• 要么伦斯顿学生接触更多化学物质要么他们年前的学生这些物质敏感

    Either Renston's schoolchildren have been exposed to greater quantities of the chemicals, or they are more sensitive to them than schoolchildren were ten years ago.


  • 这些物质尚未提交完整档案通知者声明规定时限不提交其档案。

    For these substances no complete dossier has been submitted or the notifier has declared that no dossier will be submitted within the prescribed time limit.


  • 研究小组这些物质许多大致相等水平奥运会一水顶针集中的标准游泳池

    According to the study team, many of these substances were concentrated at levels roughly equal to one thimble of water in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.


  • 除了法律限制非法物质烟草酒精获得性之外,减少这些物质需求干预措施也会改善健康发育状况

    In addition to laws that limit the availability of illicit substances, tobacco and alcohol, interventions to reduce demand for these substances improve the conditions for healthy development.


  • 灾难过后个月海洋垃圾冲刷出一些飞机残骸,这些物质研究使专家更好了解应该在哪些区域开展搜寻工作。

    Sweeps of the ocean in the month after the tragedy turned up some debris and studies of this material have now given experts a better idea of where to look.


  • 科学家推测个人大脑释放这些化学物质数量多少可能表明这个医生有多大的信心

    Scientists theorized that the amount of these chemicals released by a person's brain quite possibly indicates how much faith the person has in his or her doctor.


  • 其他有毒物质很好的密封在电视机内用户危害很小这些物质有可能制造丢弃的过程中,释放空气水中。

    The other toxic materials are well enclosed and should pose little risk to users, but they could be released into the air or waterways during manufacture or disposal.


  • 但是使用这些微量营养物质促进免疫兴趣抗生素推广之后就减弱了。

    But interest in using these micronutrients to boost immunity waned with the introduction of antibiotics.


  • 玻璃管中和蜜蜂身体混合物进行分析这些物质存在有关它们的化学成份信息提供了首次证据。

    Analysis of the compounds in the tubes and on the bees' bodies provided some of the first-ever evidence about the presence of these compounds plus information about their chemical makeup.


  • 例如人类苦涩咖啡呛人烟草存在天生的反感就是这些物质成瘾性,成瘾之后这些原本入不得口的东西会变得怡人起来。

    For example, humans also have natural aversions to the bitterness of coffee or the harshness of tobacco, but those substances have some addictive qualities, which might make them desirable.


  • 化学物质恐惧一部分源于这些化学物质的好奇他们于日常生活无孔不入

    Part of the fear of chemicals stems from the sheer novelty of new chemical substances and their all-pervasive presence in our lives.


  • 但是表示了解这些物质的干扰作用仍需时日,因为一直以来,人们都是含量有害物质风险进行安全性研究,不是针含量的物质

    This disruptive effect has not been fully appreciated, he argues, because safety trials on these substances have concentrated on the risks posed by high concentrations rather than low ones.


  • 这些化学物质中的一些人类极其危险,因为它们酷似人体天然所需的物质(碘),极易进入人体的组织

    Some of these chemicals are especially dangerous to humans because they mimic substances the body naturally USES, such as iodine, and are readily incorporated into the body's tissues.


  • 现在阿联酋大学研究小组找到了一种办法这些化学物质进行处理,消除有害副作用

    Now a team at the United Arab Emirates University have worked out a way of modifying the chemicals to remove their harmful side-effects.


  • 这些正电子一个可能解释就是它们来自同一物质以正、物质形式出现的一粒子的碰撞(物质湮灭),这样的暗物质被称为质量相互作用粒子”(WIMP)。

    One possible explanation for these positrons is the mutual annihilation of the matter and antimatter forms of a type of dark matter called weakly interacting massive particles, also known as WIMPs.


  • 她们接触各种化妆品个人护理产品机会可能更多一些,一些专家已经这些产品他们认为激素分泌有扰乱作用的化学物质表示了担忧。

    They may be exposed more to cosmetics and other personal care products, for instance, and some experts have expressed concerns about what they see as hormone-disrupting chemicals in those products.


  • 这些广泛存在化学物质暴露可能产生累积效应

    And the effects of exposure to the widespread chemicals may add up.


  • 还有所有那些日常消费品存在很大程度上都得归功于那样一些制造方法没有爱因斯坦物质原子理论阐明不会有这些制造方法。

    And all those everyday consumer products, which owe their existence, in no small part, to manufacturing methods that wouldn't work without Einstein's enunciation of the atomic theory of matter.


  • 我们知道有害化学物质用于塑料中,有些浸出有害物质危害我们健康而且这些情况我们并非完全了解

    But we know that hazardous chemicals are used in plastics, and some of those plastics will leach chemicals that may be harmful to our health, and we don't know the full extent of that.


  • 然而这些科学家知道身份'离散单位遗传物质居住

    However, these scientists were not yet aware of the identity of the 'discrete units' on which genetic material resides.


  • 长期以来,人们一直怀疑三氯A是否身体健康影响,而现在关键问题低浓度下的这些物质是否人类产生影响。

    Both triclosan and BPA have long been suspected of causing health problems, the 100 million dollar question is whether we should worry about the low-level exposure most of us get.


  • 还有一些人一些物质例如金属之类敏感,他们每次接触这些物质都会起让人不愉快皮疹

    Others react to materials such as metals, developing unpleasant rashes at their very touch.


  • 每周我们分析中国日本南韩一种特定文化现象或是物质文化一方面这些国家文化有深度见解

    Each week we will analyze a specific cultural phenomenon, or aspect of material culture, from China, Japan or Korea in order to gain insights into the cultures of these countries.


  • 实现这些或许一些剧烈感情或是物质缺口创造一些解决方法别人的信赖会成长处理自己事务

    Accomplishing these things may create a solution for a severe emotional or material lack. You outgrow dependency on others and manage your own affairs.


  • 这些骨骼牙齿生长影响最大维生素物质

    These are the vitamins and minerals that are most influential in building bones and teeth.


  • 这些骨骼牙齿生长影响最大维生素物质

    These are the vitamins and minerals that are most influential in building bones and teeth.


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