• 本文简要分析了人造板装饰材料中的有害成分国家实行标准有关人造板环保性能方面的内容了重点介绍

    This paper briefly analyses the poisonous components in fitment material of panel and introduces the environmentally properties of panel in the new criterion performing in our country.


  • 这个国家发展初期的困难一些同情看法。

    There's some sympathy for this new country's growing pains.


  • 捍卫国家主权关注绝不话题。

    Concern to protect national sovereignty is far from new.


  • 此次审判视为这个国家严格媒体一次考验

    The trial is seen as a test case for the country's strict new media laws.


  • 最近发表国家科学院院刊》上研究这一乐观前景提出了挑战

    A new study, just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences challenges the rosy picture.


  • 早期终止印第安混合血统贡品税收承诺来得缓慢得多,因为国家仍然需要这些政策产生收入

    Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much slower because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies produced.


  • 早期终止印第安混合血统贡品税收承诺来得缓慢得多,因为国家仍然需要这些政策产生收入

    Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much slower because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies produced.


  • 法院放宽第十四修正案国家诉讼限制私人行为形式在修正案范围之内

    The Court relaxed the state action limitation on the Fourteenth Amendment, bringing new forms of private conduct within the amendment's reach.


  • 这场抗击疫情的斗争中,钟南山医生一直领导着中国国家卫生健康委员会的专家小组,冠肺炎的爆发展开调查。

    During this fight, Dr. Zhong Nanshan has been leading China's National Health Commission's expert panel for investigating the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.


  • 这个国家里所有的年轻人说:“我给你们每个人一粒种子,把它种下,一年后向我展示你们种的花,我会从你们当中选出一位国王。”

    He told all the young people in the country, "I'll give each of you a seed. Plant it and show me your flower in one year, and I'll choose a new king from you."


  • 德勤(Deloitte)发布份名为《全球人力资本趋势》(Global Human Capital Trends)的报告显示团队合作流行已经达到了一个高度。该报告的调查结果基于130多个国家的7000高管

    But a new report by Deloitte, "Global Human Capital Trends", based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries, suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high.


  • 大部分国家来说这些获得海底陆地得到的第一件好处石油天然气两样能源现在容易地深层海水提纯。

    For many countries, though, the first booty from any newly acquired seabed will be either oil or gas, both of which can now be extracted fairly easily from deep water.


  • 最近肯尼亚开展那种类型分析工作以及若干非洲国家计划疾病流行率进行的调查有助于改进目前估计

    Analytical work of the type recently done in Kenya, and new surveys of the prevalence of disease planned in several African countries, will help to improve the current estimates.


  • 但是,在里斯本条约而进行长期奋斗之后大多数欧盟国家任何关于不久将来条约建议都很厌倦了。

    But after the long struggle to ratify Lisbon, most EU countries are allergic to any suggestion of a new treaty in the near future.


  • 这些国家雇主2008年初起就雇佣雇员不感兴趣。

    Employers in these countries have been mostly negative about hiring intentions since early 2008.


  • EWG研究表明,国家采取饮用水水质政策包括更多污染物作出限定标准以及更多资金用于污染物防止措施上。

    The EWG study says the nation should adopt new policies for drinking water that include regulating more contaminants and spending more money on measures that prevent pollution.


  • 这种意愿全球化多元文化、以及美国国家认同缺乏深厚感情移民潮击垮了。

    But that willingness was being battered by globalization and multiculturalism and by new waves of immigrants with no deep attachments to America's national identity.


  • 20国集团成员或者其它国家公众来说,重要理解“不”也是游戏规则的一部分。

    What's important for publics in G-20 countries and elsewhere to understand is that pushback is all a part of the new game.


  • 据报导一些国家比如南韩这个可能的客户已经表示自己这种贷款方式并不兴趣。

    Some countries such as South Korea, a possible client, have reportedly already said that they are not interested in the new facility.


  • 这个国家占有大量焦煤储备,蒙古希望利用液化技术其进行开采。

    The country additionally possesses large reserves of uranium and coking coal, which the country hopes to exploit using new liquification technologies.


  • 随着赶上中国展开竞争印度海外石油资源寻求目前紧迫感。 中国已几个国家耗资上千亿美元购买石油资产

    The hunt for sources of oil overseas has acquired a new urgency as India races to catch up with China, which has spent billions of dollars in acquiring oil assets in several countries.


  • 释放离开故乡悲伤,试着去接受国家,将你的注意力集中环境的过渡

    Recognize the sorrow of leaving your old country. Accept the new country. Focus your power on getting through the transition.


  • 世卫组织许多国家这一方式没有做好准备:由公众进行电子细查,包括通过社会媒体

    WHO and many countries were unprepared for a new form of scrutiny: electronic scrutiny by the public, including through social media.


  • 发现国家他这个国王充满了戒心

    What he found was a country suspicious of the new king.


  • 发现国家他这个国王充满了戒心

    What he found was a country suspicious of the new king.


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