• 过去十年中西方捐助者一直采取各种行动努力提高穷国援助数量效率。

    For the past decade Western donors have been campaigning to boost the amount of aid they give to poor countries and to try to make better use of it.


  • 世行的软贷款迅速并且大量的补充使富国在苏格兰鹰谷峰会上穷国承诺得到兑现

    Second, the bank's soft-loan kitty must be replenished quickly and generously enough to fulfil the Gleneagles promises that the rich world made to the poor world.


  • 穷国来说,听起来微薄了,故此的反应贿赂棺材都不够”不一而足。

    To poor countries, this sounds paltry: responses range from "bribery" to "it will not even pay for the coffins".


  • 然而这种培训价格不菲。 卡萨洛博士穷国而言,很多进行灵活又快速技能培训,特别是起点的技能培训当务之急。

    What poor countries need is lots of people, trained flexibly and quickly, at lower levels of skill, he says.


  • 令人担忧的是,富裕国家的人们互联网的痴迷已经让国际社会担心富国和穷国之间的“数字鸿沟”了。

    Even more worryingly, the fascination with the Internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the "digital divide" between the rich countries and the poor countries.


  • 意味着印度这样穷国现在气候变暖的影响可能我们长期以来预想的要

    That would suggest that poorer nations like India might have a bigger hand in current warming than we'd long assumed.


  • 如果真正目的帮助穷国那么美国而言,更好方法大幅增加发展性援助

    But if the real goal is to help poor countries then the better approach is for the US substantially to increase its development aid.


  • 随着穷国逐渐富裕起来这些矿物需求可能激增

    Demand for all of these minerals is likely to surge as poor countries get rich.


  • 非洲穷国养鸡勉强糊口人们来说,鸡没了,这日子就完全下去了。

    People who scratch out a living in poor African nations simply cannot afford to lose their chickens.


  • 有趣问题同样比例收入增长是不是富国穷国意味着是一样的。

    The interesting question is whether the same percentage increase in income means as much to a rich country as to a poor one.


  • 这种趋同现象穷国正在开始:在穷一些马拉维和斯里兰卡城市居住者所消费比例大大高于其所占的人口比例(20%10%)。

    That convergence is starting in poor countries, too: in poorer Malawi and Sri Lanka, city dwellers account for a much bigger share of consumption than of population (20% compared with 10%).


  • 但是,欧美等富裕国家希望穷国降低进口工业品征收的关税

    For their part, the rich countries want the poorer countries to lower the tariffs they impose on imported industrial goods.


  • 基金会从来都不世界穷国农业愿景提前支付,当然那些有争议科技比如转基因如此。

    The foundation has never been upfront about its vision for agriculture in the world's poorest countries, nor the role of controversial technologies like GM.But perhaps it could start the debate here?


  • 基金会从来都不世界上穷国家的农业愿景提前支付,当然那些有争议科技比如转基因也如此。

    The foundation has never been upfront about its vision for agriculture in the world's poorest countries, nor the role of controversial technologies like GM. But perhaps it could start the debate here?


  • 西方国家正在通过他们的债务利息的支付榨取家的钱财。

    The west is bleeding poorer countries dry through interest payments on their debts.


  • 日本世界工业发达国家需要全球气候变化家进行开发援助方面采取紧急行动

    Japan is telling the world's most industrialized nations that urgent action is needed on global climate change and development assistance for impoverished nations.


  • 发达国家相比,食品支出中所比重更高因此谷物肉食价格上涨通胀影响

    Food accounts for a bigger slice of spending in poor countries than in rich ones, so rising grain and meat prices have a bigger impact on inflation.


  • 贾格迪奥富裕国家设立什么样基金帮助穷国免受气候变化的影响表示担心

    Jagdeo said he was worried about what sort of funds would be established to help shield poor countries from the worst effects of climate change.


  • 甚至是虔诚素食主义者承认来说乳制品仍然东西

    Even ardent vegetarians acknowledge that dairy products and even meat may be a good thing in poorer countries.


  • 但是总体上富国并不穷国幸福至少那些拥有足够收入能够满足基本需求国家来说,的确如此。

    But as a whole, rich countries aren't much happier than poor ones, at least among countries with enough income to meet basic needs.


  • 但是总体上富国并不穷国幸福至少那些拥有足够收入能够满足基本需求国家来说,的确如此。

    But as a whole, rich countries aren t much happier than poor ones, at least among countries with enough income to meet basic needs.


  • 但是我们希望捐助者保证,这种再融资并不意味着减少的援助。

    But we want guarantees from donors that this refinancing won't mean less for the poorest countries.


  • 令人遗憾是,公众讨论大多注重禽流感健康影响方面许多兽医服务薄弱状况忽视。

    Regrettably, most of the public discussion focuses on the human-health aspects of bird flu, while the weak state of veterinary services in many poor countries is being ignored.


  • 令人遗憾是,公众讨论大多注重禽流感健康影响方面许多兽医服务薄弱状况忽视。

    Regrettably, most of the public discussion focuses on the human-health aspects of bird flu, while the weak state of veterinary services in many poor countries is being ignored.


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