• 一方面,作为一个志愿者对于志愿者自己也是有利

    For another, serving as a volunteer is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves.


  • 但是对于志愿者来说可能项目维护者同意添加一个新的系统设置

    But with volunteers, it's much more likely that the project maintainer will agree to placate a contributor by adding a configuration setting for the behavior in question.


  • 老年人国家志愿服务不仅对于国家很重要,同样对于志愿者本人很重要。

    Providing ways for older Americans to serve their country is not only critical for the country but also for those who volunteer.


  • 对于志愿者是否获得报酬一样好奇,就像有人认为应该不会任何人愿意提供免费翻译……

    I’m also curious if volunteers will get paid, too, as one might think it’s not like everyone is waiting to do free translations...


  • 对于原作志愿者目光往往图画的特定区域停留较长时间但是对于改动作品,他们会以更快的速度掠过。

    With the originals, volunteers' eyes tended to stay longer on certain places in the image, but with the altered versions they would flit across a piece more rapidly.


  • 这个名为“一卡车塑料”的作品,冯·黄和一群志愿者收集了1万多件塑料,然后将它们绑在一起,使其看起来就像是一下子从卡车上倾倒下来的样子。

    For this work, titled "Truckload of Plastic", Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they'd been dumped from a truck all at once.


  • 科学家测试了58名1960健康志愿者大脑对于精神性应激反应

    Scientists tested 58 healthy volunteers between the ages of 19 and 60 for their cerebral responses to mental stress.


  • 其次对于那些未经注册的志愿者,他们同样做好事受到奖励,应该如何对待他们呢?

    Second, what happens with those who are not registered volunteers but who have also done good deeds and are not given rewards?


  • 这些日子对于FOSS社区支薪开发人员数量越来越多影响许多争论,这些社区志愿者努力创办的,而且现在仍然数量可观志愿者

    There's a lot of debate these days about the impact of the increasing number of paid developers in FOSS communities that started as volunteer efforts and still have significant Numbers of volunteers.


  • 对于医学研究人员也是同样情形。他们招募志愿者参加临床试验主要是将新药物首次使用于人体的第一阶段试验。

    The same is true of medical researchers recruiting volunteers for clinical trials, especially those known as phase I trials, in which a new drug is tested on people for the first time.


  • 首先,相对于外表般配情侣志愿者不般配情侣做出判断的时间要长得

    First, it took the volunteers much longer to make judgments of the badly matched couples than of the well-matched pairs.


  • 对于短期志愿者专门的机构旅行社公司联系住宿,组织活动

    There are organizations that partner withtravel agencies or other businesses to have accommodations and activities forshort-term volunteers.


  • 对于他们来说作为志愿者并不像参加一个盛大聚会

    For them, being a volunteer is not a big party.


  • 最后不容错过对于精明志愿者来说,爱丁堡艺术节太多好的机会:请留意edinburghfestivaljobs.com以发现最新的机会。

    Last but not least, the Edinburgh Festival has an embarrassment of riches for canny volunteers: keep an eye on edinburghfestivaljobs.com for the latest opportunities.


  • Shatkin,这份职业对于那些相关经验人,哪怕是志愿者的人来说都一个很好的选择

    This is a good option for those who've been first-responders of some kind in the past, even as volunteers, Shatkin says.


  • 吧,这样的话,对于你们这些留下人,这里十个网站可以推荐你们。在这些网站里,可以找到适合你的志愿者机会

    OK then, for the rest of you, here are 10 sites you can use to find the volunteer opportunity that suit you best.


  • 但是这些识别2倍的数量比例算术能力瓦解了—对于人类志愿者有同样的效果

    But numerical skills break down for the fish when the ratios between two Numbers change-an effect that was also seen among human volunteers.


  • 对于奥斯汀父母ReneeBryanCloyd而言,这些志愿者一起共度时光享受也是一种(悲伤的)情绪体验

    For Austin's parents, Renee and Bryan Cloyd, spending time with these young volunteers was an enjoyable yet emotional experience.


  • 虽然基金会无偿志愿者运行,但富尔达表示,相对于Wikileaks优点管理资金的方法更为正式

    Although the foundation is run by unpaid volunteers, Fulda said its advantage is that it has a more formal structure to manage funds than does Wikileaks.


  • 对于未来不确定性大大增加了这里压力“,C.”A.R.E志愿者组织发言人Lisa Becnel

    "It's the uncertainty of what's going to happen, creating this huge growth in stress levels here," spokeswoman Lisa Becnel from volunteer group C.A.R.E said.


  • 志愿者时间长将近一半减去体重(1.4千克)来自脂肪对于那些睡眠不足6小时志愿者不到五分之一(0.6千克)来自脂肪。

    Nearly half of that (1.4 kg) was from fat when the volunteers were sleeping long, but less than a fifth (0.6 kg) of the lost weight was from fat when they got less than six hours of sleep.


  • 主持人反而强调了一些嘉宾志愿者经历以及他们对于生活爱情的积极态度。

    Instead, the hosts highlighted the contestants' volunteer work and positive attitudes toward life and love.


  • 时间介绍公益理念:尤其对于以前没有非营利组织工作志愿者这点尤其重要可以向志愿者介绍您组织文化工作流程

    This is particularly important if the volunteer has never worked with nonprofits before. Take some time to discuss the culture and processes of your workplace.


  • 摊位售出食物具有热量越高,纽博士志愿者对于位置指向精确

    The higher the calorific value of the food sold by a stall, the more accurately Dr New's volunteers were able to point towards it.


  • 然后志愿者对于第一实验里面相同行为进行评分

    The volunteers were then asked to describe how they would rate the same series of ACTS as in the first experiment.


  • 对于他们来说没有志愿者帮助一对一的工作几乎不可能

    It's impossible for them to do their work one-to-one without the help of volunteers.


  • 对于每一次经历无论是项目还是活动,要将工作实习或志愿者职务名称雇主工作课程时间列出

    For each experience, project or activity, include your job, internship, volunteer title, employer or course and dates for employment or time inferred for the course.


  • 对于一次经历,无论是项目还是活动,要将工作实习志愿者职务名称雇主工作课程时间列出

    For reach experience, project or activity, include your job, internship, volunteer title, employer or course and dates for employment or time inferred for the course.


  • 这项脑扫描研究8志愿者他们入选理由对于自己喜欢的某些音乐他们确实特定某些时刻感到很兴奋。

    The researchers described brain-scanning experiments with eight volunteers who were chosen because they reliably felt chills from particular moments in some favorite pieces of music.


  • 这项脑扫描研究8志愿者他们入选理由对于自己喜欢的某些音乐他们确实特定某些时刻感到很兴奋。

    The researchers described brain-scanning experiments with eight volunteers who were chosen because they reliably felt chills from particular moments in some favorite pieces of music.


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