• 这个结果总统而言丢面子。

    The result is a humiliation for the president.


  • 总统竞选事后调查正在进行

    The postmortem on the presidential campaign is under way.


  • 民主党愿意总统作出让步

    The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.


  • 这份报纸总统攻击纯属无稽之谈。

    The paper's assault on the president was totally unjustified.


  • 这家报纸总统发起了场恶意攻击

    The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president.


  • 民意调查表明民众总统支持率39%。

    The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.


  • 民主党领导人总统签署这项法案存有质疑

    Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.


  • 很多选民总统最近表现出来强硬感到担忧

    Many voters were alarmed by the president's new stridency.


  • 偏离预先准备讲稿总统表示了敬意

    She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to the president.


  • 总统安全的担心和平促进任务蒙上阴影。

    Fears for the president's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission.


  • 像是改变了(绘画的)风格,让不再只是总统祖先的一些形式上描绘

    It is like she transformed the genre, it is not just formal depictions of presidents and ancestors any more.


  • 有些最近一次讲话中总统不尊重

    Some people said he had been disrespectful to the President in his last speech.


  • 一些参议员总统言辞感到愤怒,反应强烈。

    Some senators reacted angrily to the President's remarks.


  • 报界前任总统赞扬过于恭维

    Newspapers have been fulsome in their praise of the former president.


  • 这个事件很难让人那位总统有好印象。

    The affair hardly reflected well on the president.


  • 新闻界这位总统进行了新一轮的恶毒抨击

    The press launched another vicious onslaught on the president.


  • 总统那些战斗者英勇精神表示敬意。

    The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country.


  • 这位总统任何内部政治分歧苗头都毫不留情。

    The president was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.


  • 发现爆炸物之后总统取消了地区访问

    Following the discovery of the explosives the president cancelled his visit to the locality.


  • 总统辞职看起来已经放弃国家团结起来所有希望一种承认

    The president's resignation appears to be an acknowledgment that he has lost all hope of keeping the country together.


  • 军队要求已故总统关联人物来一次彻底地清除

    The army have called for a more thorough purge of people associated with the late president.


  • 墨西哥总统取消得克萨斯之行抗议该州名墨西哥侨民的处决

    The Mexican president cancelled a trip to Texas in protest at the state's execution of a Mexican national.


  • 75%选民认为总统经济管理不当。

    75% of voters think the president has mismanaged the economy.


  • 总统国家希望虽然高尚,模糊

    The president's hopes for the country were high-minded, but too vague.


  • 据报道总统第一会谈进展满意。

    The president is reported to have been delighted with the progress of the first day's talks.


  • 普里马科夫先生总统会面给予了详尽的叙述。

    Mr. Primakov gave a full account of his meeting with the president.


  • 总统即将结束索马里访问

    The president is about to wind up his visit to Somalia.


  • 总统努力消除未来经济悲观估测

    The president has gone out of his way to dismiss speculation over the future of the economy.


  • 美国国会总统减少巨额预算赤字提议各持己见,僵持不下。

    The United States Congress and the president are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit.


  • 总统招致森林政策的异议。

    The president is drawing unfavourable comments on his new forest policy.


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