• 健康受精卵有46个染色体(23),分化之前,它必须分为23个一组,形成

    A healthy egg carries 46 chromosomes - 23 pairs - but before it can be fertilised it needs to ditch 23 of these, which it packages into a structure called a polar body.


  • 这些微型染色体注入酵母细胞中后,细胞分裂,这种CCCCAADNA序列复制染色体起到了保护作用鞋带末端塑料鞋带起到的磨损作用。

    When these were injected into yeast, the DNA sequence protected the chromosomes when they were copied, just as the plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces stop them from fraying.


  • 目的探讨女性年龄卵母细胞纺锤染色体构型影响

    Objective To study the effect of maternal age on meiotic spindle and chromosome configuration of oocytes.


  • 由此说明,基因型秋水仙碱处理小孢子诱导染色体加倍反应不同

    This indicated that different response existed in some distinct genotypes to chromosome doubling through treating in vitro microspores with colchicine.


  • 本文黑麦染色体条件进行探索黑麦染色体上银染正反应分布区进行了研究。

    The silver staining condition for plant chromosome and the positive silver staining regions of rye chromosomes were investigated.


  • 应用小鼠骨髓微核试验小鼠睾丸染色体畸变试验,测试蜂胶诱变诱发染色体损伤保护作用

    Micronucleus test of bone marrow cells and chromosome aberration test were performed in mice to assess the antagonistic effect of propolis to mutation induced by mutagens.


  • 本文染色体图像进行预处理特征提取分类分析实现染色体识别

    This paper mainly studies image preprocessing, feature extraction and classification analysis, accordingly realizes the chromosome recognition.


  • 这会改变染色体数目,使每个细胞产生染色体通常每个细胞只有染色体

    This alters their plement of chromosomes, giving them three sets per cell instead of the usual two.


  • 此时每条染色体染色构成,联合染色体称为

    At this point esch chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids and the two associated chromosomes are termed a tetrad.


  • 除了正常染色体以外,还存在第二种同源染色体整倍状态称为三性。

    An aneuploid state in which a third homologous chromosome is present in addition to the normal autosomal pair is called trisomy.


  • 方法采用叶酸tc 199培养诱导法,观察了31染色体核型无异常习惯性流产夫妇染色体脆性位点,并观察脆性位点的分布

    Methods: TC199 low level of folic acid cultivation method was performed to analyse both the frequency and the distribution of chromosome fragile sites in 31 habitual abortion couples.


  • 本文染色体图象分析系统大麦n带染色体进行分析同时传统的人工方法分析,并将二者进行比较。

    N-banded barley chromosomes were analyzed by both chromosome image analyzing system (CHIAS) and traditional method. CHIAS is a computer system especially for plant chromosomes.


  • 结论染色体异常闭经主要原因之一,染色体核型分析闭经患者诊断治疗必要的。

    Conclusion: chromosome abnormality is one of the main causes of amenorrhea. Karyotype analysis of chromosome is absolutely necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of patient with amenorrhea.


  • 进行人类染色体分析就是根据上述特征人类染色体进行分组、排列

    A type of human genome analysis based on the above characteristics of the division of human chromosomes, and with matching.


  • 目的通过121环状染色体综合征患者细胞遗传学分析,探讨21号环状染色体形成原因临床表型染色体区带的关系

    Objective to search the forming cause and the correlation between the clinical phenotype and chromosome band by the cytogenetic analysis on a case of ring chromosome 21 syndrome.


  • 杂交瘤细胞株染色体计数的结果发现染色体均数为90~98条。

    The number of chromosome of the hybirdoma cell line was 90 to 98.


  • 其中88EST - SSR扩增101个位点并定位到20染色体上(染色体4B没有位点定位)。

    A total of 101 EST-SSR loci amplified from 88 primer sets were distributed onto the 20 chromosomes of the reference maps (no marker on chromosome 4b).


  • 结果表明,4.53%细胞含有至少不配染色体,2.31%的细胞里,染色体偏离正常数目

    The results showed that 4.53% of PMCs contained at least one unpaired of chromosomes and 2.31% of PMCs had a chromosome number deviating from their normal Numbers.


  • 目的通过患者外周血染色体分析探讨染色体异常疾病关系

    Objective: To study the relationship between the abnormal karyotype and the disease with karyotype analysis.


  • 一类遗传程序设计问题提出简单长的分布式染色体取代复杂长的结构染色体,使演化算子操作更方便,个复杂度得到有效控制。

    One kind of simple and constant length distributed chromosome is proposed to substitute the complex and variable length tree structure chromosome for a particular kind of genetic programming problem.


  • 采用PCR-RFLP方法180例无血缘关系健康中国汉族的360条染色体6个18位成员的36条染色体进行检测。

    PCR-RFLP was used to analyze 360 chromosomes from 180 Chinese unrelated healthy Han individuals, and the analysis of the genotypes of members in six families.


  • 为获得清晰染色体图像,柑橘细胞染色体花粉细胞染色体制片方法进行了研究。

    The chromosome flaking methods of somatic cells and pollen mother cells of citrus plant were compared and a new method of chromosome flaking for citrus plant was developed.


  • 染色体分类根据染色体排列数目大小形状其它特点划分排列(有机物种染色体物)。

    To classify and array (the chromosome complement of an organism or a species) according to the arrangement, number, size, shape, or other characteristics of the chromosomes.


  • 目的探讨8染色体(8三急性粒单、单核细胞白血病M4M5)细胞生物学临床特征影响

    Object:To evaluate the prognostic impact of trisomy 8 on cytobiological and clinical features in acute myelomonocytic and monocytic leukemia (M4, M5).


  • 为获得清晰染色体图像,柑橘的细胞染色体花粉细胞染色体制片方法进行研究。

    The result showed that chromosomes of most pollen mother cells behaved normaly during the meiotic divisions.


  • Heald长期以来细胞内部结构尺寸调控有着浓厚兴趣尤其是细胞核细胞分裂牵拉染色体纺锤

    Heald has long been interested in what regulates the size of a cell's internal structures - in particular, the nucleus and the spindles that pull chromosomes apart during cell division.


  • 而要利用组织培养组织进行染色体加倍,首先建立高效的组织培养再生

    If artificial chromosome doubling in vitro is used, a high-efficient tissue culture system must be established.


  • 而要利用组织培养组织进行染色体加倍,首先建立高效的组织培养再生

    If artificial chromosome doubling in vitro is used, a high-efficient tissue culture system must be established.


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