• 本月早些时候新德里富裕郊区古尔加翁一家全球银行分行发现这起涉嫌欺诈的案件。

    The alleged fraud was discovered earlier this month in a branch of the global bank in Gurgaon, a wealthy suburb of Delhi.


  • 例如,协议规定所有公司贷款的风险权重均为100%,贷给富裕西方国家银行的贷款的风险权重为20%。

    For example, all loans to companies were assigned a weighting of 100%, but loans to Banks in rich Western countries had a risk weighting of just 20%.


  • 银行危机大多数富裕国家存在不动产泡沫未来几年里这些国家预期更加痛苦

    As most rich countries had a property boom before the banking crisis, they should expect more pain in the coming years.


  • 净值计算,新兴市场已经成为富裕国家所需资本来源地,因为他们中央银行积攒了大量外汇储备

    Emerging economies, in net terms, have exported capital to the rich world as their central Banks have built up vast quantities of foreign-exchange reserves.


  • 然而希腊的公共财政问题远在富裕国家银行危机开始之前就已经积累

    Yet Greece’s public-finance problems were brewing long before the rich world’s banks started to falter.


  • 这个世界银行发布了一份清单:国家分为富裕中等贫穷几个级别

    This month the World Bank issued its annual list of countries by income category: rich, middle, poor.


  • 富裕国家需求仍然微弱特别是那些居民过度举债,银行系统遭到损坏的国家。

    Demand in the rich world will remain weak, especially in countries with over-indebted households and broken banking systems.


  • 哈萨克斯坦银行乌克兰公共财政悲剧那些管理完善,已经加入欧盟富裕小国没有什么关系。

    The woes of Kazakh banks or of Ukraine’s public finances have little to do with the countries, mainly smaller, richer and better governed, that are already in the EU.


  • 1997年中国开始影响世界价格年里,富裕世界的中央银行得很轻松

    For a decade after 1997 China's effect on world prices had made life easier for the rich world's central Banks.


  • 商人富裕地主他们都存放在南方邦联银行里,现在一分钱不值了。

    Businessmen and rich landowners had put their money in Confederate bonds, now completely worthless. Confederate war debts would never be paid.


  • 本期特别报道讨论各国银行例如印度教给富裕国家的银行很多东西

    This special report will argue that Banks in countries such as India and Kenya have much to teach those in the rich world.


  • 花旗希望通过专注于十几个大城市富裕阶层复苏他盈利微薄国内银行网络

    Citi is looking to revive its barely profitable domestic network by focusing on the wealthy in a dozen or so big cities.


  • 富裕国家批评人士指责中国通过国家控制银行提供低息贷款不公平地为企业提供补贴,还指责中国向海外倾销过剩供应

    Critics in rich countries accuse China of unfairly subsidizing companies via cheap loans from state-controlled Banks and dumping excess supply overseas.


  • 上世纪60年代穷苦亚洲资金严重匮乏西方却闲置着大量资本亚洲开发银行(asian Development Bank,ADB)因此应运而生,利用富裕国家盈余资金

    In the 1960s, impoverished Asia was starved of capital while the West had tons of it sitting idle.So the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was created to recycle the rich world's surpluses.


  • Santander银行砸下大笔金钱巴西富裕南部东南部积极扩展设立分行自动柜员机这里占巴西全国生产75%。

    Santander will spend the bulk of the money on an aggressive expansion of branches and ATMs in the richer south and south-east of the country, which accounts for some 75% of national output.


  • 我们银行家都希望我们更多的因为借款人使他们更加富裕

    Our bankers want us to borrow as much money as we can because borrowers make them richer.


  • 甚至是热心拥趸也承认银行隐私与潮流背道而驰,另一方面,富裕世界,那些所有银行包括离岸银行的不满情绪越来越强。

    Even the most ardent defenders of banking secrecy concede that the tide is turning against it, however. In the rich world, the mood against all big Banks has soured, including offshore ones.


  • 虽然大体上富裕国家银行贫穷国家银行彼此之间并不直接开展贷款借款交易,但数字上存在一种对称性,而这种对称性并不巧合

    Although by and large rich and poor countries' Banks are not lending to, or borrowing from, each other directly, there is a symmetry to the figures that is not entirely coincidental.


  • 渣打银行计划18个月内消费者银行业务招聘850名客户关系经理,以求在亚洲富裕消费者中取得市场份额

    Standard Chartered intends to hire about 850 relationship managers for its consumer banking business over the next 18 months, to gain a larger market share of affluent customers in Asia.


  • 这种变化而言,条件最为成熟的当属全世界富裕银行市场——美国

    None is more ripe for this change than America, the world's richest banking market.


  • 正如英国银行分红征税所显示富裕国家财政政策风险来自于公众对于银行应急救援高涨的愤怒。

    As Britain's tax on bank bonuses shows, fiscal policy in the rich world risks being driven by rising public fury at bankers and bail-outs.


  • 确信世界银行同事确信,土耳其成为欧盟成员国不仅可以使土耳其更加富裕可以使欧洲更加富裕

    I'm convinced and my colleagues in the World Bank are convinced that Turkish membership in the European Union will not only enrich Turkey but it will enrich Europe as well.


  • 加拿大蒙特利尔银行理财经理们过去总是该国富裕家庭听到同样的话帮帮

    Wealth managers at Bank of Montreal kept hearing the same things from Canada's richest families: Help me!


  • 大部分位于富裕世界少数新兴经济体中央银行担心通货膨胀

    Most other central Banks in the rich world and a fair few in emerging economies are supposed to worry only about inflation.


  • 西方化缩小大多数富裕国家银行他们盈亏账目看起来相差无几至于他们怎么还不得而知

    Less clearly Western is what most rich-world Banks these days would like their profit-and-loss accounts to look like, but it is not clear how they can achieve that.


  • 它们中的大多数机构错过主机时代这一时代使富裕世界许多银行背负上了日渐老化不够灵活电脑系统之重负。

    Most of them missed out on the mainframe era, which has left many rich-world Banks saddled with ageing and inflexible computer systems.


  • 它们中的大多数机构错过主机时代这一时代使富裕世界许多银行背负上了日渐老化不够灵活电脑系统之重负。

    Most of them missed out on the mainframe era, which has left many rich-world Banks saddled with ageing and inflexible computer systems.


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