• 对于读取请求首先查看缓存

    On a read request, first check the cache.


  • 最后对于读取环境变量两个函数

    Finally, for reading environment variables there do exist two functions.


  • 类型子句指定传入对于读取文件分别是字节和文本行数。

    The type clause also delineates the incoming key and value, which in the case of reading a file are the byte count and the line of text, respectively.


  • 对于外部身份验证提供者读取每个对象身份验证提供者构造CAMID。

    The CAMID is constructed by the authentication provider for each object read in from an external authentication provider.


  • 控制系统对于任何操作所能预先读取页数

    It controls how many pages the system reads ahead for any read operation.


  • 对于每个共享内存初次调用使用配置文件中读取日志标记,OPEN_LOG都会使用标记列表大小来生成一个散列值。

    For each logging token read from the Shared memory or configuration file on its first invocation, OPEN_LOG builds a hash key using the name of the token and the size of the hash table.


  • 对于网络输入其它某些静态表示法读取文档来说,这种方法非常好的

    It's great for reading a document from a network, input stream, user input, or other somewhat static representation.


  • 对于任何视图进行读取查询意义的。

    It's useful for queries that don't read from any tables or views.


  • 必须事件集合执行操作,这样做只是为了获得单一实体状态,这样做的效率不是很高,对于应用程序读取可伸缩性来说一个问题。

    Having to perform operations on a large collection of events just to get the state of a single entity isn't efficient, especially for applications for which read scalability is a concern.


  • 对于BAR文件中的每个文件,方法获取文件名建立一个读取文件内容。

    For every file contained in the BAR file, it obtains the file name and opens a stream for the file content.


  • 通过使用这种构造对于OAGIS消息读取生成oagis消息代码利用这种重用可能的。

    By using this construct, it is possible for OAGIS messagesand the code that reads and produces OAGIS messages — to leverage this reuse.


  • 对于用户而言,读取原始xml可能容易一些,为了演示目的页面包含一个链接XML原始版本链接。

    This is easier for the user to read than the raw XML, although, for demo purposes, a link to the raw version of the XML is included on the page.


  • 对于给定路径目录,应该如何读取其中的条目呢?

    Given a path to a directory, how do you go about reading the entries inside?


  • 信道等待读取数据(对于信道而言)写入的数据量(对于写信而言)。

    The channel count is the amount of data waiting to be read (for read channels), or the amount of data which can still be written (for write channels).


  • 甚至只需要使用一个指针数据回到读取数据所使用的缓冲区中即可,不过对于另外一端编程来说可能有些麻烦。

    You could even just use a single pointer and write data back into the buffer you got it from, although this might be a nuisance to program for on the other end.


  • 对于每个这样实体解析器需要找到外面某个地方资源读取资源。

    For each of these entities, the parser needs to locate a resource somewhere out in the world and read it.


  • 大多数情况下对于通过索引定位每一,都必须进行单独磁盘访问读取该页

    In many cases, a separate disk access must be made to fetch the page for each row located through an index.


  • 方法缺陷对于单个操作需要读取写入项目集中多个项目

    The drawback of this approach is that multiple items in the item set need to be read or written for a single operation.


  • 对于每个修改文件读取参照版本并在加密目标目录中创建加密版本(清单7)。

    For each file that has changed, the encrypted version is created by reading the reference version and creating the encrypted version within the encrypted destination directory (see Listing 7).


  • 对于通常晚上运行批量SQL大型报告我会查看一个事务读取超过100,000数据查询视图。

    For batch SQL or large reports that usually run at night, I look at the view that shows any that read more than 100,000 pages of data within a transaction.


  • 对于面向数据XML文档目标一般DBMS数据格式读取XML文件应用程序提供的内存表示

    For data-oriented XML documents, the target is usually the data format of a DBMS or an in-memory representation by an application that reads XML files.


  • 尽管对于SPE中传递数据SPE中读取数据来说,DMA已经足以用来移动数据了,但是通常会需要具有可以快速发送更小消息能力

    While DMA to and from the SPE is adequate for moving blocks of data, there's often a need for the ability to send smaller messages faster.


  • 对于离线备份DB2知道应用程序只是数据库读取数据,因此无需担心的问题。

    With an offline backup, DB2 knows that it's the only application reading from the database, and therefore it doesn't need to worry about locks.


  • 对于繁重的基于读取工作负荷,通过使用这些功能可以得到许多额外的好处

    For heavy read-based workloads, significant additional benefits are gained through leveraging these capabilities.


  • 对于一个POST请求parameters对象读取设置内容

    For a POST request, it reads and sets the content from the parameters object.


  • 对于XMLAPI 来说非常难得是,XMLReader 允许元素起点终点读取属性

    Very unusually for an XML API, XMLReader lets you read the attributes from either the beginning or the end of the element.


  • 对于扫描每一行记录FETCH(3)都会读取t2status字段

    For each of rows being scanned, FETCH (3) will read the status column from T2.


  • 对于例来说创建count函数整个文件读取一个字符串中然后计算参数数量新添参数数量。

    For this example, you create a count function to read the entire file into one big string, and then count the total number of characters and the number of newline characters.


  • 对于例来说创建count函数整个文件读取一个字符串中然后计算参数数量新添参数数量。

    For this example, you create a count function to read the entire file into one big string, and then count the total number of characters and the number of newline characters.


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