• 经过多个区域排放交易征收资源税(汽油有影响太阳能无影响)试验推出了这项政策。

    It follows various regional experiments with emissions-trading and a resources tax (which affects petroleum but not solar power).


  • 经过启动控制柜出厂进行各项功能试验,证明设计方案可行

    It was proved by testing the functions of the startup control ark before left factory that the design plan is feasible.


  • 经过材料分析试验发现具有高温回火脆性

    By analytical testing the material discovered that it has high temperature temper embrittlement.


  • 经过多年试验表明,采取插穗进行催芽处理一系列育苗技术措施,可使新疆杨扦插成活率提高80%-95%。

    After many-year experiments, the result show that bud forcing treatment can increase the survival ratio of Populus bolleana with cuttage by hard branch up to 80%-95%.


  • 同时经过试验路段修正过的优化方案添加设备选型数据库中自动配置系统进行补充修正

    In addition, optimized schemes corrected by a test road can be added into equipment selection database to supplement and modify the automatic formation system.


  • 经过大量试验研究磁悬浮轴承控制系统选定比较电路,成功地将悬轴控制设计范围内。

    Through a great deal of tests and studies, comparative circuits for the control system of magnetic levitation axletree were chosen to control the levitation in the range of design.


  • 经过试验探索找到夏季真空波动原因直接机组中,真空泵出力真空变化明显影响

    Through tests and exploration, the cause of vacuum fluctuation in summer was found, in the direct air cooling unit, the output of vacuum pump had obvious influence on the variation of vacuum.


  • 经过多年调查改造试验,得出了能被广大农民所接受而且适应性的有关技术措施指导毛竹低产改造具有现实意义

    After years' research and reforming experiment, provide technical measures that are widely accepted and have strong adoptions, which make real meaning to reform the low productive bamboo forest.


  • 经过大量试验计算分析表明,环境温度变化率和环境温度梯度光纤陀螺零位漂移的影响大于环境温度漂移的影响。

    By large amount of experiments and calculations, the result shows the effects on FOG accuracy of temperature rate and its grads are greater than of only the temperature itself.


  • 指出这些外部因素试验结果影响经过认真操作严格控制是可以降低避免的,从而提高试验结果准确性

    It is pointed out that these outside factors can be reduced or avoided if operating and control strictly, so the accuracy of test results can be improved.


  • 通过试验结果分析提出经过简化压电陶瓷PZT4非线性关系,建立相应的有限元计算方法

    On the analysis of experimental data, the simplified nonlinear constitutive laws for piezoelectric ceramic PZT 4 are presented. The corresponding finite element method is established.


  • 我们橡木经过炭化试验我们继续块区域木材层的表现进行处理,检测效果。

    Having experimented by charring our oak post, we continued with this technique on an area of timber cladding at ground floor level and are monitoring its performance.


  • 试验结果表明纳米炭黑分散体系经过改性ep处理的聚酯纤维具有较高的上性,且分散染料较好的染色相容性

    The results showed that nano carbon black dispersoid had high dye-uptake on polyester fiber modified by reagent EP in advance and good compatibility with disperse dye.


  • 经过工业试验西北铅锌真空蒸馏制取精镉积累一定生产实践经验

    After the commercial test, the Northwest Lead Zinc Smelter took the finecadmium to the thick cadmium vacuum distillation system to accumulate the certain production practice experience.


  • 印制板试样必须经过MILP—55110标准试验然后金属化孔进行剖视

    PWB samples were subjected to the solder float test per MIL-P-55110 and then the PTHs were cross-sectioned.


  • 问题经过多次调研试验找到问题所在下药装置进行了改进

    To solve this problem, we had numerous research and experiments, and found the reason, and give fight medicine, and improve its rolling devices.


  • 经过试验证实只要FGD闭环逻辑设计合理旁路挡板动作正确机组几乎不会产生任何影响

    The test proved that as long as FGD closed loop logic design is rational, bypass damp acting properly, there would be hardly any influence on the unit.


  • 系统简单经济,经过试验要求电压温度指标下,可靠准确地串联电池组进行监测

    Tests show that the system is able to supervise and measure serial battery reliably and accurately at request voltage and temperature.


  • 经过多次试验这个新的种植我们这个地区似乎适用

    Tested many times, the new method of cultivation seems to hold good for our area.


  • 经过试验发现增强强度明显效果

    The dry strength agents have showed the obvious effect to increase the dry strength.


  • 本文通过测深曲线开口问题开展试验研究经过加工提炼后,应用在一个水文地质工程地质实测工区,说明方法应用前景

    Research on electrical deep curve opening is conducted herein. The outcome is applied to hydrogeologic and engineering geologic projects which verified that the said method has a bright prospect.


  • 经过工业试验工业验证试验后,座炼铅采用工艺进行设计,现已建成投产。

    After the industrial and validation tests, the process has been adopted in two smelting plants and now in full operation.


  • 经过原子灰用反复试验大规模工业生产应用,达到预期的良好效果

    The title powders for putty, through trial and practical production and large scale application has shown desirable performance.


  • 对经过不同程度老化沥青进行常规的三大指标试验粘度试验,探讨老化沥青胶结料常规指标影响,建立了耦合老化效应的沥青胶结料粘温方程。

    It was studied that the effects of aging on conventional index of asphalt binder by testing the penetration, softening point, ductility and viscosity on the PAV residue.


  • 通过现场正交优化试验经过脉冲磁化处理硬质合金高速钢刀具耐磨性能进行研究

    An experimental study on the wear of pulse magnetized cemented carbide and high speed steel tools has been carried out according to the orthogonal design scheme.


  • 问题经过多次调研试验找到问题所在下药,抱辊装置进行了改进

    To solve this problem, we had numerous research and experiments, and found the reason, and give right medicine, and improve its rolling devices.


  • 经过设备试制、试验结果表明完全适合水分鲜食玉米穗剥皮

    The test results show that it can work well for high moisture sweet corn husking.


  • 经过试验理论分析得到反映冻融土体结构性影响动态结构性参数

    After the experiment and the theoretical analysis, have established the reflection freezing and thawing to the soil body constitutive property influence dynamic constitutive parameter.


  • 经过试验理论分析得到反映冻融土体结构性影响动态结构性参数

    After the experiment and the theoretical analysis, have established the reflection freezing and thawing to the soil body constitutive property influence dynamic constitutive parameter.


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