• 出现问题时,乐观主义者会迅速采取行动,向他人寻求建议寻找解决方案

    When things go wrong, optimists act quickly, seeking advice from others and looking for solutions.


  • 寻求感觉寻找新的感觉的人。

    A sensation-seeker is someone who's always looking for new sensations.


  • 寻求规范过程,就意义上而言,寻找规定的权威标准规范而不是平均的角度认定为常态化,规范的伦理目的在于指示

    In searching for norms in the sense of authoritative standards of what ought to be, rather than in the sense of what is average and thus can be considered normal, normative ethics aims to dictate.


  • 管好奇心的成因众说纷纭,但大多数专家一致认为,就像胃寻求食物一样,我们的大脑寻找知识。

    Despite there being different views on the reason for curiosity, most experts reach an agreement that like the way the stomach looks for food, our brain looks for knowledge.


  • 努力的宗旨寻求新的合作途径,并协力寻找解决我们共同面临的种种问题的方法。

    This is an effort to seek new avenues for collaboration, to find solutions together to common problems we face.


  • 这个内省过程不再外界世界寻找问题原因而是向你内在寻求

    In this process of internalization you do not search for the cause(s) of your problems in the outside world anymore but you look for them within yourself.


  • 他们寻找资金寻求关于资金最佳使用方式指导

    They look for money, and they look for guidance on the best way to spend it.


  • 迁移德克·许多——寻找温暖气候的退休人士寻求生活安全墨西哥中产阶级——带来了购买力造成当地就业的较大增长。

    Many of the people moving to Texas - retirees in search of warm winters, middle-class Mexicans in search of a safer life - bring purchasing power that leads to greater local employment.


  • IT必须包括正确过程工件寻求正确的指导培训产生管理客户最终用户正在寻找结果

    IT must embrace the right process and tools, and seek the right guidance or training to produce the results that management, customers, and end-users are seeking.


  • 芝加哥大学斯科特·阿拉这种趋势显著因为郊区地带,穷人难以寻求帮助寻找工作

    This trend is significant, says Scott Allard of the University of Chicago, since it is harder for the poor to seek assistance and to hunt for jobs amid the suburban sprawl.


  • 通过寻求推荐搜索提供者名录寻找符合某些特定条件提供者(请想想UDDI)。

    A recommendation is sought, or a directory of providers is scanned for one who meets certain criteria (think UDDI).


  • 通过轻敲键盘寻找工作的人不单单只是大学毕业生们而已,在职人士想通过微博寻求更多更好的工作机会

    College graduates aren`t the only ones taking to their keyboards to find a new job. China`s gainfully employed are also using microblogs to seek bigger and better opportunities.


  • 感受到压力无助时,学着去寻求帮助,学会去寻找那些可能给你提供帮助的人活着机构提供信息资源

    If you feel stressed, look for help. There is always someone or some service available to help you. You may want to check out Information and Resources.


  • 举例来说,BP希望公司寻求更多石油天然气储备弥补BP自身寻找石油方面并不令人满意记录

    BP, for example, is keen for the company to hunt for more reserves of oil and gas, to make up for BP's own less impressive record in finding oil.


  • 研究人员得出结论是,那些经常有被他人排斥人们具有强烈寻求认同感的动机,感知觉他们源源不断寻找张友好的

    The researchers concluded that people who feel the threat of social exclusion are highly motivated to look for sources of acceptance, and their perceptions are in gear to find a friendly face.


  • 如果寻找二流三流科学家,而他们正在寻求资助这样他们容易合作

    If you approach the second - or third-tier scientists, they are looking for funding so it is easier to collaborate.


  • 即使他们自杀往往也是死者情况下正确心态寻找良好机会可以使你从所受创伤的痛苦脱离出来,寻求安慰伤痛的愈合

    (even in cases of suicide, often the deceased person, was not in their right frame of mind) finding the good that can come out of the pain of loss, finding comfort and healing.


  • 任何寻求帮助的都会得到帮助,任何寻找所需的人都会发现所寻,任何敲门人门而开

    For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened.


  • 男子计划寻找年轻有吸引力育龄妇女(以及尽可能多),女性倾向寻求一位单身有社会地位的真命天子,最好能靠他光耀门楣

    Men are programmed to hunt for young, attractive and fertile women (and as many as possible), whereas women tend to seek out a lone, socially powerful Mr Right-the better to raise a family with.


  • 古代圣人走进沙漠不是寻求孤独,而是去寻找上帝。

    The prophets and saints of old did not go to the desert to be alone.


  • 美国陆军正在从小企业寻找关于能力信息寻求未来战斗系统项目中获得小企业的支持

    The Army is seeking information from small businesses on their capabilities as they relate to supporting its future combat systems program.


  • 注意寻求意见的人群或者寻找那些提供建设性意见的

    Be careful who you ask and find people who can provide constructive criticism.


  • 所谓就业不足-寻求全职工作的兼职劳动力那些要谋求工作放弃寻找-保持17%。

    The so-called underemployment rate -- which includes part- time workers who'd prefer a full-time position and people who want work but have given up looking -- held at 17 percent.


  • 那些寻求设计理念工程师一直在从自然设计中寻找灵感。

    Engineers looking for new ideas have found inspiration in nature's designs.


  • 这个时候请寻求家人以及朋友支持如果这个行不通的话也可以寻找学校辅导员老师获得帮助。

    It is important to talk about these feelings and to get support from friends and family —or if that's not possible, from people such as counselors or teachers.


  • 斯坦贝克在小说中写到,“流民们一面东奔西跑寻找工作一面如饥似渴地寻求快乐发掘快乐,制造快乐”。他们寻找这种快乐常常热闹。

    In Steinbeck's novel, "the migrant people, scuttling for work, scrabbling to live, looked always for pleasure, dug for pleasure, manufactured pleasure," often of a boisterous sort.


  • 寻求帮助或是寻找答案时大多数合法学校都会提供给一个可以联系他们电话号码

    Having a number to call or an actual location you can go to can be very helpful when you need help or are looking for answers. Most legitimate schools will give you a number you can use to reach them.


  • 我们必须失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求希望

    We must seek victory in defeat and seek hope in despair.


  • 赠予然而你们之中那些希望寻求回归源头知道如何寻找道路知识

    It is given, however, that those of you who wish to find your path unto your Source may know how to find the way and know.


  • 赠予然而你们之中那些希望寻求回归源头知道如何寻找道路知识

    It is given, however, that those of you who wish to find your path unto your Source may know how to find the way and know.


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