• 对于需要记得重要的事情

    For me, this is the most important thing to remember.


  • 对于数据库服务器需要估算多少硬盘空间呢?

    How much disk space do I need to estimate for my database server?


  • 对于而言,成为一个男人一部分就是清楚什么是需要知道的。

    And for me, part of being a good man is knowing what I don't need to know.


  • 对于亲爱的读者来说,好消息这本书在今天20年前同样有效,需要更新仅仅一些事例

    The good news for you readers is that the book is as valid and current today as it was 20 years ago. The only thing that needs updating are some of the examples.


  • 由于们现在需要消耗能源的量之前所未有,而且对于能源的消耗是长期、持续的,就是变革推动力

    The need to keep doing the same thing-consuming energy in ever larger quantities-is a force for change.


  • 对于需要开发产品,体验意味着什么呢?

    What does this mean for the kind of product or experience that we need to build?


  • 对于企业应用程序计算实现需要考虑什么因素

    What factors should I consider for cloud enablement of my enterprise applications?


  • 对于大多数来说,尤其是们这种长长的名单,名单上的希望他们相互联系需要改善自己计划

    For most of us, and especially those of us who have long lists of people who expect us to be back in touch with them, we need "kaizen" programs of our own.


  • :“对于车队来说这一个非常令人鼓舞成绩,成绩预想的要好,但是们仍然需要赶上其它车手的速度。”

    "It's a strong result for me and the team, better than I think we expected, but we need to push to keep up with these guys," he said.


  • 每个人都需要找到合适等级程序对于们所工作项目团队必要的。

    We each need to find the right level of formality that's necessary for the project and team that we are working with.


  • 满意几个球员这是赛季第一登场,因为他们需要一些比赛锻炼。事实上他们做的很好,这对于们也更有好处。

    What makes it particularly satisfying is that there were a number of players out there who were starting a game for the first time this season, because they needed to get a game under their belts.


  • 由于传统方法不能解决系统中的问题,因此对于来说现在迫切地需要主持人

    For me the critical need for hosting is in the fact that traditional approaches to systems problems are not working.


  • 对于身体携带每一重量,大概需要12卡路里的能量来使之保持活动。

    For each pound of weight that your body carries, it takes about 12 calories per pound per day to keep it alive.


  • 而且需要大家判断原因是什么,重要对于理解为什么这些规律仅仅记住这些规律是不够的。

    And I also wanted you to identify why, it's also important to understand why we have these trends, not just to memorize the trend itself.


  • 对于来说,就是赋值操作而已需要过多担心专门术语

    To me, it's just assigning, so I don't worry too much about the jargon.


  • 对于示例需要地形图公路和县地图正确识别跟踪精确位置

    For our example, we'll need the topographical, highways, and county maps to accurately identify the precise location to track.


  • 使用这个开放源码产品对于项目稍微有一点冒险因此需要确保是仿弹的并且不是严重吞噬资源的。

    Using this open-source product was a bit of a risk for the project, so we needed be sure it was bulletproof and wouldn't hog resources under heavy use.


  • 对于行业来说这不是什么好事消费者需要成功增强信心

    It's not going to be a good thing for our industry. They need to be out there having success.


  • 对于这些普通人需要并且依靠把自己作为协作中的个体去集思广益。

    For all the rest of us, we need, and we depend upon, the diversity of thought created when we come together as a collaborative unit.


  • 对于们来说,存在着些战略性质疑——处在一个[需要表明一切都及其出色]情势中,所以时候改变了,对不对

    The strategic challenge we had was-we were in the position of trying to argue everything's great, so it's time for a change, right?


  • 对于测试用例什么需要

    I don't need to do anything else to my test case.


  • 对于所看到听到工作上委托任何具有机密性质事情,做到永远严守机密,非工作需要决不泄露

    Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.


  • 对于,他的那些话极为中肯,现在要说只是如果更为坚定地信守那些话,一生需要惋惜悔恨事情会少

    To me, at least, they ring true, and I will only say that, if I had kept them more steadily before me, I should have many fewer things in my life to regret and repent than I have.


  • 对于应用程序使用Ajax自动地装载邮政编码数据需要刷新页面

    For our application, AJAX is used to load the zip code data automaticallyno refresh required.


  • 社会文化力量如何变化,目前状态如何,走向何方,所有这些对于们理解商业战略多么需要应时而动至关重要。

    How social and cultural forces develop, where we are now and where we might be heading, are crucial to understanding how business strategy will need to evolve.


  • 如果打字,将需要很大勇气尝试因为真心进行一些正常交流对于来说这唯一方式

    If I'm typing, it's taken a lot of courage for me to try, and it's because I really want some typical conversation, and this is the only way I can do it.


  • 有哪些你觉得人们需要了解?,对于来说,想到真正英雄或者榜样时,或者先贤祠中的名人

    They may be not on the national radar For me, in my own life, when I think of real heroes or even role models, or well-known people in the Patheon of struggle.


  • 对于当中具有严重胆怯人来说,习惯性克服恐惧需要变得乏味起来

    For the serious cowards among us, the chronic need to conquer fear can get tedious.


  • 对于当中具有严重胆怯人来说,习惯性克服恐惧需要变得乏味起来

    For the serious cowards among us, the chronic need to conquer fear can get tedious.


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