• 除地球以外,火星唯一个存在表层行星为此科学家正在那里寻找生命迹象

    Mars is the only other planet that once had water on its surface – which is why scientists are looking for signs of life there.


  • 凤凰号降落火星北部运用先进的实验室寻找生命可能这个星球上存在迹象

    Phoenix landed in the far north of Mars and has used its sophisticated laboratory to search for signs that past life might have been possible.


  • 2008年,凤凰火星探测器传回照片经过挖掘土壤找到冰块寻找液态水的过程一项重大发现——也是生命存在的关键因素

    In 2008, the Phoenix Mars Lander sent back photos of ice chunks it had found after scooping up handfuls of soil, a huge discovery in the search for liquid water — a key ingredient for life.


  • 轨道飞行器任务火星表面寻找证据而且水量必须足以生命栖息地维持相当时间

    The orbiter was commissioned to search for evidence that water persisted on the surface of Mars for a substantial period of time - long enough to provide a habitat for life.


  • 火星欧罗巴金星云层都被认为酸性环境因此地球酸生物激起了科学家们在其它地方寻找生命的兴趣。

    Both Mars, Europa and the clouds of Venus are thought to be acidic environments, so Earthly acidophiles intrigue scientists looking for life elsewhere.


  • 寻找被移植生命想法源于落在地球上的火星陨石研究

    The idea of looking for transplanted life stemmed from studies of meteorites from Mars that landed on Earth.


  • 它们目的寻找分析火星石头土壤,以寻找这个星球过去是否含水的线索当然产生生命基本条件,最少我们理解的。

    The goal of the rovers was to search for and analyze rocks and soils that yield clues to the planet's watery past. Water, of course, is essential for life -at least as we understand it.


  • 科学家正在努力寻找火星气候秘密——这个红色星球上发现有存在的证据,它作为火星寻找生命的线索,也可以说明宇宙别处也有可能存在生命

    Scientists are working to unravel the mystery of Mars's climate-evidence of water on the red planet will hold clues about life on Mars, as well as the potential for life elsewhere in the universe.


  • 火星车将进行土壤岩石样本分析寻找有机物质探索火星是否曾生存微生物现在是否还能够支持这种生命形式。

    It will analyse soil and rock samples, looking for organic materials and asking whether Mars ever was, or is currently, capable of supporting microbial life.


  • 一发现有可能成为火星寻找生命体存在了有力支撑。

    If this turns out to be the case, the sites may provide a promising hunting ground for signs of life on Mars.


  • 因此火星寻找生命很重要一环。

    So water is important for the search for life on Mars.


  • 科学家正在试图了解火星在很长一时期内是如何变化他们收集到的信息有助于科学家寻找地球以外生命证据。

    Scientists are attempting to understand how Mars has changed over long periods of time. The information they gather will help scientists look for evidence of life beyond Earth.


  • 如果好奇号完好无损抵达火星考察火星气候条件地理环境并且寻找火星生命迹象

    If it gets there in one piece, it will examine the climate and geology of Mars and look for any signs of life that might have arisen.


  • 此次火星探测的主要任务包括,在未来10年中采集火星样品寻找外星生命以及探讨火星是否适宜生命

    It will look to collect its own samples over the next 10 years, while also looking for extraterrestrial life and determining if the planet is hospitable to life.


  • 所以每个人都可以根据自己的心意投票,不管是发现火星生命还是帕金森疾病寻找治疗方案。

    So, anyone could 'vote with theirheart' for areas ranging from the discovery of life on Mars up to finding acure for Parkinson's disease.


  • 俄罗斯火箭在哈萨克斯坦点火起飞,该火箭承担着火星寻找生命任务

    A Russian rocket has lifted off from Kazakhstan in a new mission to find life on Mars.


  • 我们能够搜寻其它恒星寻找火星这样离我们很行星简单生命形式并且实验室中可以对生命起源化学机理作广泛研究

    We can search for planets of other stars, seek simple forms of life on such nearby planets as Mars, and perform more extensive laboratory studies on the chemistry of the origin of life.


  • 火星过去曾经有过一迹象使得某些科学家认为寻找外星生命火星太阳系内一个主要地点

    This evidence of past water on Mars leads some scientists to consider Mars as the prime location in the Solar System to search for extraterrestrial life.


  • 俄罗斯火箭在哈萨克斯坦点火起飞,该火箭承担着火星寻找生命任务

    Russian rocket has lifted off from Kazakhstan in a new mission to find life on Mars.


  • 美国人不是为了寻找生命寻找生命火星探索飞船为了寻找火星是否具备生命存在条件

    The main purpose of the two Mars exploration aircrafts is not just only to look for any living bodies on Mars, but to search whether there is living condition for any beings to survival.


  • 火星火星不是寻找生物而是寻找水,因为生命的基本要素哪怕是曾经至今仍然简单的生物形式

    The rovers are not going to Mars looking for life but they will be looking for water, which is an essential ingredient8 for even the simplest forms of life to have existed or perhaps to still exist.


  • 火星火星不是寻找生物而是寻找水,因为生命的基本要素哪怕是曾经至今仍然简单的生物形式

    The rovers are not going to Mars looking for life but they will be looking for water, which is an essential ingredient8 for even the simplest forms of life to have existed or perhaps to still exist.


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