• 寻找探索故事过程中,发现了这些的故事以及他们生活如何改变了我们对世界的看法

    In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their lives changed our view of the world.


  • 今年冬天,他们探索中美洲寻找经典玛雅文化探险队进行交流

    This winter they'll interact with an expedition exploring Central America in search of the classic Maya culture.


  • 促使非人类动物人类婴儿甚至可能是人类成年人探索寻找事物的动力,而持续接触之后他们对新事物的兴趣会减弱。

    It's what motivates non-human animals, human infants and probably human adults to explore and seek out new things before growing less interested in them after continued exposure.


  • 一个激进解决方案航站楼寻找新的商业收入来源过去年左右的时间里,许多机场都在一方面进行探索

    A more radical solution is to find new sources of commercial revenue within the terminal, and this has been explored by many airports over the last decade or so.


  • 认真摄影师以各种各样的方式声称自己寻找记录公正地观察见证事件或者探索自身不是制作艺术作品

    Serious photographers variously claim to be finding, recording, impartially observing, witnessing events, exploring themselves—anything but making works of art.


  • 探索院子寻找昆虫

    Explore your yard and look for insects.


  • 然而太空探索不是寻找一地球唯一途径

    Yet such space probes are not the only way of searching for other Earths.


  • 调查探索可能暴露寻找家庭成员其他密切接触者和社区中的疾病迹象

    The investigation will explore possible sources of exposure and look for signs of illness in family members, other close contacts, and the general community.


  • 潘恩先生试图寻找成功探索必要条件

    Mr Pyne seeks to identify the necessary conditions for successful exploration.


  • 本周巴杰特北上,试图寻找这些神秘选民探索他们是否真的具有这样影响力

    This week Bagehot headed north to try to find these mythical voters, and to discover whether they really hold such sway.


  • 目的并非那些在虚拟世界中寻找刺激的人服务而是人们共同学习工作探索新的方式

    Rather than catering to virtual thrill-seekers, the aim is to find new ways for people to learn or work together.


  • 我们此种需求驱使探索新的可能寻找新的食物来源更好居住地好的合作伙伴

    "We're motivated to seek out this kind of stimulation to explore new possibilities, to find new sources of food, better places to live and good Allies," McAndrew said.


  • 故而任何更深宇宙探索需要寻找技术途径加速航天器以便放射性能源耗尽之前到达星系边缘

    Any missions hoping to go farther will need a means of acceleration that can get the spacecraft to the edge of explored space faster—before it has depleted its radioactive power source.


  • 而尼泊尔国家馆主题正是希望通过加德满都,城市寻找灵魂探索过去未来

    The theme touches upon the soul of a city by exploring its past and future.


  • 外星智能探索研究院,专门寻找外星生物他们对接受到信号变调瀑布掩盖笛声做了比较

    The SETI institute, which searches for extra terrestrial life, has compared picking up a signal’s modulation to picking up the sound of a flute when it’s masked by the noise of a waterfall.


  • 大多数搜索引擎似乎试图协助从干草堆寻找根针,”Rajaraman先生评介到,“我们正在试图帮助探索干草。”

    Most search engines try to help you find a needle in a haystack, ” Mr. Rajaraman said, “but what we’re trying to do is help you explore the haystack.”


  • 新的表现遗传学(epigentics)探索的是环境如何影响风险基因表达几乎可以肯定,寻找答案将是十分重要的。

    The relatively new field of epigenetics, which explores how the environment influences the expression of risk genes, will almost certainly be important for finding answers.


  • 建造大型强子对撞机目的寻找格斯色子,以解释物理学家解释质量存在探索物理学一个分支,即所谓的超对称性

    It is designed to find the Higgs boson, which is needed by physicists to explain the existence of mass, and to explore a branch of physics called supersymmetry. See article.


  • RosettaNet急于探索采用标准电子商务流程定义语言描述的电子商务流程BPEL4WS可能正在寻找有用候选者

    RosettaNet has been eagerly exploring the use of a standard e-business process definition language to describe its e-business processes, and BPEL4WS could be the useful candidate it is looking for.


  • Marnie许多类似的院校基金会私人寻找专家提供资源赞助他们探索令人赞叹的完美解决方案

    Marnie: There are many people - universities, foundations, private individuals - who find experts, give them resources to develop amazing and elegant solutions and fund them.


  • 寻找预防精神疾病方法作为科学探索领域日益获得相当稳固的基础,亦一些非常鼓舞人心结果(《精神病学新闻》,43日)。

    The search for ways to prevent mental illness is gaining considerable groundas a field of scientific inquiry—and with some very encouraging results(Psychiatric News, April 3).


  • 研究者将它身上大概两万个基因人类鸡禽基因进行了比较他们期望从中探索所谓“可保存综合体领域,这生物学领域的术语,其实就是寻找在两种相差较远的生物中存在的,最为相似的基因组。

    The researchers compared the frog's roughly 20,000 genes to those of humans and chickens. They were looking for areas of so-called "conserved synteny."


  • 诚然这个探索有点再有照耀的地方不是黑暗之中寻找丢失钥匙

    Admittedly, the quest is a bit like looking for lost keys where the light shines, rather than in the darkness.


  • 他们天文学同僚们或许乐意探索宇宙边缘寻找奇特物质比如黑洞类星体暗物质

    Their colleagues might be happy probing to the edge of the cosmos looking for exotic things like black holes and quasars and dark matter.


  • 就是说自从人类出现,人们一直探索生命意义创造者因此搜索引擎上来寻找答案,不失为一种方法

    I mean, since the dawn of man, people have been searching for the meaning of life and its creator, so what better way to do that than with a search engine?


  • 游戏里玩家在由照片构造越南丛林探索,并寻找一些可爱卡通宠物——这里没有卡通地雷角色

    In the game, players navigate photos of Cambodian jungle landscapes in search of photos for several adorable cartoon pets -- no cartoon landmine characters here.


  • 反复思考这些方程式探索合适的模式试图寻找隐含关系实验结果联系起来——由不确定性可能性参加的无尽的浑沌舞蹈

    Ruminating over these equations, seeking patterns, looking for hidden relationships, trying to make contact with measured data—it's all uncertainty and possibility engaged in an endless chaotic dance.


  • 我们探索宇宙寻找迹象但当我们回望地球的时候,发现她又但是闪耀着蓝色

    We search the universe looking for signs of water and when we look back at our planet, we are small and pale, yes, but we're dazzlingly blue.


  • 火星车将进行土壤岩石样本分析寻找有机物质探索火星是否曾生存微生物现在是否还能够支持这种生命形式。

    It will analyse soil and rock samples, looking for organic materials and asking whether Mars ever was, or is currently, capable of supporting microbial life.


  • 火星车将进行土壤岩石样本分析寻找有机物质探索火星是否曾生存微生物现在是否还能够支持这种生命形式。

    It will analyse soil and rock samples, looking for organic materials and asking whether Mars ever was, or is currently, capable of supporting microbial life.


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