• 现金值得该死风险全球对抗计划

    Cash will not be worth a damn, and the risks of a global confrontation planned!


  • 过去的几年里,越来越多的人和组织开始制定计划对抗这种趋势。

    In the past few years, an increasing number of people and organisations have begun coming up with plans to counter this trend.


  • 波音官员HELTD计划目标证明移动固态激光武器系统能够有效对抗火箭火炮迫击炮弹射装置

    The objective of the HEL TD program is to demonstrate that a mobile, solid-state laser weapon system can effectively counter rocket, artillery, and mortar projectiles, Boeing officials say.


  • 计划增加公共基础设施投入以及官方利率政策,不足以对抗负面因素

    The planned increase in public infrastructure spending and lower official interest rates will be insufficient to counterbalance these negative forces.


  • 在人数上,他们60,000对抗联邦军130,000杰克逊设计实施了一个击溃约瑟夫·胡克(1814- 79)计划

    Facing a numerically superior Union force of 130,000 men to 60,000 of their own, Lee and Jackson devised and executed a plan to rout the army of Union General Joseph Hooker (1814-79).


  • 但是普京而言,反导防御体系不过想努力复活原先对抗克里姆林宫星球大战(Star Wars)”计划——如果不是在现在那么就是未来

    But for Mr Putin, the anti-missile shield is just a bid to revive the old Star Wars programme against the Kremlinif not now, then in the future.


  • 这个游戏般的计划能否Google对抗上最多也是个未知数

    But whether that game plan will work against Google is uncertain at best.


  • 该行2月的“对抗计划很快取消

    The planned rebellion in February will quickly be quashed.


  • 美国计划购买1300万美元药品对抗病毒

    The United States is planning to purchase an additional 13 million courses of flu medicine to add to the national stockpile of treatments for the virus.


  • 接下来,研究人员计划观察那些去年接种流疫苗出现不良反应免疫响应,确认他们是否同样产生了对抗所有流感超级免疫力

    Next they plan to examine the immune response of people who were vaccinated against last year's swine flu but did not get sick to see if they too have the same super immunity to flu.


  • 很少有人知道苏联计划建立一支舰队对抗美国海军。

    Very few knows the USSR was going to build an atomic Armada for struggling against the USN.


  • 包括苹果以及最近加入的耐克在内的家公司RED协议计划摇滚明星诺带头从而筹集资金对抗艾滋

    Ten firms, including Gap, Apple and most recently Nike, have deals with (RED), a scheme fronted by Bono, a rock star, to raise money to fight AIDS.


  • 计划调查病毒合成物对豚鼠白鼬的传染性如何,这两种动物的呼吸系统更能体现出人类在发烧时与流感对抗情况。

    He plans to investigate how contagious his new viral blends are in guinea pigs and ferrets-animals whose respiratory system better reflects our own feverish battle with flu.


  • 知道吗,计划波兰部署的拦截几乎没有能力对抗伊朗现有短程中程弹道导弹所构成的威胁

    And guess what? The proposed interceptor in Poland would have little, if any, capability to counter the existing threat from Iran's short - and medium-range ballistic missiles.


  • 必须关注地方对抗状态,因为这种对抗导致更大范围紧张局势地区国家行动者会劫持地方的计划达到他们自己的目的

    It must focus on local antagonisms, because they often cause or fuel broader tensions, and regional and national actors hijack local agendas to serve their own ends.


  • 当月月末提出一项计划加快食品药品管理局对抗癌症药物批准程序

    At the end of the month, I initiated an effort to accelerate the approval of anti-cancer drugs by the Food and drug Administration.


  • 开支问题上出现的对抗说明这样一个事实:去年共和党主要通过承诺保护“老年医保计划赢得去年的中期选举,获胜后却立即投票肢解这项计划

    And a confrontation over spending would only highlight the fact that Republicans won big last year largely by promising to protect Medicare, then promptly voted to dismantle the program.


  • 不过,要说这是两个大多数时间精力用于计划彼此对抗军事组织之间新的固式(set-piece)对抗,则大大言过其实了。

    But talk of a new set-piece confrontation between two military blocks that spend most of their time and energy planning to fight one another is wildly overdone.


  • 除了对抗疾病WHO推展增进世人健康预防疾病全球性计划方面担任举足轻重的角色

    In addition to fighting illness, the world health Organization has been a key player in promoting worldwide disease prevention and health programs.


  • 虽然动机冷血计划筹备得天衣无缝,但波实施对抗绝地武士团的恶毒阴谋并非孤身一人。

    But though his motivations are cold and his plan calculated to perfection, Boba isn't alone in his malicious machinations against the Jedi Order.


  • Keesee称,目前JIEDDO正在进行一项计划计划中IED对抗系统行业提案每周一次的速度提交选择委员会

    The JIEDDO has a program in place where industry proposals for counter-IED systems go before a selection board once every week.


  • 研究人员计划南非进行病毒凝胶验证性研究估计南非大约有570万感染者超过其它任何国家

    For the microbicide, researchers plan to lead one of the confirmatory studies in South Africa, where an estimated 5.7 million people are infected, more than in any other nation.


  • 于是演出便成了无畏犹太人操纵灭绝犹太人计划之间场面对面对抗

    The scene was set for a face-to-face confrontation between defiant Jews and the man behind the Final Solution.


  • 或者是因为难以解释的原因忘记了,你计划每一晚上可是时间就你身边溜走了,又或者只是这个程序产生对抗情绪就不想冥想了。

    Either you inexplicably forget, you plan to do it in the evening and the day gets away from you, or you simply revolt against the process and don't do your meditation.


  • 然而这些研究计划诞生与其说是出于对抗不如说是出于实用目的。

    However, these new research initiatives have been born in a spirit of pragmatism rather than confrontation.


  • 我们时刻来到了,不管他们如何对抗我们都会开始我们的计划并且成功

    When it is our time to go ahead, regardless of the opposition we shall commence our plan knowing that it will succeed.


  • 我们盟友对付那些对抗计划其他阻止进程的人的情况中,已经赢得了更多信心

    Our allies are gaining more confidence in confronting those who are against Ascension and would stop its progress.


  • 我们盟友对付那些对抗计划其他阻止进程的人的情况中,已经赢得了更多信心

    Our allies are gaining more confidence in confronting those who are against Ascension and would stop its progress.


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