• 建立城市电力需求预测模型对于制订电力开发规划安排节电指标具有至关重要意义

    To set up the predicting model of city electric power demand has an important significance for making electric power development program and planning the targets of electricity saving.


  • 国际循环》:准确评估主动脉狭窄血流动力学严重性对于制订临床治疗决策至关重要的。

    International Circulation: the accurate assessment of the haemodynamic severity of stenosis is crucial for clinical decision making in patients with aortic stenosis.


  • 对于技术人员而言要求通过确定任务工作以及项目经理一起工作来帮助制订项目计划合情合理的。

    For technical folks, helping to build a project plan by identifying the tasks and activities and working with your project manager is a reasonable request.


  • 理解保护策略制订标准重要,”库恩说道,“当然对于许多物种来说这种古老基因信息上什么用场。”

    Understanding the baseline from which to assess conservation strategies will be important,” says Kuhn. “Of course, for many species, this type of ancient genetic information isn't available.


  • 对于ECB来说制订政策管理委员会协议分水岭时刻

    The agreement of the bank's policy-making governing council is a watershed moment for the ECB.


  • 对于专家组来讲,退一步的选择制订竞争规则

    A fall-back option for the panel would be to target competition.


  • 这些指标对于管理员重要可以帮助他们了解各个服务使用情况负载因素有助于制订必要业务基础结构策略

    These are important metrics for an administrator to help realize the usage and load factors of various services, which in turn help set the necessary business and infrastructure policies.


  • 我们现在需要着手制订计划应对这些挑战因为水产养殖对于战胜全球饥饿至关重要,”粮农组织渔业部助理干事村一朗

    "We need to start planning now for handling these challenges, because aquaculture is crucial to the fight against global hunger," Ichiro Nomura, FAO Assistant Director-General for Fisheries, says.


  • 所以我们认为这项研究对于这些决策制订者来说有着重要的参考意义,可以帮助他们在商议新的海洋运输规则做出恰当决定

    So this study, we think, is important to help policymakers determine the appropriate path forward as they consider new regulations for shipping.


  • 计划并且对于正在制订计划斟酌推敲明确具体所有的事中,主导意图发现当你想像什么让你快乐的。

    Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans you are making, and in all you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it.


  • Birol先生愿意承认传统方式石油供给十年后达到顶峰显示出政策制订对于关于“石油顶峰”辩论态度的微妙变化

    Mr Birol's willingness to acknowledge that conventional supplies may peak in a decade's time points to a subtle shift in policymakers' attitude towards the "peak oil" debate.


  • 对于那些退役专业运动员,也不能采取挂靠形式校方制订一个入学标准

    For those retired and in service professional athletes can not take the form of affiliated, schools should develop a criteria for admission.


  • 南非封闭公司法制订对于南非向外发行股票中小型企业来说一种崭新公司形式选择

    There is a choice of a new company form to small and medium enterprises that do not issue stocks outwards with the formulation of South Africa Close Corporation Act.


  • 正确识别因素间联合作用模式对于疾病一级预防公共卫生决策制订具有重要意义。

    Correct recognition of the combined effects of the risk factors is of important significance for the primary prevention and making up the public health policies.


  • 磁共振图像准确分割对于辅助医生确定病灶位置形状制订治疗方案评价治疗效果具有重要的意义。

    Correct segmentation of magnetic resonance image (MRI) is very important for doctors to ascertain the shape and position of the focus, prepare cure scheme and evaluate cure effect.


  • 总的来说,对于以上各项内容需要多长时间制订整改措施付诸实施?需要多少费用

    In general, for all the above mentioned points, how long will it take you to have the proper measures in planning or in operation and at what costs?


  • 但是回到伦敦这件报告给我们团队。为此我们专门制订一条关于收礼政策从而确保将来人们知道对于一定价值以上礼物要加以拒绝

    But as soon as I got back to London, and told our team what had happened, we put in place a gifts policy to make sure that, in future, people knew to refuse presents above a certain value.


  • 对于企业来说,制订有效商业方法专利战略,谁就能激烈市场竞争中处于优势地位。

    Those companies who adopt an active and effective patent strategy on business method may gain competitive advantages in domestic and international markets.


  • 江苏省化学工业主要水污染标准制订对于促进我省化工企业的清洁生产保护生态环境有着重要现实意义。

    Working out the primary water pollutant discharge standard for the chemical industry in Jiangsu province had a practical significance to clean production and environmental protection.


  • 典型私人公司行为恰恰是背道而驰的。对于私人公司来说,可能会逼着制订庞大计划大胆预期,然后实现计划的80%90%就可以了。

    This runs counter to typical private company behavior, where VCs push you to think big, make bold projections and reward the achievement of 80-90% of your plan.


  • 产业结构政策产业政策核心部分迄今对于如何制订产业结构政策没有一个系统理论

    Industrial structure policy is the core of a country's industrial policy but there has not been a systematic theory so far as how to make the policy in industrial structure planning.


  • 对于体育院校专业队制订教学训练大纲有参考价值

    The study is of reference value to institutes and universities of PE and professional sportsteams in formulating their teaching and training programs.


  • 对于所有儿童治疗计划至少个月重新制订一次。

    For all children, treatment plans should be reviewed at least every six months.


  • 研究成果对于类似气藏合理有效开发方案制订具有指导意义

    This study is of value in guidance to the program planning for the rational and efficient development of similar gas reservoirs.


  • 股利理论对于股份公司经营运作和各项财务政策制订具有重大影响。本文立足于西方股利理论对我国适用性分析,以期研究我国股份公司的股利理论和股利政策打下坚实基础

    This paper starts with the application analysis of the western divident theory in China, so as to lay a solid foundation for the divident theory and policies of the stock companies in our country.


  • 鉴于目前国内对于变压器中性点直流电流还没有一个统一的标准必要尽快加以制订实施

    Since there is no unified standard for DC current through the neutral point of transformer in China, it is necessary to define and enforce a unified one as soon as possible.


  • 鉴于目前国内对于变压器中性点直流电流还没有一个统一的标准必要尽快加以制订实施

    Since there is no unified standard for DC current through the neutral point of transformer in China, it is necessary to define and enforce a unified one as soon as possible.


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