• 个人认为年薪10万美元的稍微幸福那么一点点,而且出的一点点幸福感还不足以工作面对的压力对应

    Those who earned up to $100,000 (I think), were only marginally happier, and it didn't seem that it would be worth the extra stress, lack of time and pressure just to earn more money.


  • 付出代价包括用于进行分析时间资金生产环境中开销巨大停机时间压力以及用程序框架丧失信心

    The cost is a combination of time and money for analysis, expensive downtime in production environments, stress, and a loss of confidence in the application and frameworks.


  • 更改进行了功能测试之后,可以再次用程序进行负载测试压力测试,然后再次进行分析

    Once the changes have been functionally tested, the application can be load and stress tested once more, followed by another analysis.


  • 如今,独享尊荣雇主大可以聘者挑挑拣拣,在他们看来,小组面试是考量求职者压力之下真本质的有效方法

    Employers, who now have the luxury of being picky with candidates, see selection committees as an efficient way to measure applicants' mettle under fire.


  • 读取压力数值时,观察表上指针对应刻度加上相对单位即可。

    Read the pressure value, observation table pointer corresponding to the scale values and their relative units of value.


  • VisualStudio 2010Ultimate可以尽早用程序进行压力测试整个开发周期中用逼真的模型模拟负载

    Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate lets you stress test your application early and throughout its development lifecycle with realistically modeled simulated load.


  • 稳定水平对应压力作为孔隙压力估计

    The pressure corresponding to the plateau is taken as an estimate of the pore pressure.


  • 本文利用线性弹性对应原理得出了关于粘弹性岩石井筒的井壁压力位移理论

    An exact solution of pressure and displacement of a mine shaft situated in viscoelastic rock is obtained using the correspondence principle of the linear viscoelasticity theory.


  • 建立调压灌溉系统部分压力变幅对应关系合理确定调节压力基础

    The relationship of the pressure ranges among the parts of pressure regulation irrigation system is the basis for determining the range of pressure regulation.


  • 学业压力事件过程身心两个方面机制实验研究尤其缺乏。

    On the process of academic stress events, there is almost no experimental studying on coping mechanisms from physical and psychological aspects.


  • 测量液位压力毫巴10对应于10厘米的水的高度。

    When measuring the fill level of water, 10 mbar of pressure corresponds to 10 cm water height.


  • 采用该方法可以较好地估计第二喉道极限面积最小启动以及对应压力

    The second-throat area ratio limit, the minimal starting pressure ratio and the corresponding cell pressure were obt.


  • 方法通过离散迭代计算得出板型良好轧制压力对应变形实际生产指导作用。

    The deformation quantity corresponding to the rolling press getting good shape can be got by straggling press amount and iterative computation.


  • 对应音速与汽液相流体空泡压力液相密度等因素有关

    Then the corresponding sonic velocity of the two-phase flow is determined by the void ratio, pressure and density of the liquid phase.


  • 对于气体压力最佳增益曲线对应流速范围。

    It shows that there is an optimum flow velocity corresponding to the best gain distribution for a given operating pressure.


  • E30的最低燃料消耗率对应喷嘴启喷压力高于柴油

    The injection pressure of E30 engine corresponding to the lowest fuel consumption is higher than that of diesel engine.


  • 给出了算例,分析隧洞半封闭特性位移孔隙水压力影响

    Examples are presented at the end of this paper to analyze the influence of the partial sealing property of tunnel on stress, displacement and pore pressure.


  • 研究结果表明,挡墙背后土体存在着沿平面滑动对数螺旋柱面转动两类临界状态,对应有两种不同类型-压力分算方法

    Under the precondition of computing water and earth pressures separately, the effect of the computation method of earth pressure on that of water and earth pressures is studied.


  • 如果达到对应于热温度沸点压力,就会形成蒸气

    Steam is formed if the boiling point pressure for the temperature of the reservoir is reached.


  • 考虑负压下沉过程渗流影响,确立了桶内土柱顶部所需压力下沉深度之间对应关系。

    The effect of percolation during the sinking process is also considered, and the sinking depth and the negative pressure required are determined.


  • 利用电磁场理论,推导发现压力光子晶体光带边界之间存在线性对应关系。

    For one-dimensional Photonic Crystals, an analytic expression for the band edges as a linear function of the pressure is given using electromagnetic theory.


  • 科学家表明他们已经揭开了压力如何导致老年记忆衰退之。爱丁堡大学的研究者解释了两个老化的大脑感受器如何对应激素皮质醇作出反应老年记忆衰退有关。

    Researchers at Edinburgh University have shown how two receptors in older brains react to the stress hormone cortisol, which has been linked to memory loss in the elderly.


  • 其中压力模型建立利用气液两相性参数饱和压力对应关系

    The pressure model is established by considering the relations of properties of two-phase helium with the corresponding saturated pressure.


  • 声波幅度测井曲线上,层相对应井段声幅度值储层流体压力系数或储层生产能力之间存在线性关系

    There is a linear relationship between acoustic amplitude value of the reservoir interval and fluid pressure coefficient of the reservoir (or reservoir productivity).


  • 根据所测非平衡张力对应动态表面压力数据也进行了计算。

    The dynamic surface pressure was obtained according to experimental data.


  • 较高的恒定侧向压力混凝土材料速率敏感程度降低

    The strain rate sensitivity of concrete tends to decrease with higher lateral confined stress.


  • 实验数据基础上,利用人工神经网络建立炼机压力与其影响因素之间对应关系数学模型。

    Based on experiment data, a model for the relationship between the rolling load of an open mill and its affected factors was built with artificial neural networks.


  • 压力弹片耦式电阻对应具有至少三个点与轨道接触,并自带连接部分

    A pressure spring are matched with the auto-resistance card, and has at least three contacts touching the contact faces of the tracks, and is provided with an adjustable end connection part.


  • 压力弹片耦式电阻对应具有至少三个点与轨道接触,并自带连接部分

    A pressure spring are matched with the auto-resistance card, and has at least three contacts touching the contact faces of the tracks, and is provided with an adjustable end connection part.


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