• 这样语言通常解释的:组件在技术上实现包括一个解释,用来运行程序进行参数化。

    Such languages are often interpreted: the component implementation technically consists of an interpreter that is parameterized with the program it should run.


  • 不过这个应用程序很明显银行职员设计他们其中的术语熟悉并且可以非常清楚解释程序数字的意义。

    The application, however, was obvious to bank employees; they were familiar with the terminology and could interpreted the Numbers in the application perfectly well.


  • 经常性的、有关技术简短交谈有助于提高交付的、运行中的应用程序可见性,同时提供更多特定技术工具深入解释

    Regular short tech talks also help improve visibility on the running side of application delivery and can provide more in-depth explanation of specific technologies or tools.


  • $TERM反映了终端可能是终端模拟程序设置确保正确呈现文本颜色以及按键进行正确的解释,这是非常重要的信息。

    TERM reflects your terminal (probably terminal emulator) settings -- important for ensuring proper rendering of text, colors, as well as proper interpretation of keystrokes.


  • 因为他们资源修改知之甚少,所以on”按字面解释……之上”,非常勉强程序上的意义解释作为超级任务”。

    Since "resource modification" means little to them, "on" could be interpreted literally, as in, "on top of," or quite narrowly in a programmatic sense, as in, "as a super task."


  • IoC来说术语因此Jeff解释说,创建应用程序通常会拥有依赖另一个象。

    IoC was a new term for me, so Jeff explained that when you're creating an application, you typically have one object that relies on another object.


  • 出于很多其他目的TT也是实用的,非常它们进行解释因此真心所有Perl程序(从初学者高级程序员)推荐这本TT书籍

    The TT is useful for so many other purposes, and the book explains them so well, that I heartily recommend the TT book to any Perl programmer, beginner to advanced.


  • 事实解释通常医生们的激励机制不当他们服务程序不是结果收费。

    The explanation usually given for this is that physicians have perverse incentives: they are paid by service or procedure rather than by results.


  • 程序可以以后系统进行维护的程序员通过图形化的方式进行沟通,他们不但可以使用文本而且可以使用图形图表解释自己的程序

    Programmers can communicate to future programmers graphically and use not only text, but also graphics and charts to explain their programs.


  • 更正:我们早前AndroidApplication所发帖子更新版本. 上个帖子没有解释清楚到底该程序给我们带来了什么.

    Errata: This an updated version of our previous post on the Android Application which wasn't entirely clear about what was on offer.


  • 解释游戏应用Self - Service模式原因,并确定了满足游戏需求应用程序运行时模式

    I outlined the reasons for applying Self-Service patterns to the game, taking you on a hunt to establish an application and a runtime pattern that meets the game's requirements.


  • 本文提供了portlet应用程序它们进行解释四种portlet使用不同凭证保险库技术维护凭证

    This article provides and explains four portlet applications that use different credential vault techniques to maintain credentials.


  • 或者是因为难以解释的原因忘记了,你计划每一晚上可是时间就你身边溜走了,又或者只是这个程序产生抗情绪就不想冥想了。

    Either you inexplicably forget, you plan to do it in the evening and the day gets away from you, or you simply revolt against the process and don't do your meditation.


  • 表中说明以下内容:即,应考者程序实践完备性,技术完备性,以及(适用),试验结果进行解释评估完备性。

    The check list shall address the practical and technical adequacy of the procedures prepared by the candidate, and when applicable, the adequacy of the interpretation and evaluation of indications.


  • 现行法律中缺乏权利具体规定,立法法相关的法律中明确赋予公民法律解释动议建立健全公民启动法律解释程序规则

    It should give the right of suggestion to law explanation definitely in the lawmaking law and related law, and build up the procedure rule that the citizens apply the right.


  • 通过国内外研究工作分析,提出面向语义的解释型测试程序集描述方法

    Based on the analysis of research work all over the world, an interpretative TPS based on semantic-oriented method was proposed.


  • 采用适合数据结构存储函数信息并用一内嵌式程序语言解释进行分析

    In this model, a proper data structure is developed to store the information of functions, and a tiny programming language interpreter is designed and embedded to analyze the functions.


  • 第四我国现行法律相关司法解释进行分析,并我国民事诉讼程序成因进行分析,说明我国审前准备程序的提出也是一大进步。

    The fourth chapter carries on the analysis to our country current law and the related judicial interpretation, and proposes the cause of pretrial procedure existence.


  • 系统关键部分硬件电路进行了详细参数设计系统软件设计思路进行了详细的解释给出主要程序流程图

    Parameter design on system's critical circuit is elaborated and method on system's software design is explained and diagrams are given about main program.


  • 系统关键部分硬件电路进行了详细参数设计系统软件设计思路进行了详细的解释给出主要程序流程图

    Parameter design on system's critical circuit is elaborated and method on system's software design is explained and diagrams are given about main program.


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