• 第一环境破坏尤其是尔吞山地区环境破坏,此区域有着出众自然美景”,还是许多富裕选民家园

    First, the environmental damage, particularly to the Chilterns, an area of "outstanding natural beauty" and home to many well-off voters.


  • 尽管有些重要的基础性的工作已经巴顿.杰尔曼其他一些记者完成了,但我们真正所扮演的角色所知很少

    Despite some superb spadework by journalist Barton Gellman and others, we know very little about Cheney's true role.


  • 尽管BartonGellman其他记者一些冠冕堂皇基础报道,但因缺少眼见为实的文件和耳为实的证词我们真正角色仍是知之甚少。

    Despite some superb spadework by journalist Barton Gellman and others, we know very little about Cheney's true role. We have seen few of the pertinent documents and heard little relevant testimony.


  • 热心

    He's very intense about everything.


  • 自己父母解释时,没有装腔作势

    When I explained everything to my mom and dad, there were no histrionics.


  • 商业生产金钱相关东西表示强烈厌恶

    He professed a violent distaste for everything related to commerce, production, and money.


  • 率直有什么想法

    She asked him straight off what he thought about it all.


  • 承担费用似乎不公平

    It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything.


  • 所说置若罔闻。

    He continued to ignore everything I was saying.


  • 我所做的一毫不隐瞒。

    I was honest about what I was doing.


  • 安全考虑高于

    Considerations of safety override all other concerns.


  • 做的怎么才能表达谢意

    How can I ever express my thanks to you for all you've done?


  • 同意放弃财产权利要求

    He agreed to surrender all claims to the property.


  • 来说家庭意味着

    My family means everything to me.


  • 不屑一顾

    He was contemptuous of everything I did.


  • 我来说那儿变得令人失望了

    Everything turned sour for me there.


  • 误解的意思—做的感激

    Don't misunderstand meI am grateful for all you've done.


  • 我们彼此我们共同经历而增强

    Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together.


  • 转移人们私生活注意,但努力失败了

    All attempts to deflect attention from his private life have failed.


  • 所说的。他自己失算感到懊恼不已。

    Everything he had said had been a mistake. He blanched at his miscalculations.


  • 有助于证明说法的。

    This all goes to prove my theory.


  • 部队这一地区进行了清剿扫除一残余抵抗势力。

    Troops combed the area to mop up any remaining resistance.


  • 来说都清楚,然后事情顺利了。

    Everything is clear to her and things go smoothly then.


  • 来说都很陌生相信你很快会适应的。

    It is all strange to you, but I believe you will soon learn your way around.


  • 一定认为无礼我来说都新鲜

    You must think me very rude; but all this is so new to me.


  • 工厂老板来说构成工人激烈争抢工资上涨压力

    For factory owners, it all adds up to stiff competition for workersand upward pressure on wages.


  • 他来说,胜利就是一

    For him, winning was everything.


  • 克拉拉有什么的?

    Clara, what do you say to it all?


  • 宝宝周围很好奇

    Babies are curious about everything around them.


  • 今天朋友谈话世上变化惊讶

    I was talking to friends today, and I'm amazed to see how everything changes in the world.


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