• 畜牧业出现传播欧亚大陆内部历史产生了深远影响同时,也间接影响欧亚大陆以外亚洲欧洲部分地区

    The emergence and spread of pastoralism had a profound impact on the history of Inner Eurasia, and also, indirectly, on the parts of Asia and Europe just outside this area.


  • 考古学家)泥泞洞里偶然发现了一艘大约3000年前制造保存完好的船只,其考古学研究产生深远影响

    A beautifully preserved boat, made around 3,000 years ago and discovered by chance in a muddy hole, has had a profound impact on archaeological research.


  • 作为浪漫主义天才李白中国传统诗歌形式推向了一个新的离度,后世诗歌产生了深远的影响

    As a romantic genius, Li Bai took traditional poetic forms to a new height and exerted a far-reaching influence on the poems of the future generation.


  • 旅游业不仅世界经济产生深远影响而且由于旅游教育作用就业影响,也社会本身产生了深远的影响

    Tourism has a profound impact both on the world economy and, because of the educative effect of travel and the effects on employment, on society itself.


  • 除了成形建筑物汽车机械装置设计太空时代美国流行文化产生深远影响

    In addition to shaping architecture, car and gadget design, the Space Age had a profound impact on American pop culture.


  • 第八中,卡洛斯杀死妻子邪恶继父主妇们帮助掩藏尸体这件事大家产生深远影响

    For Season Eight, Carlos's murder of Gaby's evil stepfather and the cover up by Susan, Gaby, Bree and Lynette has far reaching effects.


  • 解释为什么伽利略地位如此重要,同时笛卡尔产生了深远的影响

    Ok, so that helps to explain, why Galileo was such an important figure, had a great influence on Descartes as well.


  • 其他的一些科技已然人类产生了与此相类似的深远影响

    Other technologies have already proven to have similarly deep effects on human culture.


  • 它们重见天日西方世界产生深远的影响

    Such that rediscovery of them could have such a profound effect on the western world.


  • 磋商小组世界各地建立中心,它们工作人员来自各种文化的研究人员。该小组负责改良作物品种改进耕作方法这些品种和方法饥饿产生了深远的影响

    With centres around the world staffed with researchers from many cultures, the Group has been responsible for improved crop varieties and farming methods that have had a profound impact on hunger.


  • 接下来五十周内细数那些重要的历史时刻——它们不仅爵士乐史上承前启后的枢纽,现代音乐产生了深远影响

    Over the next 50 weeks, I'm going to highlight landmark moments that were not only transitional points in the history of jazz, but in the history of modern music.


  • 使用Web 2.0社交网络各种实现已经整个社会产生了深远影响

    The various implementations of social networks using Web 2.0 have already had a profound effect on society as a whole.


  • 毫无疑问互联网我们生活产生如此深远的影响以至于彻底改变了人们生活思考方式

    Undoubtedly, the Internet exerts such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people's living and thinking.


  • 取得了很高文学成就,也是当代中国文学先锋五四运动中国文学产生了深远的影响

    He had high literary achievements and he was the pioneer of modern Chinese literature, having profound impact on Chinese literature after the May Fourth Movement.


  • 支乐队大概仅仅维持了年时间他们音乐无疑开创英国朋克运动的先河,产生了深远影响

    The band may have lasted for a mere three years, but their music has no doubt initiated and influenced the punk movement in the United Kingdom.


  • 除此以外其超文本结构多媒体技术在线交流特征教育特别是外语教育产生深远的影响

    Besides, the features in hypertext structure, multimedia capabilities and online communication have a great influence on education, especially on second and foreign language education.


  • 佛教文化传入中国始,中国文化的文学艺术各个方面产生了深远影响

    Buddhism culture has a deep influence on Chinese literature, art and so on since it was introduced into China.


  • 最后诗人通过细节描摹将情感变化诉诸具体形象增强了诗作艺术感染力,后世诗歌产生了深远影响

    At last: the poet's turns the change of feels into concrete figure by details which adds the artistic appeal and has a far reaching influence.


  • 这真是一个充满讽刺意味扭曲看起来索利德·斯内克继承了这个从不认识女人的遗志,而这个女人恰恰敌人们产生了极为深远影响

    In an ironic twist, Solid Snake seems to have taken on the will of a woman that he never even know about who happened to have had a profound influence on his enemies.


  • 我国加入WTO中国食糖市场产生巨大深远影响

    China joined WTO to have huge and the profound influence to the Chinese sugar market.


  • 孟子的“大丈夫人格理想后世产生了深远影响即使在今天现实价值认识的意义。

    Mencius "Dazhangfu" the personality has ideally had the profound influence to the later generation, even today, it also has its reality value for we to understand.


  • 一切后世产生深远的影响

    All of these exerted an profound influence on later generations.


  • 遗传学近年癌症治疗产生深远影响

    Genetics has had a profound impact on cancer treatment in recent years.


  • 康定斯基绘画理论达达主义表现主义、超现实主义西方现代艺术流派产生深远的影响

    The painting theory of kandinsky has a profound influence on the western modern art schools such as the dada doctrine the performance doctrine surrealism and so on.


  • 商业银行合约产品资本结构方面表现出诸多特殊性银行治理机制产生了深远的影响

    Many specific characteristics of commercial Banks like different contracts, products and capital structures, can deeply influence the way of management in this area.


  • 梁园之后来出现文人群体创作活动产生深远影响

    It was the beginning travel of the writer community's creation activity and had the deep influence.


  • 梁园之后来出现文人群体创作活动产生深远影响

    It was the beginning travel of the writer community's creation activity and had the deep influence.


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