角度出发,赋予木兰这个角色更多的内涵。

    While Mulan's individual journey may also be highlighted in Ma's film, the Chinese director still gives far more weight to her role as a leader and representative of her country.


  • 或许导演霍珀编剧赛德勒曾经考虑罗格试演一个结巴,表演莎士比亚剧目《亨利四世》第一部中那段如同鹦鹉一般的演讲那样传统角色

    Might Hooper and Seidler have considered making Logue do the "popinjay" speech by Hotspur from Henry IV Part One - the Shakespeare character traditionally played as a stammerer?


  • 成龙章子怡以及导演陈凯歌均饰演了片中的角色

    Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Zhang Ziyi and film-maker Chen Kaige all feature in small roles.


  • 在乔治·卢卡斯导演带领下,一些开明之人已经开始鼓励影迷片中角色互动,甚至他们自制电影提供最大带宽

    Led by a producer, George Lucas, enlightened talents have encouraged fans to play with characters and even provided bandwidth for their home-made films.


  • 二十世纪三十年代中期。韦斯特开始写作导演自己的作品,在自己的剧中担任角色

    In the middle nineteen twenties, Mae West started to write, produce and act in her own plays.


  • 导演辛格认为社交网络男演员独一无二的适合扮演皇室的角色

    Director Singh thinks the Social Network actor is uniquely qualified to play the royal role: "if you had to draw a prince, you'd probably draw Armie."


  • 部有山姆-雷米导演的蜘蛛侠》伊丽莎白-班克斯扮演贝蒂-波兰特一个角色。 不过据知情人士透露:马克-韦伯对于”秘书“这个人物有新的计划。

    While Betty Brandt only had a small role in the original trilogy, as played by Elizabeth Banks in all three Sam Raimidirected Spider-Man movies, an insider close to the production stated


  • 有否出现这样的情况:虽然很欣赏导演剧本,但因觉得角色和你有距离拒绝出演呢?

    Has it happened that you refused a role that seemed too far away from you, even though you appreciate the director and the script?


  • 亲自导演这个角色初登场的因为有种相当强烈感觉,觉得死神需要这种方式来表现。

    I directed the episode that her character appears in personally, because I felt pretty strongly about the way the Death Watch needed to be portrayed in it.


  • 克拉克·约翰逊一部剧里扮演侦探梅尔德里克·刘易斯,是前几季里受欢迎角色,在本剧里担当了几导演

    And Clark Johnson, who as Detective Meldrick Lewiswas one of the earlier show's most beloved characters, has directed episodes of "the Wire."


  • 只是微不足道角色但却打动了因为导演明白johnRitter真的很棒。

    It was just a small, tiny role that just touched my heart. It was because the director knew John Ritter really, really well.


  • 英国电影界后起之秀,来自英格兰斯塔福德郡尤托克西特地区的ShaneMeadows身兼电影导演编剧偶尔也在电影中客串个小角色

    A rising star of British cinema, Shane Meadows is an English film director, screenwriter and occasional actor from Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England.


  • 蒙电影公司近日确认,美剧《实习医生格》中迷人帕特里克·德姆西将加盟导演迈克尔·的变形金刚系列第三作品,扮演梅根·福克斯的上司——一个“举足轻重的角色”。

    Paramount Pictures confirmed today that Grey’s Anatomy hottie Patrick Dempsey has been cast in Michael Bay’s third installment of the Transformers franchise.


  • 直到导演说服了同意那个医生角色

    Not until the director persuaded him did he agree to play a role of the doctor.


  • 1912年第二赴美期间位颇有影响的电影导演看了卓别林剧中扮演的一个非常滑稽角色

    During a second trip to the USA in 1912, an important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play.


  • 如果一个导演告诉使角色看来更有重量相信不会在读12个原理去寻找答案

    If a director tells you to make your character look heavier, believe me you are not going to find the answer to doing that by simply reading the list of the big 12.


  • 如果一个导演告诉使角色看来更有重量相信不会在读12个原理去寻找答案

    If a director tells you to make your character look heavier, believe me you are not going to find the answer to doing that by simply reading the list of the big 12.


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