• 不同会有不同变化但是对于一个普通成年人来说头发数量10万根,所以每天失去100根不是糟糕

    There's some variation depending on hair colour but for an average adult the strand count is 100,000, so losing 100 a day is not too bad.


  • 对于那些认为气候变化一个严肃问题人们来说美国现在作出决定极其重要的。

    FOR those who believe that climate change is a serious problem, the decisions that America makes now are of momentous importance.


  • 对于适应业务需求变化种破坏性比较低方法数据仓库模式使用一个多个xml

    A less disruptive way to accommodate such changing business needs is to use one or more XML columns in the data warehouse schema.


  • 极小的变化部分,对于系统能量一个

    An incredibly tiny fractional variation in the system energy.


  • 对于零售车主可能一个渐进变化

    For the retail car owner, it's likely to be an evolutionary change.


  • 如果过去曾经编写事件驱动程序,那么认为发现对于设置式事件处理循环常见做法,使用信号一个令人耳目一新的变化

    If you've ever done any event-driven programming in the past, I think you'll find signals to be a refreshing change from the common practice of setting up an explicit event processing loop.


  • 另外一个威胁尤其对于德国高档汽车制造商来说则是人口变化

    A second threat to the mix, especially for the German premium makers, is demographic change.


  • 请记住对于我们行为偏好通常一个动态的数量变化像是那些老鼠

    Remember: normally there is a dynamic quality to our actions and preferences, just as there is with those of rats.


  • 网络应该一个能够用来改变世界的平台,对于那些生活水平缺乏改善和提高的数十亿移动设备可以成为推动变化工具。

    The web is supposed to be a world changing phenomenon and mobile devices could be the ticket for billions of people whose lives have seen too little change.


  • 对于世界上其他国家来说,气候变化也许一个可怕但还遥远的话题;而在孟加拉已经成为毁灭家园的迫切现实。

    For the rest of the world, climate change is a distant fear; in Bangladesh it has already arrived, devastating families and landscapes.


  • 高度变化可以指示士气或者动机上的问题对于项目经理来说一个警告信号

    High turnover may indicate problems in morale or motivation; it is a warning sign for project managers.


  • 对于2020年我们生活会发生哪些变化它们应该可以提供一个相当不错的展示。

    They should give you a pretty good idea of what changes will be made by 2020.


  • 他们并不认为大选结果对于日本有着更深层次重要意义。他们的心目中,日本不过正在衰落国家,他们预期一事实几乎不会出现变化

    They play down the result's wider significance for a country they view as a declining power while predicting that little will change in practice.


  • 对于一个工作项目代码关联极为有用的,因为代码是使工作项目发生变化的关键所在,RationalTeamConcert能够很好地做到一点。

    It's extremely helpful to correlate a work item with the code that was actually changed to make it happen, and Rational Team Concert does that.


  • 对于那些希望迁移1.3.1上Wicket 1.2用户一个迁移文档可供使用其中详细说明各个API功能变化

    For Wicket 1.2 users who wish to move to 1.3.1, there is a migration document available which details the various API and functionality changes.


  • 人们常常Web 2.0描述作为平台网络”,把网络看成一个内容互动的平台之后,我们很容易发现这种变化对于设计的重大影响。

    Web 2.0 has often been described as "the Web as platform," and if we think about the Web as a platform for interacting with content, we begin to see how it impacts design.


  • 对于确保他们将于12月份哥本哈根举行会谈上达成一个新的全球气候变化协议承诺可能十分关键的。

    This could be critical in securing their commitment to a new global deal on climate change at talks in Copenhagen in December.


  • 虽然使用GMS带来好处,但是对于一个团队变化不大的成熟应用程序来说,使用GMS可能没有什么意义

    While there is benefit to using a GMS, it may not make sense to do that with a small team or a mature application that is not changing much.


  • 虽然近年道德标准一些变化,但男人拥有良好品德对于女孩子来说仍然很重要

    While standards of morality | have undergone a change | in recent years, it is still important to a girl | that a fellow have good morals.


  • 不过这么使用晶体管时,因为其固有物理属性对于给定温度改变输出也会产生一个已知数量变化

    But, it is inherent in the physics of the transistor, when it is used in this manner, that the output will vary by a known amount for a given change in temperature.


  • 对于境外转移的忧虑掩盖了一个经济前景变化,新兴市场跨国公司兴起也将为富国增加就业机会。

    The anxiety about offshoring has obscured another change in the economic landscape that will bring jobs to rich countries: the rise of the emerging-market multinational.


  • 对于搜索巨人来讲一个巨大变化。 因为它曾称道自己主页加载如何迅速。

    The update is a big change for the search giant, which used to pride itself on how little time it took its lightweight homepage to load.


  • 颅骨大小外形预计发生少量变化这些细小的变化对于塑造一个灵长类物种至关重要

    Few changes would be expected in its cranial size and shape, which are critical in characterizing a primate species.


  • 对策对于一个2从不打包衣服;3游,取决于行程;4至5日游,有一点变化

    My strategy: for a 2-day trip, I don’t pack a change of clothes; for 3 days, it depends on the itinerary; for 4-5 days, one change.


  • 对于初试者来说,组织逐渐成长成为一个大的企业组织时,事情变化了,过程必须相应变化

    For starters, as smaller organizations grow to enterprise organizations, things change and your processes must change as well.


  • 近年来日本单身人士数量持续上升,一方面是因为女性经济能力增强,另一方面是因为社会婚姻的态度发生了变化认为婚姻无论对于男性还是女性来说,都不再一个必然的选择。

    The increased economic clout of women and changing social attitudes toward marriage, which is no longer seen as necessary for either gender, have kept an increasing number of Japanese single.


  • 近年来日本单身人士数量持续上升,一方面是因为女性经济能力增强,另一方面是因为社会婚姻的态度发生了变化认为婚姻无论对于男性还是女性来说,都不再一个必然的选择。

    The increased economic clout of women and changing social attitudes toward marriage, which is no longer seen as necessary for either gender, have kept an increasing number of Japanese single.


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