• 应用岩心地面自然伽马曲线测井自然伽马曲线对比法对岩心进行归位,进而岩心样品进行深度校正,很大程度上提高岩心资料准确性。

    Contrasting core ground gamma curve with logging gamma curve locate the core, and then emend the depth of the core sample, which improve veracity of the core data.


  • 山西临汾襄汾采用大区对比研究土壤质地耕作方式茬口小麦土壤水量影响

    Influence of soil texture, tillage practices and stubble on water storage content before wheat sowing was studied by using the method of contrast in Linfen and Xiangfen, Shanxi province.


  • 经典LPC对比实验验证合成语音质量方面优越性

    Compared to classical LPC approach, the experiments prove the superiority of this approach in terms of speech quality.


  • 硬度对比试验中,进一步验证了电阻可行性

    The feasibility of this method is confirmed by comparison with microhardness method.


  • 分析比较种语义细分评价者个体重复性、团组一致性以及计算结果相关性

    The two procedures are compared at individual′s repetitivity, juror′s consistency, and correlation to results acquired by pair comparison method and by calculation with mathematical model.


  • 极限承载力计算中,将有限元等效截面进行对比,发现等效截面计算出的结果说明一种较为保守

    The result of equivalent section method was less than the results from the finite element program, which demonstrates the former was a conservative approach.


  • 山西临汾襄汾采用大区对比研究土壤质地茬口小麦产量水分利用效率影响

    Affect of soil texture and rotation on wheat yield and water use efficiency has studied by using the method of contrast in Linfen and Xiangfen, Shanxi province.


  • 动态斜坡升降测试原理优缺点进行了比较动态斜坡测试敏感和钝感型火工品发火感度试验基础上,结合与升降试验结果的对比动态斜坡进行了研究。

    By comparing the advantage and disadvantage of ramp current with other methods, ramp current method and up-and-down method are used to test sensitivity of bridge-wire Electrical Initiating Device.


  • 目的探讨相位对比MR形态体积分析MR成像技术评价心室功能中的临床应用价值

    Objective To investigate the clinical application value of phase contrast MR imaging and stereological cine MR imaging in the assessment of ventricular function.


  • 本文论述的有序元素测井曲线自动对比元素最佳匹配对比法基础改进而成的。

    Automatic logging curve comparison using optimum ordered multielement match is based on the improved logging curve comparison using optimum single element match.


  • 采用对比辅助平面一般位置线面交中的作用进行了论述

    This paper expounds the use of an auxiliary plane in seeking the point of intersection between a straight line and a plane, using a comparative analytical method.


  • 乒乓球技术教学中,把心理练习常规教学相结合,通过实验对比取得好的教学效果

    Applying psychological practice method to regular teaching, I have achieved fairly good results through experiments and comparison in table tennis' technical teaching.


  • 研究分散无凝胶白炭黑轮胎胎面中的应用普通沉淀白炭黑进行对比

    The application of the high dispersive gel-free silica in the tread compound was investigated and compared to the conventional precipitated silica.


  • 研究利用城市煤气替代重油作燃料课题中,现场数据为依据,利用对比法建立计算体系,得出令人满意的结果。

    In the task of using city gas to replace the heavy oil, the satisfying results are acquired by basing on the reality data and setting up the calculation system.


  • 另外本文还对荷载传递函数弹性理论法在壁板桩中的应用进行了初步对比

    In addition, some comparisons can be made between load transfer method and elastic theory method in this paper.


  • 论文中,笔者应用比较分析”,对比了中英两海上保险位求偿规定方面差异

    In the paper, I applied, "a Comparative Analysis of Law," in contrast to the British Marine insurance subrogation right differences.


  • 同时用压榨进行红松种仁不饱和脂肪酸提取对比实验结果显示实验条件提取的收率要远低于超临界CO_2萃取

    Carry on Korean pine nut unsaturated fatty acid extraction experiment by the press way, whose results indicate the yield was much lower than the one done by supercritical CO2 extraction method.


  • 对比介绍了水泥基渗透结晶型防水材料(CCCW)地铁施工预制管片生产中的涂刷施工工艺。

    This article compares dry spreading technique with coating method of CCCW applied in prefabrication pipe sections, which are used in shield construction.


  • 对比截断中的迭代公式修改后明显加速低频收敛

    The iteration formula in the CST is corrected, which increases the convergence rate considerably at lower frequencies.


  • 对比说明加氢提高产品收率减少三废方面明显优于铁粉硫化钠

    The superiority of catalytic hydrogenation reducing to iron and sodium sulfide reducing is showed in both increasing yield and decreasing wastes.


  • 计算空间桁架矩阵位移网格差分以及模型网架试验结果作了对比分析

    A comparative analysis is made for the space grid by the use of stiffness matrix method and the difference method which is specifically applied to grid beams.


  • 研究对比压榨油脂扩散渗透有机溶剂萃取优缺点探讨工业生产上的可行性。

    Different techniques as mechanical pressing, diffusion process and the solvent extraction were tested and compared, and their suitability for industrial application discussed.


  • 经和常规POM测量结果对比,发现二者相对差异5%以内说明分光具有较高精确度

    Compared with the common POM measurement, spectrometer measurement could give the results with a relative error less than 5%, showing a high precision.


  • 介绍了“同位素示db—3 i型堤防管涌渗漏检测系统洪泽湖大堤渗漏检测中的应用情况,两种的应用进行了对比

    This paper introduces the applications of "isotope tracting method" and "DB-3 I embankment piping and leakage detecting system" to Hongze Lake embankment, and compares the two methods.


  • 根据酸性气体粘度预测对比了基于PR状态方程的粘度模型经验公式图版预测酸性气体粘度时准确性

    The accuracy of viscosity model based on pr state equation, empirical equation and chart method for predicting acidic gas viscosity is correlated.


  • 最后三种不同初始直接快速推进本文的方法在计算速度上作了对比

    Finally, we compare the modified initialization step with the fast marching method and the direct method.


  • 对比电池滚镀一步三步,得出二步工艺容易控制管理

    One step method, two steps method and three steps method of barrel nickel plating of steel battery shell were compared, and the process of two steps method is found to be easy to control and manage.


  • 对比电池滚镀一步三步,得出二步工艺容易控制管理

    One step method, two steps method and three steps method of barrel nickel plating of steel battery shell were compared, and the process of two steps method is found to be easy to control and manage.


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