• 核查预订情况以便计划安排些什么活动大体想法

    I check the bookings to get a general idea of what activities to plan.


  • 几个星期这里组织情况不大了解

    I've only been here a couple of weeks and I don't really know the set-up.


  • 这次活动开展的情况感到心满意足

    I'm perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone.


  • 环顾四周女孩们的生活兴趣极度缺乏想象力情况感到绝望

    Looking around, I despaired at the singular lack of imagination about girls' lives and interests.


  • 来说,在知道它们如何在水下这么情况下,它们洄游模式有点疯狂

    lt's a little crazy for me to be writing about migration patterns without actually knowing how they stay underwater for so long.


  • 看到这些人处于危险中时,只是做了必须做的。想在这种情况下,每个人都会这么做。”朱《新京报》说。

    "I just did what I had to when I saw that these people were in danger. I think everyone would do the same thing in such a situation," Zhu said to Beijing News.


  • 注意有些情况下会许多重载构造器;每种情况举例说明一个构造器。

    Note that there are many overloaded constructors in some cases; I have illustrated just one for each case.


  • 好的特定情况可以测量压强确定并且知道就是变化的速率。

    Well, I can, for any given case, measure the pressure, determine the entropy and I'll know what the slope of change will be.


  • 最好的建议往往那么肯定-那些研究者这样说:‘觉得某些情况某些或许可行的。’

    The best advice tends to be less certain - those researchers who say, 'I think maybe this is true in certain situations for some people.'


  • Indrajit Ray表示:“作为名医务工作者,这种情况发生而言是痛苦的。

    is a very painful situation for me as a member of the medical profession, " he said.


  • Ginder:“可以这样说这个情况看法一样。”

    Say, 'I have a different perspective on this situation.


  • 然而接近那种情况时,就处于“当时”,不管来说意味着什么,那时思想完全变化了。

    However, my cognitions go “online” when I am in or close to the situation, whatever it is for me, and my thinking changes quite drastically.


  • 然而每个人都自己实际情况来说正确东西可能你们来说就正确了。

    Everyone has their own truth though and what is true for me may not be true for you.


  • 如果经理认为了解这个极限情况顾客满意度而言极其重要的。

    If I were the manager, I think knowing this threshold condition would be extremely important to customer satisfaction.


  • 价格上涨下跌的时候,可以确切地记得他们前一天那个时候浮动情况心算喜爱的工作中越来越方便

    I could remember in detail how the prices had acted on the previous day, just before they went up or down. My fondness for mental arithmetic came in very handy.


  • 感到惊讶,其他人在乎事情眼里根本不值一提,这种情况对我来说既不是第一也不是最后一次。

    I was amazed. It was neither the first nor the last time that something other people cared about didn't mean a thing to me.


  • 多数情况发现他们缺乏名称空间理解或者看起来理解,但处理和解决名称空间有关的问题时就会出现混乱

    In almost every case I have found a lack of understanding of namespacesor, in the presence of understanding, hands-on confusion in working with and debugging namespace-related issues.


  • 不过可以看出这个服务很多情况有用,不仅仅是在组织活动方面。

    But I can also see this being useful for several scenarios, and not just activity organization.


  • 追求平衡——来说相当棘手的情况就是一个看法极端

    Pursue balance - as a person given to extremes this has always been a tough one for me.


  • 只是要说,通常情况安全系统运作方式保密并不提高安全,事实恰恰相反。

    I'm just saying that in general, secrecy about how your security system works does not improve security, but rather usually the reverse.


  • 人们可以承认同意关系中的平等,如果否认这种情况则意味着这些的不尊重,或者否定他们选择自己生活权力

    To deny that people can acknowledge inequity or consent to its simulation in a relationship seems to me to disrespect those people and to deny them the rights to choose their own lives.


  • 这次回答的所有问题,是因为知道这种情况,你做的就是提问要做的就是回答。’对我解释道。

    "I am answering because I know from the context that you must be asking questions and that I must talk," he explains.


  • 并不掌握具体情况请你相信,有关人员采取的行动根据事实法律进行的。

    I don't have any specific information, but I can assure you that the related actions are carried out in line with both facts and law.


  • 情况知道自己的,的,还得意思办。

    In this case, I knew I was right, and they were wrong, but I had to let them do it anyway.


  • 她们来说,情况完全不同而且认为这个问题变得更加糟糕

    It will be completely different for them and I think the problem is going to become much, much worse.


  • 倾向于这么至少自己的情况不是的。

    Well, I'm inclined to think, at least in my own case, that that's not right.


  • 倾向于这么至少自己的情况不是的。

    Well, I'm inclined to think, at least in my own case, that that's not right.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定