• 联想到菲尔不久前入狱和危险武器的狂热喜好有着密切关系,这些饰品的真正用途不免使人生疑。

    Since Phil's fascination with dangerous weapons recently landed him in prison, you might wonder if they make for entirely appropriate ornaments.


  • 药盒行李箱博物馆为大众提供一种西方饰品历史考察

    It offers an historical survey of Western bags and related accessories from pill boxes to luggage.


  • 一些而言,意味着橱柜里往年装饰灯具饰品倒腾出来圣诞树上了。

    For some, that means digging out those old lights and ornaments out of the closet to hang on the Christmas tree.


  • 乍一看,由于这个饰品视觉错觉,储藏里面隐藏着个相当的储藏空间并不明显

    At a first glance it's not visible that the furniture hides a relatively large storage place inside due to the optical illusion of the ornaments.


  • 由于日本皮包饰品需求旺盛,该国一直都是时装界重要奢侈品市场之一饰品利润率服装要高。

    Japan has long been one of the fashion world's most important luxury markets because of strong demand for accessories such as leather handbags, which generate higher profit margins than clothing.


  • 如果这种流行持保留态度尝试用显眼饰品融入日常装束之中。 恰到好处的视觉冲击力最好的效果。

    If you’re wary of this trend, try incorporating it into your outfit in a statement accessory piece–you’ll make an impact, but it will still be subtle!


  • 因为新娘如果婚纱上那个特定细节特别喜欢很可能喜欢这件婚纱,或是希望婚宴餐桌饰品甚至是她的邀请函类似的东西存在。

    Because if a bride loves a certain detail on her wedding dress, she'll probably love it, or something similar, in her bouquets and table centerpieces and even on her invitations.


  • 虎年来临之前黄金周零售商来说销售额上升17.2%,因为人人要多买点饰品衣服食物

    In the "golden week" for retailers ahead of the Year of the Tiger, sales rose 17.2% as revellers stocked up on decorations, cigarettes, alcohol, clothes and food.


  • 我们经常自己文化喜好所影响我们音乐选择所左右、被我们艺术地品味甚至是我们周围的装饰品所左右。

    We reveal a lot about ourselves by our cultural preferences: by our music choices, our art tastes and even how we decorate our surroundings.


  • 事实上桑德拉礼品店内销售货单饰品、贝斯牌商品很挑剔,甚至餐馆大楼维修都要过问。

    In fact, Sandra picks out the menu, the decor, the Bess-branded merchandise sold in the gift shop, and oversaw the renovation of the building where the restaurant resides.


  • 葡萄牙方面领先者,他们非洲海岸东方获取香料饰品探求进行非常缓慢

    In particular, Portugal held a lead in exploration and was slowly exploring the shores of the African Continent in search of a better route to the spices and luxuries of the Orient.


  • “行了,好汉!”辛迪吉夫说道然后跺着脚走出了房间,圣诞树上的装饰品震得叮当乱响

    “O.K., tough guy, ” Cyndi said to Giff, and stomped off, ringing the tree ornaments.


  • 选择天使作为礼物或者饰品很快就发现他们新世纪的光明前景充满了热诚的期盼。

    Those who opt for such items as gifts or decorations quickly find themselves dealing with a symbol of devotion into which the New Age scene is blossoming as well.


  • 有想饰品就不会这样该可以的。

    I thought that, but no, not with the right accessories.


  • 调者普遍心态

    Which is to be transferred to the general mentality of silver jewelry.


  • 符合有关规则条例饰品边界栅栏花盆气球纺纱雕像石头其他物品森林草坪纪念公园不允许的。

    Ornaments, borders, fences, planter boxes, balloons, spinners, statues, stones, or other items which do not conform to the rules and regulations of the Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks are not permitted.


  • 旅游者来说这里可以买到各种珊瑚以及花纹别致色彩美丽的螺壳旅游纪念品布置水族箱饰品

    The tourists, here you can buy red, white and the various coral pattern chic, beautiful colors, such as tourist souvenirs and conchs layout of the jewelry aquariums.


  • 陶瓷饰品作为现代饰品一个新品种人们生活起到美化装饰点缀作用

    As a new species of modern accessories, porcelain accessories function to beautify, decorate and strew people's life.


  • 墙上饰品不是汽车图片就是用汽车的零部件代替更是细微处传达企业产品要求

    The ornament on the wall pictures, not use the car is to use the car parts to replace, but convey the enterprise demand for products in fine point.


  • 总括来说,卡通人物联名系列会如何改变饰品印象?。

    Overall speaking, how do the fashion collaborations between fashion brands and cartoon characters change your impression of the fashion brands?


  • 我们喜爱不容小觑,现在主人们可以订制佩戴独一无二的新奇饰品,来表达自己宠物的喜爱之情。

    Our loving relationship with cats and dogs is not be sniffed at and now owners can commission and wear an original and quirky tribute to their favorite pet at all times.


  • 我的译文如下:(市场时尚饰品需求相当惨淡公司应该考虑开拓利基市场提高利润空间。

    The demand for fashion accessories is relatively flat and the company should consider exploiting niche markets to improve its margins.


  • 江滨一位摊主记者,相于往年来说,今年饰品要好

    A stand lord of river shore road says to the reporter, contra says in former years, this year's"blessing" monogram article is good friends with venditio to get polypeptide.


  • 据此,本身挂于手机饰品,其勾挂体尚可供其他手机饰品附挂,达到增加饰品挂载量以提高可看性功效

    The utility model can be used alone as an ornament for mobile phone; and its hooking member can be attached with other ornaments for improving appearance of mobile phone.


  • 届时我们展出公司最新18K镶钻饰品部分,欢迎我们产品感兴趣的莅临参观指导。诚挚期待您们的到来!

    At that time we will show our lastest 18k gold diamond jewellery and some of our silver jewellery. We sincerely look forward to your visit.


  • 那些购买濒危动物制成的饰品我只能说这一种病态的行为。

    As for the people who buy ornaments produced from endangered species - that is just sick.


  • 随着生活水平不断提高人们爱车饰品观赏性,舒适性保健性提出更高要求

    With the continuous improvement of living standards , people have a higher demand for ornamental value, which just meet public demand and aesthetic taste.


  • 随着生活水平不断提高人们爱车饰品观赏性,舒适性保健性提出更高要求

    With the continuous improvement of living standards , people have a higher demand for ornamental value, which just meet public demand and aesthetic taste.


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